Ontario’s Marineland Reopens on a Smaller Scale, Excluding Rides and Animals

Ontario’s Marineland Reopens on a Smaller Scale, Excluding Rides and Animals

After a troubled off-season, Marineland in Niagara Falls has reopened its doors with a scaled-down version of the popular attraction. Despite facing allegations of animal cruelty and the death of beluga whales, the park has made changes by closing some rides and animal exhibits as part of a redevelopment plan.

In March, Marineland was found guilty under Ontario’s animal welfare legislation for failing to comply with an order related to the care of three young black bears. This incident, along with other controversies, has sparked concerns from organizations like World Animal Protection Canada.

“I think they are on their last legs, but there should be an end to this,” said Michèle Hamers from World Animal Protection Canada.

As Marineland reopens with a new focus on redevelopment, it remains to be seen how the changes will impact the overall visitor experience. Critics and supporters alike will be watching closely to see how the park navigates its troubled past and moves forward in a more sustainable and responsible manner.

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Video “Scaled-down Marineland reopens in Ontario without rides and animals” was uploaded on 06/29/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News