The mystery of interstellar objects visiting our solar system continues to intrigue astronomers and scientists alike. The first known interstellar object, Oumuamua, made its appearance in 2017, sparking a wave of curiosity and speculation. Its unusual elongated shape and reddish hue left experts puzzled, leading to various theories about its origins and composition.
As more interstellar objects have been discovered, such as Comet 2i Borisov in 2019, the possibility of more visitors from distant star systems becomes increasingly likely. These interstellar travelers offer a unique opportunity to study the formation and evolution of other star systems, providing valuable insights into the universe beyond our own.
The recent sighting of Comet 96P Machholz One, suspected to be from outside our solar system, further adds to the excitement and mystery surrounding these celestial wanderers. Scientists are eagerly observing its behavior and composition, hoping to unravel more secrets about its origins and journey through space.
With ongoing advancements in technology and research, the study of interstellar objects promises to unlock new discoveries and deepen our understanding of the cosmos. As more of these mysterious visitors make their presence known, the possibilities for exploration and learning are endless.
Watch the video by BRIGHT SIDE Universe
Video Transcript
The very first known Interstellar object or ISO to pay a visit to our solar system was a rocky elongated interloper with a slightly reddish Hue it was spotted in 2017 and was dubbed with the Hawaiian name a mua mua it was almost 10 times as long as it was wide and it was
Extremely unusual objects in our solar system are rarely shaped this way so astronomers hoped it could provide some Clues into how other star systems Form and Function for hundreds of millions of years longer than I’ve been around this bizarre guest has been wandering through our home milkyway Galaxy not bothering to settle
Down in some star system and then it came across the solar system after the space traveler was discovered hundreds and probably even thousands of telescopes all over the world including eso’s very large telescope in Chile sprang into action they started measuring the object’s orbit its color and brightness that’s when it became
Apparent that the space Rock had an unusual orbit some astronomers suggested that alua mua was emitting hydrogen it had picked up during its Journey between Stars this was a simple explanation for the mystery that had evok lots of outlandish theories when this bizarre guest was first spotted upon entering
The solar system scientists were not sure what its nature was some claimed it was a comet others disagreed saying it didn’t have the features typical for comets a visible long tail and a coma which is a clot of gases surrounding the nucleus of a comet plus its shape was
Different from that of other comets the only thing that made a mua mua more comet-like was the way it accelerated as it went away from the Sun the unusual object started to slow down on its way out but in a strange way as if not only
Gravity was in play there it seemed like something was creating a force to counter this gravity but unfortunately this Theory didn’t quite fit either the problem is that comets usually have large quantities of water ice on their surface and as the sun heats this ice it
Gets ejected as jets of gas those Jets act as many rocket boosters but amoa mua not only had no tail whatsoever but it was also too small to capture enough solar energy to support this kind of activity of course this mysterious space visitor caused some more outlandish theories for example some people started
To claim that a mua mua could be a spacecraft sent by a civilization living in another star system however scientists found a better explanation a comet that is traveling between Stars gets cooked by Cosmic radiation these rays penetrate thick layers of ice converting up to 25% of water molecules
Into molecules of hydrogen and then this trapped hydrogen gets released when some star warms the comet the effects of this process are almost invisible this might be the reason why we didn’t see a spectacular taale accompanying omua mua at the same time the potential Comet was so small that this could produce enough
Force to power its acceleration as for the amount of ice released as amua mua was coming closer to the Sun it was likely too small for astronomers to spot it now even though amua mua was the first known Interstellar object to enter our solar system it wasn’t the last in
August 2019 Comet 2i borof visited us becoming the second ISO astronomers managed to spot now no one can argue that there are simply must be more visitors from far away star systems than those two isos are rare but our solar system is pretty old it must have been capturing some Interstellar Travelers
Over the millions and millions of years of its existence even though they never stayed for very long one study has taken a closer look at Interstellar objects and they concluded that these space Travelers might be caught not in solar orbits but in near Earth orbits the astronomers working on this project even
Go as far as to claim that there might be a lot of isos in orbit around Earth now finding tiny objects in the vastness of the cosmos is extremely tricky think about it what images of distant areas of space do we usually get mostly Stars sometimes unclear pictures of exoplanets
Even more rarely it can be discs of debris but fine detail in small space objects almost never so it’s actually lucky for us that other solar systems send their inhabitants to visit us because by studying isos we gain insight into the formation Evolution and functioning of other star
Systems have you ever heard of the orch cloud it’s the most most distant region of our solar system and it’s quite unusual you see the orbits of the planets lie mostly in the same flat disc surrounding the Sun but the orc cloud is believed to resemble a spherical shell
Surrounding the entire solar system it looks like a gigantic thick walled bubble made up of chunks of ice and other space debris as large as mountains or even bigger astronomers think that the or Cloud contains billions if not trillions of different objects there might also be a connection between
The or cloud and isos because scientists think that Interstellar objects might outnumber those from the solar system in this region even though no one has ever observed the or Cloud directly astronomers are sure it does exist they made such a conclusion after observing the distribution of comets in our solar
System the or Cloud could have formed from debris in the early solar system but some experts argue that the largest part of this unusual sh shell could be Interstellar in origin if travelers from other star systems are as common as some studies suggest lots of the bodies on
The edges of the solar system are likely to have originated in other systems sadly this Theory hasn’t been proven yet now since we’ve been talking about comets not Cupid or donder or Blitzen one of them has recently approached the Sun at Breakneck speed it was 96p Mach
Holse One this comet is around 3.7 M wide and astronomers think it might have arrived from outside the solar system the NASA European Space Agency solar and heliospheric Observatory spacecraft has been monitoring the comet so look at this that’s the comet’s tail it’s mostly made up of gas it’s trickling behind
Frozen chunks of ice that are getting heated by the radiation coming from the Sun in some cases a comic can have two tails one made of dust and the other consisting of gas and each of them can reach hundreds and in some extreme situations even millions of miles in
Length in 2008 scientists analyzed the material left by 150 comets they found out that the comet we’re talking about was quite low in carbon and didn’t contain a large enough amount of some other typical materials this could only mean one thing the comet was an interloper coming from another star system
It may have been ejected from its original solar system by the gravity of a large planet after that the poor homeless thing probably spent a large amount of time wandering around space until it came across Jupiter the gas giant could have bent the comet’s trajectory trapping it in orbit around
The sun there’s one more Theory according to it the comet formed in a poorly studied region of the solar system and it has this weird composition due to its repeated Journey Journeys around the Sun now scientists are watching the comet with anticipation like Christmas since it’s an atypical
One both in its behavior and composition they don’t know what they will see which makes the whole process even more exciting most comets falling toward the sun are quite small not more than 32 ft across that’s why they burn up as soon as they come close to our star but the
Sheer size of mol one which is more than 2/3 the height of Mount Everest seems to protect the comet from evaporating completely you know many different things have nothing in common at first glance the appearance of mysterious clouds over Stonehenge and the migration of wolves in Canada patterns on the
Wings of a Caribbean butterfly and strange footprints on the moon’s surface these are all random facts but people can see Connections in these events let’s see how it can happen and where it can lead to imagine reading some crazy article on one of the unreliable sites forgetting
About it and then beginning to notice small details in the world that might indicate that the information in this article is true you realize you’ve learned something unusual but for some reason other people don’t see it or don’t want to see it you try to tell
Them but no one wants to listen to you and some people even think you’ve gone mad let’s stop for a moment and see what kind of article you’ve so in 2017 one not so truthful site published a story about a ship from another planet called Black Knight that
Had been spying on people for 12,000 years but not long ago Agents from a secret organization managed to destroy it sounds like absolute nonsense or a plot for a cheap sci-fi movie of course you don’t believe it but a few years later you find a story about Nicola
Tesla let’s fast forward to 8 1999 the famous scientist was sitting in his laboratory in Colorado Springs conducting radio experiments suddenly his receiver caught a strange radio signal then after a while another one the signals came in with the same time interval as if someone wanted to send a
Message Nicola Tesla realized it could be something from extraterrestrial civilizations that were trying to start a dialogue with people using the most universal language math he also reported about this event in a magazine at the beginning of the 20th century and added that he hadn’t deciphered the message
Okay now let’s forget about it and see what happened next in 1927 an engineer from Oslo who was fond of radio devices was sending signals into open space he was surprised when sometime later the same signals began to return to his receiver it was as if the signals bounced off something
Big and echoed back or something received these messages and then sent them back to the sender to make an acquaintance the man quickly reported his Discovery to Scientific journals and perhaps someone connected this event with Nicola Tesla’s words about strain signals from space all this were just prerequisites for the Black Knight but
The most exciting events started decades later in the’ 60s Tha magazine published an article that said that the US had discovered a satellite orbiting Earth and using unknown technology a couple of years later project Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper reported that he had seen a strange object during his space flight
But the Black Knight became really famous only in the late 9s when NASA published a series of images of a mysterious object during the first flight to the ISS astronauts noted weirdly shaped somethings and took several pictures then someone gathered all the facts collected all the information about the black satellite
And discovered that it had been flying around our planet for more than 10,000 years how did they figure it out people managed to calculate the age of those radio signals that Tesla and the engineer had received if this is true the Black Knight appeared much earlier than the samarians in ancient Egypt what
If this satellite helped build pyramids and Majestic temples what if it had been watching over our development all this time and transmitting this information to another plan Planet what if mysterious images ancient people drew depicted the satellite people began to suspect NASA and other space agencies of hiding information about the black
Object to prevent panic and now after having received all the data about the mysterious satellite you might begin to suspect that the bizarre article may actually be true this news is so improbable and ridiculous that no one will believe it if you want to hide something hide it in
Plain sight and so together with other enthusiasts you start hunting for any information about the mysterious ship you create forums post photos of unknown objects and become obsessed with this topic you really believe in the reality of the Black Knight moreover you don’t want to question its existence and
People reading your articles do the same congratulations you have become an ideal candidate for creating fake news in the yellow press such myths and urban legends seem attractive the human brain feels pleasure when it finds fake secret information the feeling of mystery adrenaline and shock can cause psychological addiction that’s why the
Stories about the Black Knight are still alive mysterious facts seem logical and people stop seeing information that refutes their theories the case of the Black Knight is no exception the fans of this black object believe that Nicola Tes received signals from some space civilization but for some reason they don’t attach importance
To scientific articles which say that such radio signals could be sent by giant space objects like pulsars a pulsar is a rotating neutron star emitting powerful electromagnetic radiation such radiation is often found in space these radio waves don’t imply the presence of a mind and a sender the
Cosmos is full of such signals the technology for detecting such objects were created in the’ 60s or maybe Tesla’s device caught a signal coming from our planet besides the scientists didn’t see anything about the Black Knight so why did people connect these two events that story with the Norwegian
Engineer is still unexplained yes his signals returned as an echo but this had nothing to do with the flying object in question either you might as well say that the satellite somehow influenced the Titanic there’s no logic in such assumptions strangely no one connected the Black Knight with the yeti or the
Kraken now let’s return to that Times article about a strange object flying around Earth it also stated it was a fragment of an American reconnaissance satellite but fans of myths and legends apparently didn’t notice this explanation as for astronaut Cooper who was said to spot some object during his
Mission he actually saw nothing he even showed a transcript with no reports about the black satellite however some Believers in other civilizations keep silent about this fact so the main proof of the black Knight’s existence is the photos taken during the first flight to the ISS the astronauts noted the strange
Object and took pictures but it wasn’t a surprise for them because some part of the ship broke away during some work they did outside it was a piece of thermal coating the astronauts sent the photo to NASA and the space agency assigned it a personal number as it does
With all such objects a few days later the Black Knight fell out of orbit and burned up an Earth’s atmosphere almost all this information was recorded in official protocols one of NASA’s Engineers who knew the photographer of the black satellite explained that those famous photos depicted an ordinary piece of the ship
There was nothing fantastic about it but the fans of extraterrestrial Rockets must have missed all this information information all these myths have long been debunked and all the false facts have been refuted but the Black Knight continues to live in many people’s minds and on the pages of the yellow press it
Has become a link between many reports of strange flying objects over the years hundreds of stories have appeared about secret Laboratories with extraterrestrial Technologies about NASA hiding secrets and about creatures from other planets and many people connected these myths with the black satellite it has stopped being a real physical object
Now it’s a cultural phenomenon remember how the main symbol of extraterrestrial civilizations with a flying saucer is not trending anymore today the symbol is a black weirdly shaped stall don’t be fooled we fly away from Earth to look at it from a distance it glows like a
Holiday tree big cities look like yellow spots at night and during the day we see strange structures like a palm tree shaped island in the UAE or a dark band that runs all the way through China the great wall these are traces of human existence now let’s Point our telescope
At other planets Mars it’s just an empty endless desert Venus only rocks and volcanoes even if we look into distant space all the planets out there are deserted and lifeless not a single trace of an extraterrestrial civilization many people are convinced that life on Earth Earth isn’t unique at all here’s our
Galaxy there are billions of sunlike stars and here is the entire observable universe with billions of such galaxies there’s an almost infinite number of stars and near each of them there may be habitable worlds but we may not have found life on other planets because it hides from us under the surface for
Example there’s Europa a satellite of Jupiter slightly smaller than our moon its structure resembles a softboiled egg its surface is a hard crust of ir but if you take a big enough drill you can get to the liquid Yol an ocean of water Jupiter and its satellites are
Very far from the Sun so it’s quite cold there about 270° below zero so liquid water instantly turns to ice but Jupiter has a strong gravitational force that causes a lot of friction inside Europa and its core heats up the heat melts the ice and we have a watery ocean under the
Surface water is the foundation of all life so there could be simple bacteria in that ocean and who knows maybe there are other life forms out there for example weirdly shaped fish because of the weak gravity their bodies are built differently or something like whales feeding on plankton in 2009 scientists
Found a planet that is completely covered by an ocean gj1 1214 it’s about 40 light years from Earth and about 75% of its mass is water still the temperatures on this planet are so high that water evap operates and takes the form of super liquid water there’s so
Much steam that it feels as thick as water itself no life could exist in such conditions but scientists have recently found at least 24 planets better than Earth and called them superhabitable these planets orbit distant stars in their habitable zone it’s The Sweet Spot at a perfect distance from the star in
Our solar system Venus Earth and Mars are in this Zone a super habitable planet must be 10% larger than than Earth and have stronger gravity that way it can have a denser atmosphere a temperature 8° higher than on Earth would make the planet more humid this would encourage a variety of living
Organisms there these planets may be great for life but it’s hard to tell if there is life there already the main marker that would confirm the existence of an advanced civilization there might be radio waves imagine a habitable planet similar to Earth in the process of evolution intelligent beings appeared
There like humans they’re much taller because of low gravity and their eyes are adapted to the light from another star much brighter than the sun sooner or later this civilization will have to use radio waves to communicate with each other we can think of these waves as loud sound from speakers here’s Earth
We’re now actively using radio waves and the noise coming from our planet is pretty serious if a neighboring Planet had radio telescopes big dishes that catch these waves they would realize that life is blooming here there are many radio telescopes on Earth that are pointed into distant space waiting for a
Signal from Aliens but we haven’t received anything yet still that doesn’t mean there isn’t a planet somewhere in the universe that emits radio waves it’s all about distance we’re jumping 200 Lighty years to another star suppose there’s a Planet X where life exists the civilization here is Advanced enough to
Use radio waves so they release the first wave into space our radio telescopes won’t be able to pick it up until 200 years later this also works the other way around radio communication on Earth has only existed since 1895 our radio signal won’t reach Planet X until
2095 and only then the aliens will hear our voice but this radio noise doesn’t stay for long every year our technology improves and our radio noise decreases we’re beginning to use mobile Communication cable TV and fiber optics this all reduces the volume of our planet in the radio spectrum and soon it
Will simply become invisible to other planets the same thing is happening on the other side so the radio waves coming from civilizations are a brief blip on the cosmic scale and we can’t accept radio silence as proof that extraterrestrial life doesn’t exist a giant telescope which could take a
Direct photo of a possibly inhabited planet would change the situation we zoom in on the photo and there it is we see alien cities with tall buildings and lots of antennas but now we can’t look that far away we can take pictures of Mars and its satellites and even their
Quality misleads us for example Sedonia it looks just like a human face on Mars we thought there used to be an ancient civilization there that made some sort of sculpture or Memorial more extravagant theories said it was the remains of a giant human and there’s a
Whole body of it under the Sands of Mars but in fact it was just a hill strong winds blew out some Hollows there and when there was a shadow in those Hollows we took them for human eyes and a mouth or a monolith on Mars’s satellite Phobos
We found a smooth Rock there that was almost as tall as the Pyramid of chops the news has spawned many theories about the civilization that built it but it turned out to be no more than a rock the infinite number of stars and worlds around them almost guarantees the
Existence of other civilizations so why wouldn’t they come to earth right we think that life throughout the Universe develops in similar scenarios the emergence of simple life forms followed by Evolution and growth of a technologically advanced civilization but just like on Earth cataclysms happened there too causing mass extinctions meteorites for example
Perhaps there was a civilization out there ready to go into outer space but a huge meteorite like the one that wiped the dinosaurs off the Earth’s surface made that Civilization disappear and life on that planet began a new cycle from scratch in addition the more advanced the civilization the greater
The risk of its self-destruction scientists might conduct experiments in machines like the Large Hadron Collider and accidentally create a black hole there it would begin to swallow everything around it and grow in size soon all the superdevil cities of this civilization and the entire planet would simply disappear another possibility for
Super Advanced civilizations is to travel through wormholes those are tunnels and SpaceTime between universes aliens might travel through them and lose interest in going back but it’s also possible that life on Earth is unique that’s because our planet was formed thanks to a number of incredible coincidences the first is the location
Of our solar system in the galaxy in the Milky Way There are constant fireworks of exploding Supernova the radiation from these explosions destroys everything around it at Great distances our solar system is Right In The Sweet Spot of the galactic orbit where we’re safe from such explosions another Factor
Is the moon one theory of the formation of the Moon says that about 4.5 billion years ago a meteorite the size of Mars crashed into us if the impact had been straight the Earth would have just broken apart and if that meteorite had only scratched the Earth the pieces
Would have just flown away but the Collision occurred precisely so that part of the meteorite remained in Earth’s orbit and formed the moon then the moon stabilized the Earth’s rotation and heated our core with gravity only then our planet developed a magnetic field which protects us from the solar
Wind other scientists believe that life outside Earth may be biochemically different carbon and water are the basis of our bodies but carbon could be replaced with silicon or phosphorus and water could be replaced with ammonia or methane these atoms could form molecules of different shapes and perhaps assemble
Into a living organism life based on such elements would be unlike anything seen on Earth are we really by ourselves in the universe it’s a daunting question that’s been haunting us for centuries no wonder scientists have tried to come up with all sorts of ideas as to why one of the strangest theories
Concerning our lack of contact with other life forms is named The Dark Forest Theory let’s start small well sort of we’ll focus on our Milky Way for now to better understand this Theory our Cosmic neighborhood is a galactic Wonderland sprinkled with 200 billion twinkling stars and maybe around 100
Billion planets so let’s get hypothetical for a moment and say a tiny part of those habitats post life further out of those life bearing planets a few might have evolved into intelligent beings given that you’d think we’d be kneed deep in weird looking neighbors some of whom might be
Actively trying to find us or might just be out there waiting to be discovered now let’s put a little science into this science fiction scenario we have something called the Drake equation which is a kind of universal roll call that estimates how many smart civilizations could pop up in
Our galaxy you can think of this equation is the super smart road map by playing around with a few important factors the equation hints that there should be around 20 civilizations just in our Galactic backyard so why haven’t we stumbled upon any at this Theory isn’t an easy task it’s a
Mixed bag of multiple variables like the average number of planets per solar system that could potentially host life or the rate at which stars suitable for intelligent life are formed a tricky part here is that astronomers have yet to solidify the exact values of these variables which means our calculations
Are just approximations for now but back to the Milky Way shall we fit in our hypothetical assumptions crunch the numbers and you get at least 20 civilizations yet somehow our Cosmic switchboard remains weirdly silent how come this radio Silence has its own name too the fmy Paradox named after the guy who
First thought hey where is everybody over 50 years ago since then we’ve had a lot of different theories trying to solve this mystery all tinkering with different aspects of the Drake equation some folks think the appearance of life is a rare event others think that getting from bacteria to advanc beings
Is the tricky part yet some reckon that civilizations might either wipe themselves out after a short lifespan or never even get to invent something they could communicate with but there’s one theory that tops all others in its creepiness the Dark Forest Theory according to it the universe is a
Huge Cosmic version of a haunted forest and other types of creatures are out there playing a game of hide and seek they’re intentionally keeping silent why well the Dark Forest theory was best explained in a Sci-Fi novel and the rationale goes something like this for starters every life form wants
To stay alive I’ll by that if we go with that assumption it’s impossible to be sure whether other life forms might harm you if they get the chance so the safest bet is to take them out before they find the right time to do the same to you Frankly Speaking it’s the universe’s
Version of the survival of the fittest in this scenario making contact with others becomes the most dangerous game as it could lead to your location being traced and you being wiped out how human this results in everyone keeping quiet a kind of universal shush where every civilization tries to hide in utter Cosmic
Silence but hey is this just an idea good for a thrilling novel or does it have some real world implications well the theory was suggested by scientist David Brin as a possible explanation for the lack of radio evidence for non- earthlike life he went as far as
Imagining it would be robots that would do the Dirty Work of wiping out civilizations but how realistic is this Theory anyway well it doesn’t require us to assume a lot of stuff about the behavior of all foreign civilizations just one Advanced race behaving this way could explain our observed
Reality and it might explain why we’ve not picked up any advanced radio chatter despite A Century of EAS dropping it’s possible that other creatures like us are too terrified of being noticed and have gone radio silent on purpose but and it’s a big butt like mine it does
Base itself on the notion that other species sheare our level of risk aversion and logic or that there’s a rogue civilization out there picking off anyone they perceive as a threat and that’s a pretty significant assumption if that doesn’t sound creepy this next piece of information certainly
Will for about a century now we’ve been shouting our existence into the cosmos if this Theory proves to be correct every other civilization within 100 light years of us might be getting our signals and knowing exactly where we are and if we have reasons to hide from them
As suggested by some like Steven Hawking we might already be in trouble but what if this Theory isn’t true what if sooner than we’d like to imagine weird Galactic creatures will indeed try to reach us the truth is most of us wouldn’t even know what to
Do hey let’s not get over ourselves in fact some scientists are tackling this issue head on one for the first time since the 1980s Specialists are trying to cook up a how-to guide for when we inevitably bump into Cosmic neighbors for instance some researchers believe we’ve got to do more than just
Worry about how these life forms could shake up our world if they send any type of radio signals down here we’ve got to think about our reply what are we going to say hey we’re humans nice to meet you absolutely not we’ve got to do better than that
See the only plan we’ve had till now came from a rough blueprint dating from 1989 this guide is a bit wishy-washy on what to do when the entire world gets the outer worldly text mostly it says hey let’s share the news with everyone but then what if we confirm it’s legit
Officials will need to ask the United Nations for advice but hey does the United Nations even have a plan maybe who knows we we’ve been doing loads of space exploring lately some say we’ve stumbled upon water on Mars others are sure we’ve spotted some planets that could be twins
To Earth so the idea of finding life elsewhere isn’t that far-fetched but even after a 100 Years of trying to chat with Cosmic beings it’s still a one-sided conversation this new protocol isn’t just about chatting up Outsiders it’s also going to act as our Cosmic voicemail checking messages from outer
Space it aims not just to decode the external lingo it’s also planning to figure out what these messages could mean for us the plan is also to draft reports about how different policies could impact us and set up guidelines on how to respond to these space
Texts so will we ever get a message from our Cosmic mates only time will tell but what we do know is that we just can’t wing it we can’t be caught off guard and start a planet-wide frenzy when we get that otherworldly what’sapp we got to
Have a plan and we got to have it ready for when we’re face to face with the real deal I mean we’ve come across a lot of potential such sightings but none of them prove to be genuine on that note us authorities checked over a 100 cases of
Weird stuff going on in the skies I’ll spare you the details but not one green creature was ever found more like drones and similar stuff floating around so as we stand on the cusp of this potentially game-changing event we must strive to be prepared whether our Intergalactic neighbors drop us a text
Tomorrow or centuries from now we need a plan after all this could change everything we know about our universe and our place within it now I don’t want to Spook you but there’s a chance that our entire Milky Way galaxy is located in the so-called space void it’s a region where there’s relatively
Little matter compared to other corners of the known universe and it’s much less dense than it is elsewhere in the universe in other words we might exist in an air bubble in a cake if that’s true it would mean that we’re even loner than we thought
H in our universe all the galaxies are constantly moving away from each other in order to understand how far they move away scientists use something called the hubo latra constant it’s like a speedometer but for Galaxies however there’s a cosmic mystery called the Hubble tension it’s challenging what
We know about the universe’s expansion scientists used to consider the Hubble lator constant a reliable guide but our recent observations question this reliability the speeds we see in real life don’t match up with the distances we calculated and expected they aren’t sure why these measurements don’t add up researchers followed the moves of
Supernovas and and saw that the Universe seems to expand faster around us than it does overall as if it’s actively avoiding us specifically H after considering this they began to assume that we might all live in a cosmic void Cosmic voids are vast empty spaces between galaxies kind of like between my
Ears they make our entire world look like a big sponge now let’s go back to the beginning just a fraction of a second after the big bang right right after the beginning of everything the universe was a hot compressed plasma it only had very tiny variations in density called Quantum fluctuations after the
Big bang the universe began to expand those Quantum fluctuations grew together with it creating regions of varying matter density because of that the Universe didn’t expand everywhere uniformally instead little claps of matter began to gather together over a long period of time creating massive structures galaxies galaxies are arranged in huge
Walls and filaments with enormous gaps in between and these gaps are voids also known as dark space now these voids aren’t truly empty in fact they actually hold more than 15% of the amount of matter found on average throughout the entire universe they still contain gas dust dark matter and
Even stars and galaxies however they have less density than regions with galaxies about a tenth of the average matter density which is why we consider them nearly empty usually they’ll have a diameter ranging from about 30 to 300 million Lighty years that is an enormous distance even on a space scale for
Comparison most planets and nebulas we found so far have a distance of hundreds and rarely thousands of light years away from us in the case of voids if you were in the middle of one it would just look like seemingly Eternal Darkness the closest Stars would be so far away that
They would be almost invisible to you some of them are especially large they’re known as super voids the largest known one was creatively named giant void ooh it’s so big it’s impossible for us to even imagine 1.5 billion Lighty years away with a diameter of 1 to 1.3
Billion light years yeah it’s basically a big dark vacuum but even this giant vacuum isn’t entirely empty the giant void houses 17 separate Galaxy clusters within its expanse however it might not be the biggest emptiness in our universe there’s this thing called the CMB cold spot it’s this unusually large and
Chilly area of our universe that we saw through the microwaves it really stood out on the map of our universe with its unexpectedly low temperatures and scientists have spent many years trying to figure out what the thing is in 2015 scientists proposed that this place might be a supervoid and probably the
Largest one ever being even more original when this one they called it the great void if it’s true this place would be an emptiness of about 1.8 billion Lighty years in diameter about a thousand times larger than typical voids not everyone thinks that’s possible so scientists keep arguing over this one
There’s another interesting Theory going about this place one researcher suggested that this place might have been a trace on our collision with a parallel world it’s a pretty bold hypothesis but unfortunately there’s no way for us to confirm or deny it with our current Technologies in any case as
The universe expands these voids will grow and the walls connecting Galaxy clusters will stretch and break eventually the voids will merge leaving gravitationally bound Galaxy clusters as islands in the expanding emptiness in other words sooner or later the great emptiness will consume everything in our
World so it turns out we might be a rare occasion in a supervoid one of the 15% of M this would explain why we’re surrounded by relatively few galaxies this discovery if true challenges the standard model of cosmology which we created with Albert Einstein’s help it would mean that gravity in general
Behaves differently than what we expected according to the standard model such a significant under density shouldn’t exist because of that scientists will have to explore and consider this idea thoroughly it might just challenge our very basic understanding of physics the scientists call this the local hole the discovery
Of the local hole May hold Clues to explaining the FY Paradox maybe in this specific part of the universe where we hang out the chance of intelligent life developing anywhere nearby is very low perhaps all of the sensient beings hang out somewhere beyond our supervoid but that doesn’t mean we
Should lose hope or that life anywhere nearby is impossible in fact life in the universe might be much more common than we previously thought we know that the inner planets like Mercury and Venus are inhospitable due to extreme conditions however Venus looks interesting because even though it’s a crazy toxic Planet
Scientists believe that it was very earthlike in the past it could have even hosted life unfortunately it was too close to the Sun and all the nice conditions evaporated over time but there’s a possibility of microbial life surviving in its high altitude clouds Mars a cold desert also might have been
A friendlier place in the past with rivers and lakes though now it lacks a protective atmosphere ancient life might have existed there in that case it would leave potential fossils and underground microbes could still survive we’ve discovered some signs of them but are still debating whether this stuff was
Truly organic or not the gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn and ice giants are not ideal for life but their moons offer hope Europa has an ocean beneath its icy surface making it a potential Hot Spot Inus releases water into space carrying complex molecules that hint at interesting possibilities and Titan is
Especially unique it has liquid bodies on its surface rivers and lakes of hydrocarbons while its frigid temperatures aren’t great for life scientists Ponder if it might host life with a different kind of chemistry however it will take us decades to check all these celestial bodies and study them properly we haven’t sent anything
So far since the times of Voyager 2 but if we’re lucky we might explore our solar system during the 21st century we might explore our solar system during the the 21st century in any case there’s a lot of potential for life even in our solar system alone not even mentioning all the
Planets and galaxies we found nearby our estimates suggest that the observable universe the one we can see might host around 5.3 trillion habitable worlds one of the most likely candidates so far is Kepler 186f it’s a potential earthlike Planet just 10% larger than Earth this planet orbits a red dwarf star which is
A star a bit dimmer colder but more long living than our sign and it’s only about 490 Lighty years away which may sound like a lot but remember what distances we’ve discussed with super voids so even if we really are in the supervoid we’re still lucky to have many galaxies and
Planets around and if one day we’ll find a way to travel through the universe leaving the local hole probably wouldn’t be a problem Voyager 1 which has been traveling through Interstellar space for more than 45 years and is trailing a long Gray beard by this time nah not really it
Suddenly began to send strange signals to Earth even more bizarre there are no signs that the probe has broken or anything scientists from NASA are desperately trying to find the reason so what’s happened exactly first of all let me tell you a bit more about Voyager 1
And its long long journey Voyager 1 is an American space probe scientists from NASA sent it into space on September 5th 1977 voyager’s goal was to explore the outer planets of our solar system namely Jupiter and Saturn initially scientists assumed that the mission would take about 5 years the jok’s on them the
Probe exceeded all expectations not only did it fulfill its Mission but it’s still working for much longer than expected Voyager 1 has been wandering around space for more than 45 years it’s hard to estimate what Voyager 1 has done for science firstly it successfully sent
A lot of photos of Jupiter and Saturn to Earth by the way you can even check out these photos yourself all of them are published on the NASA website thanks to Voyager we also discovered several new moons of Jupiter and a previously unknown system of its rings we learned that Jupiter’s famous
Red spot is actually a giant super fast storm and after leaving Neptune’s orbit behind Voyager also sent a lot of important data about Interstellar plasma so Voyager 1 successfully proved to scientists how useful it was after that it happily headed for its next goal the Kyper belt and the heliosphere the Kyper
Belt is a ring of icy bodies that extends from Neptune to a distance of approximately 50 AU from the sun it’s kind of similar to the asteroid belt but about 20 times wider and 100 times heavier and the heliosphere is an area around the Sun where the pressure of the solar
Wind is balanced with the pressure of interstellar gas yeah I know it sounds like some hard scientific stuff just keep in mind that this data really helps us understand the universe as a whole so this is voyager’s last task to tell us more about Interstellar space the probe
Has already sent us more than 60 frames for a mosaic of the solar system from a distance of over 4 billion mil from earth scientists Ed these frames to make a big colored picture the photo was called The Pale Blue Dot and you’ve probably already guessed what that dot
Is yep that’s what our earth looks like through Voyager eyes this photo clearly shows how tiny we really are and how precious and fragile our planet is but Voyager One also has another even more important mission to tell other civilizations about us humans you might have heard about the famous Voyager golden
Records people created many audio and video files and added them to these records there are a few sections the first one contains hello in 55 languages including ancient and extinct ones almost 80% of the recordings are different musical pieces like B Beethoven Mozart and Stravinsky folk music from different countries and ages
And a bit of the Blues like famous songs by LS Armstrong and Chuck Barry the remaining 20% of the recordings contain different human voices sounds of nature and animals as well as 116 images encoded as audio signals there’s also recordings of speeches by Kurt Waldheim a former un Secretary General and Jimmy
Carter a former US president these are just some friendly messages in addition to the records scientists also packed a needle for playing them don’t worry they also left a simple drawing that showed how to use all this stuff and how to translate The Sounds into pictures they added Earth’s
Coordinates which they created using a pulsar map it shows the position of the sun in the Milky Way the record was packed in an aluminum case and covered with gold to protect it against radiation and Cosmic dust carrying this record Voyager 1 set off on its long journey and it has
Already traveled quite a distance I’d say Right Now Voyager 1 is 154 astronomical units away from us that’s about 142 billion miles this makes it the most remote human-made object initially this title belonged to the Pioneer 10 Mission but Voyager overtook it in 1998 what a bargain for NASA it’s Way
Beyond Its Best Buy Date Voyager 1 is actually so cool that it even overtook its twin brother Voyager 2 which by the way had been sent into space 2 weeks earlier Voyager 1 moves at a speed of 9.7 m m per second that’s 35,000 mph even the fastest sports car in the world
Travels at a speed of only 305 mph so it’s hard to imagine the speed of Voyager anyway at the moment Voyager is heading to the borders of the or Cloud that’s the name of a hypothetical layer of icy objects surrounding the solar system astronomers haven’t confirmed its existence yet but they’re almost sure
It’s there after all even black holes were only a theory not so long ago unfortunately Voyager 1 won’t return back to the solar system it’ll keep in touch with Earth at least until 2025 but eventually we’ll lose the connection with it for good in 300 years
It’ll reach the borders of the or cloud and in 30,000 years I won’t be around then it’ll finally leave the solar system and if nothing happens to it along the way in another 10,000 years Voyager 1 will approach Red Dwarf star gley 445 in the giraffe constellation in
The future the probe will probably keep wandering around the Milky Way galaxy and now let’s finally discuss the mysterious signals part so what happened well a rather unusual thing NASA’s jet propulsion laboratory which monitors and controls both voyagers reported this problem in May 2022 our veteran spacecraft suddenly began sending
Strange data to Earth the whole situation puzzles even Engineers from NASA now I bet you’re thinking ah come on the thing just probably broke down or something but the truth is that Voyager one is totally fine it works as usual receives and carries out commands from Earth and collects and send scientific
Data but the readings of the aacs which stands for attitude and articulation control subsystem don’t show what is actually happening to Voyager anymore this system supports the orientation of the pr in space and helps it keep in touch with Earth so basically the signals mean that the probe’s
Orientation in space is messed up but scientists claim this is not the case they know that the source of the antenna signal remains in the same position relative to Earth as planned the problem hasn’t triggered any of the onboard Fall Protection Systems the probe hasn’t even
Entered safe mode so what in the world or universe is going on Suzanne DOD the head of the project says that the problem is not actually that unexpected after all Voyager 1 is already 45 years old the expert admits that what’s happening to the probe remains a mystery
To them they don’t know exactly where the incorrect data is coming from and it’s unclear how this will affect the operation of Voyager she adds though that it’s not that surprising considering that the probe is in interstellar space there’s a very high level of radiation there no spacecraft has ever reached that point
Before scientists from Nasa say they’ll keep closely monitoring the data coming from Voyager 1 until they figure out the problem if they find it the management team will try to fix it otherwise the team will have to adapt to the new conditions it might not be enough just
To understand the problem though it takes as much as 20 hours and 33 minutes to receive the signal from Voyager and it takes the same amount of time to respond to it well at least the second spacecraft Voyager 2 is totally fine even though it’s also currently an
Interstellar space at a distance of 12 billion miles from Earth anyway we can only wait for news and hope that the problem will be resolved I actually wonder how much longer can Voyer one last will it be able to fly to the borders of the orc cloud in 300 years
What do you think I’d like to hear your thoughts in the comments at the edge of our solar system there’s a cold and mysterious region known as the ort Cloud it’s a hypothetical vast area of icy space objects surrounding the sun it’s believed to lie far far away from our
Star from 2,000 to 5,000 astronomical units for comparison Pluto’s orbit carries the planet between 30 and 50 astronomical units from the Sun and there in this freezing emptiness a rogue Planet may be hiding right at the moment at least that’s what new research has recently suggested rogue planets are
Called this way because they don’t orbit around any Star they wander the Galaxy alone totally untethered without Stars they don’t have days or nights only Eternal Darkness Roga planets are usually kicked out of their planetary systems doomed to a solitary existence of circling the center of the Galaxy on their own of the
Thousands of planets scientists have detected outside of our solar system only a dozen or so are starless and cruising on their own at the same time there might be billions or even trillions of rogue planets wandering around our galaxy if these estimations are true it might mean that the Milky
Way contains more free floating planets than Stars anyway in 1907 one astronomer started a search for Planet X it’s a hypothetical giant planet moving around the Sun beyond the orbit of Neptune the scientist was convinced that this planet existed because he had observed some irregularities in the
Orbits of Uranus and Neptune his idea led to the discovery of Pluto in 1930 but the dwarf planet was too small to have any serious gravitational impact on the orbit of neptuni let alone Uranus these days the Planet X theory is largely considered to be discredited but it hasn’t stopped astronomers from
Searching for planets in the far reaches of our solar system and shockingly a new study claims there might be one or even more out there but much much further away than predicted an international team of scientists has recently simulated the unstable Celestial mechanisms of the early solar system they’ve disced Ed
That there’s a possibility that a few planet-sized bodies might have come to rest in the ort Cloud you see about 4.5 billion years ago when the solar system was just forming it was a hectic and unsettled Place gravity sent debris from the cooling protoplanetary dust cloud hurtling around like Cosmic tennis balls
From time to time large chunks of this debris even Planet siiz ones were sent flying far enough to escape the Sun’s gravity altogether such pieces of debris turned into rogue planets researchers have seen such space Wanderers in distant exoplanetary systems but according to them there’s a
0.5% chance that one or more of those Wayward planets formed in the solar system and ended up in the OR Cloud after drifting away from the Sun at the same time it’s slightly more likely that a rogue neptun like planet was snagged by the Sun’s gravity from another
Planetary system and then this planet came to rest somewhere in the ort Cloud the chances that this scenario is true reach 7% if this turns out to be the case then a space body similar to Planet X might indeed be hiding out there on the outskirts of our solar system the only
Problem is that it would still be too far away to have any impact on Neptune’s orbit in any case most researchers are convinced that the or cloud is made up of a collection of way smaller icy objects but given the distance to the ort cloud and its enormous size we may
Never really figure out what is lurking out There the James web Space Telescope an astounding piece of equipment built to outperform the Hubble Space Telescope has made a terrifying and amazing discovery that might completely change our perception of the universe it has successfully detected a faint glow coming from a staggering 7 trillion miles away can this glow be shining City
Lights coming from some mysterious extraterrestrial World galaxies away from us well let’s start from the beginning a few years ago NASA’s infrared Spitzer Space Telescope helped us spot a family of seven Rocky exoplanets orbiting the same star this star is known as Trappist 1 and recently our new infrared Powerhouse the James
Web telescope has measured the temperature of One of Those Distant Worlds it was a planet called trapist 1B unfortunately it turned out that this earthlike planet was totally uninhabitable astronomers took James web’s mid infrared camera called Miri and looked at the planet’s thermal emissions we can picture the whole
Process as scientists using heat sensing Terminator vision the results were quite disappointing Trappist 1B turned out to be scorching its average temperature was around 450° F that’s as hot as in an oven plus the planet most likely doesn’t have any atmosphere at the same time this discovery was another
Record-breaking first for the telescope which had already produced some newsworthy results by that time it was the first time researchers detected any form of light emitted by a small and relatively cool exoplanet similar to the rocky planets in our own solar system no previous telescope had enough sensitivity to measure such dim mid
Infrared light when seven trapist one exoplanets were first discovered the astronomical Community was ecstatic that’s because all those Faraway worlds were about the size of our home planet and located in their Stars habitable zone it’s the region that is just the right distance away from a star for
Liquid water to exist on a planet surface thus the planetary system became the best place to look for rocky planets with an atmosphere but don’t get too excited yet these planets aren’t likely to become new worlds for humans to explore mostly because the Trappist one planets are totally out of our reach at
The moment they’re just too far away at a whopping 235 trillion miles away their star is also much smaller and redder than our sun it’s classified as an M dwarf star in our home Milky Way galaxy there are twice as many of such stars as there are stars like the sun and there
They’re also twice as likely to have rocky planets orbiting it’s probably not surprising that astronomers are very interested in such Stars they’re the main targets for seeking potentially habitable planets and it’s also way easier and more convenient to observe rocky planets around such smaller stars but there’s a catch M dwarfs are more
Active than our sun they frequently flare and spew high energy rays which are likely to be extremely damaging to planet’s atmospheres and any forms of extraterrestrial life when researchers examine trapist 1B before their observations weren’t sensitive enough to determine whether this world had an atmosphere or if it was just a Barren
Rock but now we know the planet is tidily locked to its star which means that one of its sides always faces the star while the other is stuck in Perpetual Darkness the latest simulations suggest that if this planet had an atmosphere its temperatures would be much lower since the air would
Redistribute the heat around both sides of the planet unfortunately the James web telescope recorded much hotter temperatures than needed for such a favorable scenario it indicates the absence of an atmosphere and knocks the planet off our list of possibly habitable worlds but the main excitement here isn’t actually the features of
Trappist 1B the main takeaway is that James web is capable of making such kinds of measurements it’ll help us explore the atmospheres and temperatures of many other Distant Worlds our galaxy is home to 200 billion stars and maybe a 100 billion planets let’s imagine that life exists on a tiny
Fraction of those places and let’s imagine that those lives could evolve into intelligent beings given that it would seem safe to say that our galaxy would be populated and some species would be actively trying to find us we have an equation called the break equation that can estimate how many
Intelligent civilizations might arise in our galaxy the equation suggests that there should be around 20 civilizations just on the outskirts of our galaxy so why haven’t we encountered any of them yet the work of Frank Drake a radio astronomer published in 1961 is a set of many variables such as
The average number of planets in a solar system that could potentially Harbor life or the rate at which stars are suitable for intelligent life form the complexity here is that astronomers have yet to determine the exact values of these variables meaning that our calculations are still only approximate but recent discoveries in
These areas give us hope that we can refine these estimates let’s use our hypothetical assumptions and apply them to our galaxy let’s crunch the numbers and it comes up to at least 20 civilizations yet somehow the sky remains strangely silent how did this happen some people think that the
Appearance of life is a rare event others think that the transition from bacteria to highly developed beings is a difficult step still others believe that civilizations May either destroy themselves after a short lifespan or may never even invent something with which they could communicate but there is one theory that
Surpasses all the others in its creepiness the Dark Forest Theory according to it the universe is a vast Cosmic version of a haunted forest and other kinds of beings are out there somewhere playing hide and seek they are deliberately keeping silent why well for starters every form of life wants to
Survive if we start with that assumption we can ask the question will other forms of life harm you if they have the chance so the safest option is to destroy them before they find the right time to do the same to you Frankly Speaking this is a cosmic version of survival of the
Fittest in this scenario making contact with others becomes the most dangerous game as it could lead to your location being tracked down and you being destroyed the theory was proposed by scientist David Brin as a possible explanation for the lack of radio evidence for the existence of life but
How realistic is this Theory only one Advanced race behaving in this way could answer that question so far this Theory explains why we are not picking up any Advanced Radio Transmissions despite A Century of listening it is possible that other beings like us are too afraid of being noticed and have deliberately gone
Silent it is worth considering that there may have been a point at which everyone decided to keep quiet was it an aggressive civilization that deliberately wiped out the noisy aliens the question is open for for about a century now we have been those very noisy aliens any other civilization within a
100 light years of us can receive our signals and know exactly where we are and if we have reasons to hide from them as some people such as Steven Hawkings suggest we may already be in trouble so will we ever receive a message from our Cosmic Partners only time will tell but
What we do know for sure is that we cannot just brush this off we can not allow Panic to spread across the planet when we receive that alien WhatsApp we need to have a plan and we need to have it ready by the time we are faced with
The real situation the US authorities have investigated over a 100 cases of strange phenomena occurring in the sky no little green men have ever been found more likely drones and similar objects whether our Intergalactic neighbors will send us a message tomorrow or centuries later we need a plan after all this
Could change everything we know about our universe and our place in it when a team of astronomers embarked on an ambitious project to craft a comprehensive 3D depiction of our galaxy they anticipated standard findings yet they stumbled upon something completely unexpected Dr Anna banaka a distinguished scientist from Harvard
Detected an unusual interference in the Stellar streams of our galaxy these Stellar streams are essentially Pathways of stars that Traverse galaxies in unison the specific stream in Focus named gd1 spans a remarkable distance across our Celestial canvas historically this stream maintained a consistent line molded by the Galaxy’s gravitational
Pull however Dr bonaka observed an anomaly a gap with an irregular outline it appeared as though a massive entity had recently burst through gd1 its gravitational prowess pull building Stars along its path intriguingly telescopes couldn’t pinpoint what caused this disruption the burning question then was what could this invisible force
Possibly be I hope this unknowable Force doesn’t stop you from clicking the Subscribe button giving it a like and hitting the Bell your support is very important thank you there’s a hypothesis that an unfamiliar star could be the culprit however Dr bonica believes that the size of this disturbance is much
Larger than any known star it would need to be a staggering million times the mass of our sun but let’s consider another possibility what if a gargantuan black hole akin to the one at our Galaxy’s core caused this disruption in the Milky Way if two such black holes
Neared each other they might get trapped in their Mutual gravitational pull leading to a potential catastrophic Collision then the stronger of the two holes would consume the weaker ones and one huge Super Mighty black hole would appear but people have yet to witness a collision of black holes plus scientists
Can’t predict the consequences of such a merge even though they’ve simulated it on powerful computers the only obvious fact is that it would produce incredible amounts of energy huge ripples would travel through the entire universe bound to hit our planet eventually then again two black holes in one Galaxy might refuse to
Merge imagine this a super massive black hole hundreds of millions of times the mass of the Sun is spinning in the center of the Milky Way at a phenomenal speed another spinning black hole approaches hours what do you think will happen right one of the holes most likely the
Intruder will get kicked out and sent hurdling away like a frisbee flying through space and who can guarantee that it wouldn’t head toward the Earth luckily for us there aren’t any super massive black holes in the vicinity so this Theory fails to explain the mysterious Bullet Hole phenomenon Dr bonica still doesn’t rule
Out the possibility that the Intruder is some kind of luminous star-like object after tearing a hole in the Milky Way it could be hiding somewhere in the Galaxy but again it seems highly unlikely because of the object’s huge size I mean we’re talking 30 to 65 light
Years across my I in any case predicting the location of this mysterious Intruder is as challenging as guessing where your missing sock disappears to after laundry day speaking of things disappearing don’t let this channel vanish from your feed hit that subscribe button the Intruder could have been blazing fast requiring minimal Mass to
Cause such a disturbance in the Stellar stream or it could have been a slower massive Behemoth astronomers are still scratching their heads which just goes to show that some Mysteries are harder to unravel than others throughout the years scientists have made some discoveries that seem to hint at the existence of
Extraterrestrial life but do they really let’s find out in 1976 NASA’s Viking Mars Landers detected chemical signatures that could be a sign of extraterrestrial life during one of the experiments Martian soil was mixed with nutrients and then tested for the production of methane gas and the Test’s result was positive in
Other words something in the soil was metabolizing these nutrients and producing the gas unfortunately other experiments conducted on board the Landers didn’t show any evidence of life it caused NASA to declare the result a false positive and still some scientists keep standing by the finding arguing that the experiments on board were ill
Equipped to look for a key indicator of life organic molecules in 1977 an Ohio State University radio telescope detected a bizarre pulse of radiation coming from someplace near the Sagittarius constellation it lasted 37 seconds and was so unexpected that the astronomer who was monitoring the data at that
Moment scribbled wow on the telescope’s print out the thing is that the radio frequency of the signal is internationally banned on Earth the signal could be the result of a super massive astronomical event or it could be sent by some kind of intelligent life with immensely powerful transmitters so far this mystery has
Remained unexplained in 1996 NASA scientists announced that they had found something that could be microbes in a potato-shaped chunk of Martian Rock the meteorite might have been blasted off the surface of Mars in a collision it had been wandering the solar system for about 15 million years before before it fell in
Antarctica analyses showed that the meteorite contains some organic molecules and tiny particles of the mineral called magnetite it’s sometimes found in bacteria living on our planet NASA researchers used an electron microscope and announced that they had spotted nanobacteria but since that time this evidence has been called into question a few
Times some experts say that the particles of magnitude are not really similar to those found on our planet and Earth’s contaminants are likely to be the source of organic molecules Jupiter’s moon Europa has a bizarre red tinge some of the theories explaining this phenomenon have suggested the
Reason is frozen bits of bacteria which are also responsible for the mysterious infrared signal the moon gives off but this Theory hasn’t been proven yet the existence of life in Venus’s clouds might explain curious anomalies in the composition of the planet’s atmosphere solar radiation and lightning are supposed to generate tons of carbon
Monoxide on Venus but in reality this gas is rare as if something is removing it another weird thing is the presence of both hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere usually these two readily react together that’s why it’s rare to find them coexisting the only explanation can be that some
Process keeps churning them out but probably the most mysterious is the presence of carbonal sulfide the thing is on Earth it’s only produced by microbes and not by some inorganic process some experts believe that microbes might be living in the atmosphere of Venus the surface of the planet scorching hot and acidic isn’t
Very suitable for the development of life but up in the atmosphere it’s moist and hospitable with a pressure similar to Earth and pleasant temperatures but again we haven’t received received any solid proof yet in 2003 scientists discussed the possibility that the traces of sulfur on Jupiter’s moon
Europa could be the waste products of colonies of underground bacteria the compounds were first discovered by the Galileo space probe which also found some evidence of a volcanically warmed ocean beneath the icy crust of the Moon the sulfur signatures look similar to the waste products of bacteria living in
The surface ice covering lakes in Antarctica on Earth but other scientists rejected the idea they argued that the sulfur could have come from the neighboring Moon IO there it’s found in Abundance how about I tell you that aliens might exist I know it probably goes against everything you believe in but it’s a new model of the universe that could explain how intelligent life spreads and distributes this model makes lots of predictions for example we should expect to meet another
Civilization at some point it also Al mentions our chances of starting to get messages from Aliens or even becoming an interplanetary civilization ourselves this model also explains why we haven’t met other space civilizations yet considering the huge number of stars and galaxies in the universe but let’s
Go into detail the main Assumption of the model is that at one point a civilization existing in the vastness of the cosmos can become grabby you see there are two types of civilizations quiet aliens don’t actually try to expand neither do they change much after some time they just disappear that might
Be the reason why we don’t have any data about them and all that is left to do is to make speculations about their existence but there are also loud aliens they supposedly keep spreading really fast until they meet other space civilizations the model also calls these loud aliens grabby that’s because they
Expand from their home planet at a fraction of the speed of light they also make significant and Visible Changes wherever they travel and they last for a really long time too why might we suppose that grabby aliens exist because their existence may be the most plausible explanation for why Humanity
Appeared so early in the history of the universe see for yourself the current date is 13.8 billion years after the big bang small Stars can burn their Cosmic fuel for up to a trillion years and according to the standard model of the origin of advanced life it’s more likely
To appear at the end of the longest planet lifetimes well grabby aliens might be to blame for our early appearance such civilizations could set deadlines for others if such aliens indeed exist they will occupy most of the observable universe really soon and when they succeed no other civilizations will be
Able to appear appear because all the habitable planets will already be taken a civilization like ours Advanced but not grabby yet could only appear early because later it wouldn’t have a chance to do it there’s another reason why the idea of grabby aliens seems plausible look at life on earth like
Humans aren’t we grabby in many ways too species cultures and companies tend to expand and occupy new niches and territories as fast as they can for example species spreading on new territories get access to new resources and thus increase their population why shouldn’t we expect the same behavior from extraterrestrial
Civilizations the main author of this model Robin Hansen was also the first to introduce the idea of the great filter in 1996 according to the great filter Theory the universe is filled with countless life forms but people haven’t stumbled across any of them yet because somewhere there is a great filter the
Main purpose of this filter is to stop and finish those civilizations that advance to the level of star colonization suppose that this idea is true there are three possible scenarios for our civilization the first one we’re unique because we have passed the great filter other civilizations haven’t managed to make it this
Far the second scenario goes like this we’re among the first potential colonizers before the conditions in space were too harsh for life forms to leave their home planets in this case chances are high that we’ll soon encounter other civilizations and the third scenario is quite worrying we haven’t reached the
Level of technological development that is Advanced enough for the filter to locate us this means that we haven’t passed the filter yet in other words the trial is still ahead and it’s a big question if we manage to pass It the fmy Paradox essentially queries why haven’t we heard from anyone out there and why weren’t we included in the cosmic conversation one of the potential explanations for our Solitude in the vast expanse of space is the concept of the great filter this idea introduced in the 1990s by Robin Hansen postulates a
Significant barrier or challenge that may prevent life from proliferating across the cosmos this great filter is a metaphorical C that civiliz Iz ations might need to Traverse to achieve the kind of advanced State we often fantasize about in sci-fi Tales you’ve probably seen something like this in the game about Captain
Shephard regrettably evidence of such Advanced civilizations or even basic extraterrestrial life remains elusive it could be that evolving into higher life forms or mastering Interstellar travel is a Monumental task such an impediment might halt civilizations from progressing either whether due to Natural cataclysms like asteroid hits and ecological crises or by their own
Actions leading to self-destruction analyzing this Theory we Face two intriguing possibilities the first suggests we’ve already navigated past this daunting filter meaning we’ve weathered the toughest Trials of existence y for us but this would imply that intelligent life is a rare gem in the vastness of space leaving us
Potentially unique and isolated so our dreams of interstellar friendships and Explorations might be just fantasies on the gloomier side the second possibility posits that the most challenging tests lie ahead indicating that while other civilizations might exist they too face challenges they’ve yet to overcome they like us might be
Striving to survive evolve and hoping to signal to the cusmos that they’re here within the discussions of the great filter there’s mention of the rise of artificial intelligence AI with ai’s rapid advancement it’s conceivable that it might turn out to be a double-edged sword for Humanity AI as highlighted by the great
Filter Theory presents both an opportunity and a challenge as this technology surges ahead becoming increasingly integrated into our lives there’s a growing concern about its unforeseen consequences if not handled responsibly AI could end up being one of the hurdle civiliz ations including ours struggle to surpass the potential for AI to
Reshape our society and even pose existential risks underscores the importance of cautious advancement yet it’s crucial to remember that the universe is vast and the narrative isn’t solely one of Doom and Gloom there’s a silver lining it’s possible that other civilizations having navigated past their great filters are thriving in
Distant corners of the cosmos their successes could have eventually pav the way for us to communicate collaborate or even coexist furthermore life in its most rudimentary form might be closer than we think entities not yet sophisticated enough to establish contact might inhabit Realms within our reach our
Quest might not always lead us to Advanced civilizations even the discovery of microbial life would be groundbreaking amidst all the speculation and theories one thing is certain our thirst for knowledge remains unquenched the scientific Community remains undeterred in its Mission with every passing day we probe further into
Space and particularly our solar system hoping to unearth evidence of Life discoveries such as water on mars or conditions suitable for life on some of Jupiter’s or Saturn’s moons emphasize that we might not have to venture too far to find hints of life the universe with all its vastness and Mysteries
Continually beckons we remain eager to uncover its Secrets as we continue our journey through the vast expanse of the universe and its Mysteries your support and curiosity drive us if you want to stay updated on more such Revelations and insights make sure to subscribe together let’s keep exploring the unknown don’t
Miss out hit that subscribe button now in the vast abyss of the cosmos amidst the Stellar tapestry lies the Milky Way not just a river of stars but our very Abode Envision a gargantuan pin wheel spanning eons rotating in the void of space a place born from time’s earliest Whispers around 14 billion
Years ago a Dominion of Starlight nebuli and Cosmic wonders housing not just celestial bodies but stories Yours Mine and even that untidy child from down the lane picture a canvas so wide taking a 100 Millen IA for a beam of light to Traverse within it our son a mere Speck
Takes 250 million years to complete its Cosmic Marathon around the Galaxy’s heart and when night Graces our world those Myriad twinkling eyes above most are part of the Milky Way sprawling limbs this River of Starlight was once an enigma to our ancestors a Milky stroke across the heavens hence the
Galaxy’s poetic name but hold your breath for a Twist in the tail from the heart of this Stellar expanse a curious signal emanates like the dots and dashes of Morse code there exists a mysterious message perhaps a Celestial whisper decades past we spotted gigantic tendrils hanging ominously close to the
Enigmatic Sagittarius A asterisk our Galaxy’s heart harboring a monstrous black hole recent Revelations have unveiled new tendrils puzzlingly shorter their orientations odd reminiscent of spokes radiating from a Wheels Hub though the tendrils share common traits their Origins are believed to differ towering vertical ones pierce the cosmos while the horizontal siblings evoke Morse
Code’s eloquence the former magnetic while the latter exudes thermal warmth these baffling phenomena though Celestial in scale may help unveil the secrets of our Galaxy’s Central black hole yet the Mysteries don’t end there from the depths came another signal frequent pulsations unlike any Celestial body we know its origin ambiguous some
Speculated to be remnants of a collapsed star While others Ponder the existence of an entirely unknown celestial object and as if the Galaxy wasn’t enigmatic enough a new conundrum arises our gamma ray telescope unveiled an intense glow from the Milky ways core for a decade this luminescence baffled
Minds is it the cataclysmic destruction of elusive dark matter or is it the dance of millisecond pulsers neutron stars spinning at unimaginable speeds debates Rage with the pulsers being Prime suspects yet skepticism abounds some postulate it could be due to Cosmic interactions While others question the peculiar spherical Congregation of these pulsars
The Galaxy with all its Grandeur remains a Labyrinth of riddles all we can do is persist in our Quest diving deeper into the Enigma that is our Celestial home within this vast Cosmic theater every Revelation begets more questions and every answer we unearth draws us further into an intricate dance of Wonder and
Uncertainty each star each Pulsar every tendril is not just a point of light or a phenomenon but a chapter in The Grand tale of our universe we as humble residents of this Milky Way are constantly driven by an insatiable curiosity with every tool we Forge and every telescope WE peer through we seek
To understand our place in the vastness to decipher the messages encoded in the fabric of space and time these mysteries from the morse code likee tendrils to the inexplicable gamma rays are beckoning calls for Humanity they whisper to us of stories yet to be told of puzzles waiting to be solved and
Of our ever evolving understanding of the cosmos in the face of these Revelations we are reminded of how much there is still to learn and yet with every Discovery we inch closer to understanding the intricate ballet of the universe the very first known Interstellar object or ISO to pay a
Visit to our solar system was a rocky elongated interloper with a slightly reddish Hue it was spotted in 2017 and was dubbed with the Hawaiian name a mua mua it was almost 10 times as long as it was wide and it was extremely unusual objects in our solar system are rarely
Shaped this way so astronomers hoped it could provide some Clues into how other star systems Form and Function for hundreds of millions of years longer than I’ve been around this bizarre has been wandering through our home Milky Way galaxy not bothering to settle down in some star system and then
It came across the solar system after the space traveler was discovered hundreds and probably even thousands of telescopes all over the world including eso’s very large telescope in Chile sprang into action they started measuring the object’s orbit its color and brightness that’s when it became apparent that the space Rock had an
Unusual orbit some astronomers suggested that alua mua was emitting hydrogen it had picked up during its Journey between Stars this was a simple explanation for the mystery that had evoked lots of outlandish theories when this bizarre guest was first spotted upon entering the solar system scientists were not
Sure what its nature was some claimed it was a comet others disagreed saying it didn’t have the features typical for comets a visible long tail and a coma which is a clot of gases surrounding the nucleus of a comet plus its shape was different from that of other comets the
Only thing that made a mua mua more cometti was the way it accelerated as it went away from the Sun the unusual object started to slow down on its way out but in a strange way as if not only gravity was in play there it seemed like something was creating a force to
Counter this gravity but unfortunately this Theory didn’t quite fit either the problem is that comets usually have large quantities of water ice on their surface and as the sun heats this ice it gets ejected as jets of gas those Jets act as many rocket boosters but amua mua
Not only had no tail whatsoever but it was also too small to capture enough solar energy to support this kind of activity of course this mysterious space visitor caused some more outlandish theories for example some people started to claim that mua mua could be a spacecraft sent by a civilization living
In another star system however scientists found a better explanation a comet that is traveling between Stars gets cooked by Cosmic radiation these rays penetrate thick layers of ice converting up to 25% of water molecules into molecules of hydrogen and then this trapped hydrogen gets released when some
Star warms the comet the effects of this process are almost invisible this might be the reason why we didn’t see a spectacular tail accompanying omua mua at the same time the potential Comet was so small that this could produce enough Force to power its acceleration as for
The amount of ice released as amua mua was coming closer to the Sun it was likely too small for astronomers to spot it now even though a mua mua was the first known Interstellar object to enter our solar system it wasn’t the last in August 2019 Comet 2i borof visited us becoming the
Second ISO astronomers managed to spot now no one can argue that there are simply must be more visitors from far away star systems than those two isos are rare but our solar system is pretty old it must have been capturing some Interstellar Travelers over the millions and millions of years of its existence
Even though they never stayed for very long one study has taken a closer look at Interstellar objects and They concluded that these space Travelers might be caught not in solar orbits but in near Earth orbits the astronomers working on this project even go as far
As to claim that there might be a lot of isos in orbit around Earth now finding tiny objects in the vastness of the cosmos is extremely tricky think about it what images of distant areas of space do we usually get mostly Stars sometimes unclear pictures of exoplanets even more
Rarely it can be discs of debris but fine detail in small space objects almost never so it’s actually lucky for us that other solar systems send their inhabitants to visit us because by studying isos we gain inside into the formation Evolution and functioning of other star
Systems have you ever heard of the orch cloud it’s the most distant region of our solar system and it’s quite unusual you see the orbits of the planet lie mostly in the same flat disc surrounding the Sun but the or cloud is believed to resemble a spherical shell surrounding
The entire solar system it looks like a gigantic thick walled bubble made up of chunks of ice and other space debris as large as mountains or even bigger astronomers think that the or Cloud contains billions if not trillions of different objects there might also be a connection
Between the or cloud and isos because scientists think that Interstellar objects might outnumber those from the solar system in this region even though no one has ever observed the or Cloud directly astronomers are sure it does exist they made such a conclusion after observing the distribution of comets in
Our solar system the or Cloud could have formed from debris in the early solar system but some experts argue that the largest part of this unusual shell could be Interstellar in origin if travelers from other star systems are as common as some studies suggest lots of the bodies
On the edges of the solar system are likely to have originated in other systems sadly this Theory hasn’t been proven yet now since we’ve been talking about comets not Cupid or da or Blitzen one of them has recently approached the Sun at Breakneck speed it was 96p MCH holse one
This comet is around 3.7 M wide and astronomers think it might have arrived from outside the solar system the NASA European Space Agency solar and heliospheric Observatory spacecraft has been monitoring the comet so look at this that’s the comet’s tail it’s mostly made up of gas it’s trickling behind
Frozen chunks of ice that are getting heated by the radiation coming from the Sun in some cases a comet can have two tails one made of dust and the other consisting of gas and each of them can reach hundreds and in some extreme situations even millions of miles in
Length in 2008 scientists analyzed the material left by 150 comets they found out that the comet we’re talking about was quite low in carbon and didn’t contain a large enough amount of some other typical materials this could only mean one thing the comet was an interloper coming from another star
System it may have been ejected from its original solar system by the gravity of a large planet after that the poor homeless thing probably spent a large amount of time wandering around space until it came across Jupiter the gas giant could have bent the Comas trajectory trapping it in orbit around
The sun there’s one more Theory according to it the comet formed in a poorly studied region of the solar system and it has this weird composition due to its repeated Journeys around the Sun now scientists are watching the comet with anticipation like Chris since it’s an atypical one both in its
Behavior and composition they don’t know what they will see which makes the whole process even more exciting most comets falling toward the sun are quite small not more than 32 ft across that’s why they burn up as soon as they come close to our star but the sheer size of maol
One which is more than 2/3 the height of Mount Everest seems to protect the comet from evaporating completely you know many different things have nothing in common at first glance the appearance of mysterious clouds over Stonehenge and the migration of wolves in Canada patterns on the wings of a Caribbean butterfly and strange
Footprints on the moon’s surface these are all random facts but people can see Connections in these events let’s see how it can happen and where it can lead to imagine reading some crazy article on one of the unreliable sites forgetting about it and then beginning to notice
Small details in the world that might indicate that the information in this article is true you realize you’ve learned something unusual but for some reason other people don’t see it or don’t want to see it you try to tell them but no one wants to listen to you
And some people even think you’ve gone mad let’s stop for a moment and see what kind of article you’ve read so in 2017 one not so truthful site published story about a ship from another planet called Black Knight that had been spying on people for 12,000 years but not long ago
Agents from a secret organization managed to destroy it sounds like absolute nonsense or a plot for a cheap sci-fi movie of course you don’t believe it but a few years later you find a story about Nicola Tesla let’s fast forward to 1899 the famous scientist was sitting in his laboratory in Colorado
Springs conducting radio experiments suddenly his receiver caught a strange radio signal then after a while another one the signals came in with the same time interval as if someone wanted to send a message Nicola Tesla realized it could be something from extraterrestrial civilizations that were trying to start
A dialogue with people using the most universal language math he also reported about this event in a magazine at the beginning of the 20th century and added that he hadn’t deciphered the message okay now let’s forget about it and see what happened next in 1927 an engineer from Oslo who was fond
Of radio devices was sending signals into open space he was surprised when sometime later the same signals began to return to his receiver it was as if the signals bounced off something big and echoed back or something received these messages and then sent them back to the
Sender to make an acquaintance the man quickly reported his Discovery to Scientific journals and perhaps someone connected this event with Nicola Tesla’s words about strange signals from space all this were just prerequisites for the Black Knight but the most exciting events started decades later in the’ 60s Tha magazine published
An article that said that the US had discovered a satellite orbiting Earth and using unknown technology a couple of years later project Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper reported that he had seen a strange object during his space flight but the Black Knight became really famous only in the late ’90s when NASA
Published a series of images of a mysterious object during the first flight to the ISS astronauts noted weirdly shaped something and took several pictures then someone gathered all the facts collected all the information about the black satellite and discovered that it had been flying around our planet for more than 10,000 years
How did they figure it out people managed to calculate the age of those radio signals that Tesla and the engineer had received if this is true the Black Knight appeared much earlier than the samarians in ancient Egypt what if this satellite helped build pyramids and Majestic temples what if it had been
Watching over our development all this time and transmitting this information to another planet what if mysterious images ancient people drew depicted the satellite people began to to suspect NASA and other space agencies of hiding information about the black object to prevent panic and now after having received all
The data about the mysterious satellite you might begin to suspect that the bizarre article may actually be true this news is so improbable and ridiculous that no one will believe it if you want to hide something hide it in plain sight and so together with other enthusiasts you start hunting for any
Information about the mysterious ship you create forums post photos of unknown objects and become obsessed with this topic you really believe in the reality of the Black Knight moreover you don’t want to question its existence and people reading your articles do the same congratulations you have become an ideal
Candidate for creating fake news in the yellow press such myths and urban legends seem attractive the human brain feels pleas meure when it finds fake secret information the feeling of mystery adrenaline and shock can cause psychological addiction that’s why the stories about the Black Knight are still alive mysterious facts seem logical and
People stop seeing information that refutes their theories the case of the Black Knight is no exception the fans of this black object believe that Nicola Tesla received signals from some space civilization but for some reason they don’t attach importance to scientific articles which say that such radio signals could be
Sent by giant space objects like pulsars a pulsar is a rotating neutron star emitting powerful electromagnetic radiation such radiation is often found in space these radio waves don’t imply the presence of a mind and a sender the cosmos is full of such signals the technology for detecting such objects
Were created in the’ 60s or maybe Tesla’s device caught a signal coming from our planet besides the scientists didn’t see anything about the Black Knight so why did people connect these two events that story with the Norwegian engineer is still unexplained yes his signals returned as an echo but this had
Nothing to do with the flying object in question either you might as well say that the satellite somehow influenced the Titanic there’s no logic in such assumptions strangely no one connected the Black Knight with the yeti or the Kraken now let’s return to that Times article about a strange object flying
Around Earth it also stated it was a fragment of an American reconnaissance satellite but fans of myths and legends apparently didn’t notice this explanation as for astronaut Cooper who was said to spot some object during his mission he actually saw nothing he even showed a transcript with no reports
About the black satellite however some Believers in other civilizations keep silent about this fact so the main proof of the black Knight’s existence is the photos taken during the first flight to the ISS the astronauts noticed the strange object and took pictures but it wasn’t a surprise for them because some
Part of the ship broke away during some work they did outside it was a piece of thermal coating the astronauts sent the photo to NASA and the space agency assigned it a personal number as it does with all such objects a few days later the Black Knight fell out of orbit and
Burned up in Earth’s atmosphere almost all this information was recorded in official protocols one of NASA’s Engineers who knew the photographer of the black satellite explained that those famous photos depicted an ordinary piece of the ship there was nothing fantastic about it but the fans of extraterrestrial Rockets must have missed all this
Information all these myths have long been debunked and all the false facts have been refuted but the Black Knight continues to live in many people’s minds and on the pages of the yellow press it has become a link between many reports of strange flying objects over the years
Hundreds of stories have appeared about secret Laboratories with extraterrestrial Technologies about NASA hiding secrets and about creatures from other planets and many people connected these myths with the black satellite it has stopped being a real physical object now it’s it’s a cultural phenomenon remember how the main symbol of extraterrestrial civilizations with a
Flying saucer is not trending anymore today the symbol is a black weirdly shaped Stone don’t be fooled we fly away from Earth to look at it from a distance it glows like a holiday tree big cities look like yellow spots at night and during the day we see
Strange structures like a palm tree shaped island in the UAE or a dark band that runs all the way through China the great wall these are traces of human existence now let’s Point our telescope at other planets Mars it’s just an empty endless desert Venus only rocks and
Volcanoes even if we look into distant space all the planets out there are deserted and lifeless not a single trace of an extraterrestrial civilization many people are convinced that life on Earth isn’t unique at all here’s our galaxy there are billions of sunlike stars and here here is the entire observable
Universe with billions of such galaxies there’s an almost infinite number of stars and near each of them there may be habitable worlds but we may not have found life on other planets because it hides from us under the surface for example there’s Europa a satellite of Jupiter slightly smaller than our moon
Its structure resembles a softboiled egg its surface is a hard crust of ice but if you take a big enough drill you can get to the liquid Yol an ocean of water Jupiter and its satellites are very far from the Sun so it’s quite cold there about 270° below zero so liquid water
Instantly turns to ice but Jupiter has a strong gravitational force that causes a lot of friction inside Europa and its core heats up the heat melts the ice and we have a watery ocean under the surface water is the foundation of all life so there could be simple bacteria in that
Ocean and who knows maybe there are other life forms out there for example example weirdly shaped fish because of the weak gravity their bodies are built differently or something like whales feeding on plankton in 2009 scientists found a planet that is completely covered by an ocean gj1 1214 it’s about
40 light years from Earth and about 75% of its mass is water still the temperatures on this planet are so high that water evaporates and takes the form of super liquid water there’s so much steam that it feels as thick as is water itself no life could exist in such
Conditions but scientists have recently found at least 24 planets better than Earth and called them superh habitable these planets orbit distant stars in their habitable zone it’s The Sweet Spot at a perfect distance from the star in our solar system Venus Earth and Mars are in this Zone a superhabitable planet
Must be 10% larger than Earth and have stronger gravity that way it can have a denser atmosphere a temperature 8° higher than on Earth would make the planet more humid this would encourage a variety of living organisms there these planets may be great for life but it’s
Hard to tell if there is life there already the main marker that would confirm the existence of an advanced civilization there might be radio waves imagine a habitable planet similar to Earth in the process of evolution intelligent beings appeared there like humans they’re much taller because of
Low gravity and their eyes are adapted to the light from another star much brighter than the sun sooner or later this civilization will have to use radio waves to communicate with each other we can think of these waves as loud sound from speakers here’s Earth we’re now
Actively using radio waves and the noise coming from our planet is pretty serious if a neighboring Planet had radio telescopes big dishes that catch these waves they would realize that life is blooming here there are many radio telescopes on Earth that are pointed into distant space waiting for a signal from Alien
But we haven’t received anything yet still that doesn’t mean there isn’t a planet somewhere in the universe that emits radio waves it’s all about distance we’re jumping 200 Lighty years to another star suppose there’s a Planet X where life exists the civilization here is Advanced enough to use radio
Waves so they release the first wave into space our radio telescopes won’t be able to pick it up until 200 years later this also works the other way around radio communication on Earth has only existed since 1895 our radio signal won’t reach Planet X until 2095 and only then the aliens will hear
Our voice but this radio noise doesn’t stay for long every year our technology improves and our radio noise decreases we’re beginning to use mobile Communication cable TV and fiber optics this all reduces the volume of our planet in the radio spectrum and soon it will simply become invisible to other
Planets the same thing is happening on the other side so the radio waves coming from civilizations are a brief blip on the cosmic scale and we can’t accept radio silence as proof that extraterrestrial life doesn’t exist a giant telescope which could take a direct photo of a possibly inhabited
Planet would change the situation we zoom in on the photo and there it is we see alien cities with tall buildings and lots of antennas but now we can’t look that far away we can take pictures of Mars and it’s satellites and even their quality misleads us for example Sedonia
It looks just like a human face on Mars we thought there used to be an ancient civilization there that made some sort of sculpture or Memorial more extravagant theories said it was the remains of a giant human and there’s a whole body of it under the Sands of Mars
But in fact it was just a hill strong winds blew out some Hollows there and when there was a shadow in those Hollows we took them for human eyes and a mouth or a monolith on mars’ satellite Phobos we found a smooth Rock there that was
Almost as tall as the Pyramid of chops the news has spawned many theories about the civilization that built it but it turned out to be no more than a rock the infinite number of stars and worlds around them almost guarantees the existence of other civilizations so why
Wouldn’t they come to earth right we think that life throughout the Universe develops in similar scenarios the emergence of simple life forms followed by evolution and growth of a technologically advanced civilization but just like on Earth cataclysms happened there too causing mass extinctions meteorites for example perhaps there was a civilization out
There ready to go into outer space but a huge meteorite like the one that wiped the dinosaurs off the Earth’s surface made that Civilization disappear and life on that planet began a new cycle from scratch in addition the more advanced the civilization the greater the risk of its self-destruction scientists might conduct conduct
Experiments in machines like the Large Hadron Collider and accidentally create a black hole there it would begin to swallow everything around it and grow in size soon all the super developed cities of this civilization and the entire planet would simply disappear another possibility for super Advanced civilizations is to travel through
Wormholes those are tunnels and SpaceTime between universes aliens might travel through them and lose interest in going back but it’s also possible that life on earth is unique that’s because our planet was formed thanks to a number of incredible coincidences the first is the location of our solar system in the
Galaxy in the Milky Way There are constant fireworks of exploding Supernova the radiation from these explosions destroys everything around it at Great distances our solar system is Right In The Sweet Spot of the galactic orbit where we’re safe from such explosions another factor is the moon
One theory of the formation of the Moon says that about 4.5 billion years ago a meteorite the size of Mars crashed into us if the impact had been straight the Earth would have just broken apart and if that meteorite had only scratched the Earth the pieces would have just flown
Away but the Collision occurred precisely so that part of the meteorite remained in Earth’s orbit and formed the moon then the moon stabilized the Earth’s rotation and heated our core with gravity only then our planet developed a magnetic field which protects us from the solar wind other scientists believe that life outside
Earth May be biochemically different carbon and water are the basis of our bodies but carbon could be replaced with silicon or phosphorus and water could be replaced with ammonia or methane these atoms could form molecules of different shapes and perhaps assemble into a living organism life based on
Such elements would be unlike anything seen on Earth are we really by ourselves in the universe it’s a daunting question that’s been haunting us for centuries no wonder scientists have tried to come up with all sorts of ideas as to why one of the strangest theories concerning our
Lack of contact with other life forms is named The Dark Forest Theory let’s start small well sort of we’ll focus on our Milky Way for now to better understand this Theory our Cosmic neighborhood is a galactic Wonderland sprinkled with 200 billion twinkling stars and maybe around 100 billion
Planets so let’s get hypothetical for a moment and say a tiny part of those habitats poost life further out of those life-bearing planets a few might have evolved into intelligent beings given that you’d think we’d be kneee in weird looking neighbors some of whom might be actively
Trying to find us or might just be out there waiting to be discovered now let’s put a little science into this science fiction scenario we have something called the Drake equation which is a kind of universal roll call that estimates how many smart civilizations could pop up in
Our galaxy you can think of this equation as the super smart road map by playing around with a few important factors the equation hints that there should be around 20 civilizations just in our Galactic backyard so why haven’t we stumbled upon any yet this Theory isn’t an easy task it’s
It’s a mixed bag of multiple variables like the average number of planets per solar system that could potentially host life or the rate at which stars suitable for intelligent life are formed a tricky part here is that astronomers have yet to solidify the exact values of these variables which means our calculations
Are just approximations for now but back to the Milky Way shall we fit in our hypothetical assumptions crunch the numbers and you get at least Le 20 civilizations yet somehow our Cosmic switchboard remains weirdly silent how come this radio Silence has its own name too the fery Paradox named after the guy
Who first thought hey where is everybody over 50 years ago since then we’ve had a lot of different theories trying to solve this mystery all tinkering with different aspects of the Drake equation some folks think the appearance of life is a rare event others think that getting from bacteria to advanc beings
Is the tricky part yet some reckon that civilizations might either wipe themselves out after a short lifespan or never even get to invent something they could communicate with but there’s one theory that tops all others in its creepiness the Dark Forest Theory according to it the universe is a
Huge Cosmic version of a haunted forest and other types of creatures are out there playing a game of hide and seek they’re intentionally keeping silent why well the Dark Forest theory was best explained in a Sci-Fi novel and the rationale goes something like this for starters every life form wants
To stay alive all by that if we go with that assumption it’s impossible to be sure whether other life forms might harm you if they get the chance so the safest bet is to take them out before they find the right time to do the same to you Frankly Speaking it’s the universe’s
Version of the survival of the fittest in this scenario making contact with others becomes the most dangerous game as it could lead to your location being traced and you being wiped out how human this results in everyone keeping quiet a kind of universal shush where every civilization tries to hide in utter Cosmic
Silence but hey is this just an idea good for a thrilling novel or does it have some real world implications well the theory was suggested by scientist David Brin as a possible explanation for the lack of radio evidence for non- earthlike life he went as far as
Imagining it would be robots that would do the Dirty Work of wiping out civilizations but how realistic is this Theory anyway well it doesn’t require us to assume a lot of stuff about the behavior of all foreign civilizations just one advanced race behaving this way could explain our observed
Reality and it might explain why we’ve not picked up any advanced radio chatter despite A Century of EAS dropping it’s possible that other creatures like us are too terrified of being noticed and have gone radio silent on purpose but and it’s a big butt like mine it does
Base itself on the notion that other species share our level of risk aversion and logic or that there’s a rogue civilization out there picking off anyone they perceive as a threat and that’s a pretty significant assumption if that doesn’t sound creepy this next piece of information certainly
Will for about a century now we’ve been shouting our existence into the cosmos if this Theory proves to be correct every other civilization within a 100 light years of us might be getting our signals and knowing exactly where we are and if we have reasons to hide from them
As suggested by some like Steven Hawking we might already be in trouble but what if this Theory isn’t true what if sooner than we’d like to imagine weird Galactic creatures will indeed try to reach us the truth is most of us wouldn’t even know what to do ay let’s not get over
Ourselves in fact some scientists are tackling this issue head on for the first time since the 1980s Specialists are trying to cook up a how-to guide for when we inevitably bump into Cosmic neighbors for instance some researchers believe we’ve got to do more than just worry about how these life forms could
Shake up our world if they send any type of radio signals down here we’ve got to think about our reply what are we going to say hey we’re humans nice to meet you absolutely not we’ve got to do better than that see the only plan we’ve had
Till now came from a rough blueprint dating from 198 not this guide is a bit wishy-washy on what to do when the entire world gets the outer worldly text mostly it says hey let’s share the news with everyone but then what if we confirm it’s legit officials will need
To ask the United Nations for advice but hey does the United Nations even have a plan maybe who knows we’ve been doing loads of space exploring lately some say we’ve stumbled upon water on Mars others are sure we’ve spotted some planets that could be twins to Earth so the idea of finding life
Elsewhere isn’t that far-fetched but even after a hundred years of trying to chat with Cosmic beings it’s still a one-sided conversation this new protocol isn’t just about chatting up Outsiders it’s also going to act as our Cosmic voicemail checking messages from outer space it aims not just to decode the
External lingo it’s also planning to figure out what these messages could mean for us the plan is also to draft reports about how different policies could impact us and set up guidelines on how to respond to these space texts so will we ever get a message from
Our Cosmic mates only time will tell but what we do know is that we just can’t wing it we can’t be caught off guard and start a planet-wide frenzy when we get that otherworldly WhatsApp we got to have a plan and we got to have it ready
For when we’re face to face with the real deal I mean we’ve come across a lot of potential such sightings but none of them Prov to be genuine on that note us authorities checked over a 100 cases of weird stuff going on in the skies I’ll
Spare you the details but not one green creature was ever found more like drones and similar stuff floating around so as we stand on the cusp of this potentially game-changing event we must strive to be prepared whether our Intergalactic neighbors drop us a text tomorrow or centuries from now we need a
Plan after all this could change everything we know about our universe and our place within it now I don’t want to Spook you but there’s a chance that our entire Milky Way galaxy is located in the so-called space void it’s a region where there’s relatively little matter compared to
Other corners of the known universe and it’s much less dense than it is elsewhere in the universe in other words we might exist in an air bubble in a cake if that’s true it would mean that we’re even lonlier than we thought H in our universe all the galaxies are
Constantly moving away from each other in order to understand how far they move away scientists use something called the hubo litra constant it’s like a speedometer but for Galaxies however there’s a cosmic mystery called the Hubble tension it’s challenging what we know about the universe’s expansion scientists used to consider the Hubble
Aor constant a reliable guide but our recent observations question this reliability the speeds we see in real life don’t match up with the distances we calculated and expected they aren’t sure why these measurements don’t add up researchers followed the moves of supernovas and saw that the Universe
Seems to expand faster around us than it does overall as if it’s actively avoiding us specifically H after considering this they began to assume that we might all live in a cosmic void Cosmic voids are vast empty spaces between galaxies kind of like between my ears they make our entire world look
Like a big sponge now let’s go back to the beginning just a fraction of a second after the big bang right after the beginning of everything the universe was a hot compressed plasma it only had very tiny variations in density called Quantum fluctuations after the big bang the universe began to expand those
Quantum fluctuations grew together with it creating regions of varying matter density because of that the Universe didn’t expand everywhere uniformly instead little claps of matter began to gather together over a long period of time creating massive structures galaxies galaxies are arranged in huge walls and filaments with enormous Gap
Gaps in between and these gaps are voids also known as dark space now these voids aren’t truly empty in fact they actually hold more than 15% of the amount of matter found on average throughout the entire universe they still contain gas dust dark matter and even stars and galaxies however they
Have less density than regions with galaxies about a tenth of the average matter density which is why we consider them nearly usually they’ll have a diameter ranging from about 30 to 300 million light years that is an enormous distance even on a space scale for comparison most planets
And nebulas we found so far have a distance of hundreds and rarely thousands of light years away from us in the case of voids if you were in the middle of one it would just look like seemingly Eternal Darkness the closest Stars would be so far away that they
Would be almost invisible to you some of them are especially large they’re known as super voids the largest known one was creatively named giant void ooh it’s so big it’s impossible for us to even imagine 1.5 billion Lighty years away with a diameter of 1 to 1.3 billion Lighty years yeah it’s basically
A big dark vacuum but even this giant vacuum isn’t entirely empty the giant void houses 17 separate galaxies clusters within its expanse however it might not be the biggest emptiness in our universe there’s this thing called the CMB cold spot is this unusually large and chilly area of our universe
That we saw through the microwaves it really stood out on the map of our universe with its unexpectedly low temperatures and scientists have spent many years trying to figure out what the thing is in 2015 scientists proposed that this place might be a supervoid and probably the largest one ever being even
More original when this one they called it the great void if it’s true this place would be an emptiness of about 1.8 billion Lightyear in diameter about a thousand times larger than typical voids not everyone thinks that’s possible so scientists keep arguing over this one there’s another interesting Theory going
About this place one researchers suggested that this place might have been a trace on our collision with a parallel world it’s a pretty bold hypothesis but unfortunately there’s no way for us to confirm or deny it with our current Technologies in any case as the universe expands these voids will
Grow and the walls connecting Galaxy clusters will stretch and break eventually the voids will merge leaving gravitationally bound Galaxy clusters as islands in the expanding emptiness in other words sooner or later the great emptiness will consume everything in our world so it turns out we might be a rare
Occasion in a supervoid one of the 15% of M this would explain why we’re surrounded by relatively few galaxies this discovery if true challenges the standard model of cosmology which we created with Albert Einstein’s help it would mean that gravity in general behaves differently than what we expected according to the standard model
Such a significant underdensity shouldn’t exist because of that scientists will have to explore and consider this idea thoroughly it might just challenge our very basic understanding of physics the scientists call this the local hole the discovery of the local hole May hold Clues to explaining the FY Paradox maybe in this
Specific part of the universe where we hang out the chance of intelligent life developing anywhere nearby is very low perhaps all of the sensient beings hang out somewhere beyond our supervoid but that doesn’t mean we should lose hope or that life anywhere nearby is impossible in fact life in the universe
Might be much more common than we previously thought we know that the inner planets like Mercury and Venus are inhospitable due to extreme conditions however Venus looks interesting because even though it’s a crazy toxic Planet scientists believe that it was very earthlike in the past it could have even
Hosted life unfortunately it was too close to the Sun and all the nice conditions evaporated over time but there’s a possibility of microbial life surviving in its high altitude clouds Mars a cold desert also might have been a friendlier place in the past with rivers and lakes though now it lacks a
Protective atmosphere ancient life might have existed there in that case it would leave potential fossils and underground microbes could still survive we’ve discovered some signs of them but are still debating whether this stuff was truly organic or not the gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn and ice giants are
Not ideal for life but their moons offer hope euroba has an ocean beneath its icy surface making it a potential Hot Spot Inus releases water into space carrying complex molecules that hint at interesting possibilities and Titan is especially unique it has liquid bodies on its surface rivers and laks of
Hydrocarbons while frigid temperatures aren’t great for life scientists Ponder if it might host life with a different kind of chemistry however it will take us decades to check all these celestial bodies and study them properly we haven’t sent anything so far since the times of Voyager 2 but if we’re lucky we
Might explore our solar system during the 21st century we might explore our solar system during the 21st century in any case there’s a lot of potential for life even in our solar system alone not even mentioning all the planets and galaxies we found nearby our estimat suggest that the observable
Universe the one we can see might host around 5.3 trillion habitable worlds one of the most likely candidates so far is Kepler 186f it’s a potential earthlike Planet just 10% larger than Earth this planet orbits a red dwarf star which is a star a bit dimmer colder but more
Longli than our sun and it’s only about 490 Lighty years away which may sound like a lot but remember what distances we’ve discussed with super voids so even if we really are in a supervoid we’re still lucky to have many galaxies and planets around and if one day we’ll find
A way to travel through the universe leaving the local hole probably wouldn’t be a problem Voyager 1 which has been traveling through Interstellar space for more than 45 years and is trailing a long Gray beard by this time nah not really it suddenly began to send strange
Signals to Earth even more bizarre there are no signs that the probe has broken or anything scientists from NASA are desperately trying to find the reason so what’s happened exactly first of all let me tell you a bit more about Voyager 1 and its long long journey Voyager 1 is
An American space probe scientists from NASA sent it into space on September 5th 197 7 voyager’s goal was to explore the outer planets of our solar system namely Jupiter and Saturn initially scientists assumed that the mission would take about 5 years the joke’s on them the probe exceeded all expectations not only
Did it fulfill its Mission but it’s still working for much longer than expected Voyager 1 has been wandering around space for more than 45 years it’s hard to estimate what Voyager 1 has done for science firstly it successfully sent a lot of photos of Jupiter and Saturn to
Earth by the way you can even check out these photos yourself all of them are published on the NASA website thanks to Voyager we also discovered several new moons of Jupiter and a previously unknown system of its rings we learned that Jupiter’s famous red spot is actually a giant super fast
Storm and after leaving Neptune’s orbit behind Voyager also sent a lot of important data about Interstellar plasma so Voyager 1 successfully proved to scientists how useful it was after that it happily headed for its next goal the Kyper belt and the heliosphere the Kyper belt is a ring of icy bodies that
Extends from Neptune to a distance of approximately 50 AU from the sun it’s kind of similar to the asteroid belt but about 20 times wider and 100 times heavier and the heliosphere is an area around the Sun where the pressure of the solar wind is balanced with the pressure
Of interstellar gas yeah I know it sounds like some hard scientific stuff just keep in mind that this data really helps us understand the universe as a whole so this is voyager’s last task to tell us more about Interstellar space the probe has already sent us more than
60 frames for a mosaic of the solar system from a distance of over 4 billion miles from earth scientists use these frames to make a big colored picture the photo was called The Pale Blue Dot and you’ve probably already guessed what that dot is yep that’s what our earth looks like
Through Voyager eyes this photo clearly shows how tiny we really are and how precious and fragile our planet is but Voyer 1 also has another even more important mission to tell other civilizations about us humans you might have heard about the famous Voyager golden records people created many audio and
Video files and added them to these records there are a few sections the first one contains hello in 55 languages including ancient and extinct ones almost 80% of the recordings are different musical pieces like Bob Beethoven Mozart and Stravinsky folk music from different countries and ages
And a bit of the Blues like famous songs by LS Armstrong and Chuck Barry the remaining 20% of the recordings contain different human voices sounds of nature animals as well as 116 images encoded as audio signals there’s also recordings of speeches by Kurt walim a former un Secretary General and Jimmy Carter a
Former US president these are just some friendly messages in addition to the records scientists also packed a needle for playing them don’t worry they also left a simple drawing that showed how to use all this stuff and how to translate The Sounds into pictures they added Earth’s coordinates which they created using a
Pulsar map it shows the position of the sun in the Milky Way the record was packed in an aluminum case and covered with gold to protect it against radiation and Cosmic dust carrying this record Voyager 1 set off on its long journey and it has already traveled quite a distance I’d
Say Right Now Voyager 1 is 154 astronomical units away from us that’s about 14 1/2 billion miles this makes it the most remote human-made object initially this title belonged to the Pioneer 10 Mission but Voyager overtook it in 1998 what a bargain for NASA it’s Way
Beyond Its Best Buy Date Voyager 1 is actually so cool that it even overtook its twin brother Voyager 2 which by the way had been sent into space 2 weeks earlier Voyager 1 moves at a speed of 9.7 m pers second that’s 35,000 mph even the fastest sports car in the world
Travels at a speed of only 305 mph so it’s hard to imagine the speed of Voyager anyway at the moment Voyager is heading to the borders of the or Cloud that’s the name of a hypothetical layer of icy objects surrounding the solar system astronomers haven’t confirmed its existence yet but they’re almost sure
It’s there after all even black holes were only a theory not so long ago unfortunately Voyager 1 won’t return back to the solar system system it’ll keep in touch with Earth at least until 2025 but eventually we’ll lose the connection with it for good in 300 years
It’ll reach the borders of the or cloud and in 30,000 years I won’t be around then it’ll finally leave the solar system and if nothing happens to it along the way in another 10,000 years Voyager 1 will approach Red Dwarf star gley 445 in the giraffe constellation in
The future the probe will probably keep wandering around the Milky Way galaxy and now let’s finally discuss the mysterious signals part so what happened well a rather unusual thing NASA’s jet propulsion laboratory which monitors and controls both voyagers reported this problem in May 2022 our veteran spacecraft suddenly began sending
Strange data to Earth the whole situation puzzles even Engineers from NASA now I bet you’re thinking ah come on the thing just probably broke down or something but the truth is that Voyager 1 is totally fine it works as usual receives and carries out commands from Earth and collects and sends scientific
Data but the readings of the aacs which stands for attitude and articulation control subsystem don’t show what is actually happening to Voyager anymore this system supports the orientation of the probe in space and helps it keep in touch with Earth so basically the signals mean that the probe orientation
In space is messed up but scientists claim this is not the case they know that the source of the antenna signal remains in the same position relative to Earth as planned the problem hasn’t triggered any of the onboard Fall Protection Systems the probe hasn’t even entered safe mode
So what in the world or universe is going on Suzanne Dodd the head of the project says that the problem is not actually that unexpected after all Voyager 1 is already 45 years old the expert admits that what’s happening to the probe remains a mystery to them they
Don’t know exactly where the incorrect data is coming from and it’s unclear how this will affect the operation of Voyager she adds though that it’s not that surprising considering that the probe is in interstellar space there’s a very high level of radiation there no spacecraft has ever reached that point
Before scientists from Nasa say they’ll keep closely monitoring the data coming from Voyager 1 until they figure out the problem if they find it the management team will try to fix it otherwise the team will have to adapt to the new conditions it might not be enough just
To understand the problem though it takes as much as 20 hours and 33 minutes to receive the signal from Voyager and it takes the same amount of time to respond to it well at least the second spacecraft Voyager 2 is totally fine even though it’s also currently an
Interstellar space at a distance of 12 billion miles from Earth anyway we can only wait for news and hope that the problem will be resolved I actually wonder how much longer can Voyager One Last will it be able to fly to the borders of the orc cloud in 300 years
What do you think I’d like to hear your thoughts in the comments at the edge of our solar system there’s a cold and mysterious region known as the ort Cloud it’s a hypothetical vast area of icy space object objects surrounding the sun it’s believed to lie far far away from our
Star from 2,000 to 5,000 astronomical units for comparison Pluto’s orbit carries the planet between 30 and 50 astronomical units from the Sun and there in this freezing emptiness a rogue Planet may be hiding right at the moment at least that’s what new research has recently suggested rogue planets are
Called This Way because they don’t orbit around any Star they wander the Galaxy alone totally untethered without Stars they don’t have days or nights only Eternal Darkness Roga planets are usually kicked out of their planetary systems doomed to a solitary existence of circling the center of the Galaxy on their own of the
Thousands of planets scientists have detected outside of our solar system only a a dozen or so are starless and cruising on their own at the same time there might be billions or even trillions of rogue planets wandering around our galaxy if these estimations are true it might mean that the Milky
Way contains more free floating planets than Stars anyway in 1907 one astronomer started a search for Planet X it’s a hypothetical giant planet moving around the Sun beyond the orbit of Neptune the scientist was convinced that this planet existed because he had observed some irregularities in the orbits of Uranus
And Neptune his idea led to the discovery of Pluto in 1930 but the dwarf planet was too small to have any serious gravitational impact on the orbit of neptuni let alone Uranus these days the Planet X theory is largely considered to be discredited but it hasn’t stopped astronomers from
Searching for planets in the far reaches of our solar system and shockingly a new study claims there might be one or even more out there but much much further away than predicted an international team of scientists has recently simulated the unstable Celestial mechanisms of the early solar system they’ve discovered
That there’s a possibility that a few planet-sized bodies might have come to rest in the ort Cloud you see about 4.5 billion years ago when the solar system was just forming it was a hectic and unsettled Place gravity sent debris from the cooling protoplanetary dust cloud hurdling around like Cosmic tennis balls
From time to time large chunks of this debris even plane siiz ones were sent flying far enough to escape the Sun’s gravity altogether such pieces of debris turned into rogue planets researchers have seen such space Wanderers in distant exoplanetary systems but according to them there’s a
0.5% chance that one or more of those Wayward planets formed in the solar system and ended up in the ort Cloud after drifting away from the Sun at the same time it’s slightly more likely that a rogue neptun like planet was snagged by the Sun’s gravity from another
Planetary system and then this planet came to rest somewhere in the ort Cloud the chances that this scenario is true reach 7% if this turns out to be the case then a space body similar to Planet X might indeed be hiding out there on the outskirts of our solar system the only
Problem is that it would still be too far away to have any impact on Neptune’s orbit in any case most research archers are convinced that the orc cloud is made up of a collection of way smaller icy objects but given the distance to the or cloud and its enormous size we may never
Really figure out what is lurking out there the James web Space Telescope an astounding piece of equipment built to outperform the Hubble Space Telescope has made a terrifying and amazing discovery that might completely change our perception of the universe it has successfully detected a faint glow coming from a staggering 7 trillion
Miles away can this glow be shining City Lights coming from some mysterious extraterrestrial World galaxies away from us well let’s start from the beginning a few years ago NASA’s infrared Spitzer Space Telescope helped us spot a family of seven Rocky exoplanets orbiting the same star this
Star is known as Trappist 1 and recently our new infrared Powerhouse the James web telescope scope has measured the temperature of One of Those Distant Worlds it was a planet called trapist 1B unfortunately it turned out that this earthlike planet was totally uninhabitable astronomers took James web’s mid infrared camera called Miri
And looked at the planet’s thermal emissions we can picture the whole process as scientists using heat sensing Terminator Vision the results were quite disappointing Trappist 1B turned out to be scorching its average temperature was around 450° F that’s as hot as in an oven plus the planet most likely doesn’t
Have any atmosphere at the same time this discovery was another record-breaking first for the telescope which had already produced some newsworthy results by that time it was the first time researchers detected any form of light emitted by a small and relatively cool exoplanet similar to the
Rocky planets in our own solar system no previous telescope had enough sensitivity to measure such dim mid infrared light when seven trapist 1 exoplanets were first discovered the astronomical Community was ecstatic that’s because all those far away worlds were about the size of our home planet and located in their Stars habitable
Zone it’s the region that is just the right distance away from a star for liquid water to exist on a planet surface thus the planetary system became the best place to look for rocky planets with an atmosphere but don’t get too excited yet these planets aren’t likely
To become new worlds for humans to explore mostly because the Trappist one planets are totally out of our reach at the moment they’re just too far away at a whopping 235 trillion miles away their star is also much smaller and redder than our sun it’s classified as an M
Dwarf star in our home Milky Way galaxy there are twice as many of such stars as there are stars like the sun and they’re also twice as likely to have rocky planets orbiting it’s probably not surprising that astronomers are very interested in such Stars they’re the main targets for seeking potentially
Habitable planets and it’s also way easier and more convenient to observe rocky planets around such smaller stars but there’s a catch M dwarfs are more active than our sun they frequently flare and spew high energy rays which are likely to be extremely damaging to planet’s atmospheres and any forms of
Extraterrestrial life when researchers examined trapist 1B before their observations weren’t sensitive enough to determine whether this world had an atmosphere or if it was just a Barren Rock but now we know the planet is tidy locked to its star which means that one of its sides always faces the star while
The other is stuck in Perpetual Darkness the latest simulations suggest that if this planet had an atmosphere its temperatures would be much lower since the air would redistribute the heat around both sides of the planet unfortunately the James web telescope recorded much hotter temperatures than needed for such a favorable scenario it
Indicates the the absence of an atmosphere and knocks the planet off our list of possibly habitable worlds but the main excitement here isn’t actually the features of Trappist 1B the main takeaway is that James web is capable of making such kinds of measurements it’ll help us explore the atmospheres and
Temperatures of many other Distant Worlds our galaxy is home to to 200 billion stars and maybe a 100 billion planets let’s imagine that life exists on a tiny fraction of those places and let’s imagine that those lives could evolve into intelligent beings given that it would seem safe to say that our galaxy would be populated and some
Species would be actively trying to find us we have an equation called the Drake equation that can estimate how many intelligent civilizations might arise in our galaxy the equation suggests that there should be around 20 civilizations just on the outskirts of our galaxy so why haven’t
We encountered any of them yet the work of Frank Drake a radio astronomer published in 1961 is a set of many variables such as the average number of planets in a solar system that could potentially Harbor life or the rate at which stars are suitable for intelligent
Life form the complexity here is that astronom have yet to determine the exact values of these variables meaning that our calculations are still only approximate but recent discoveries in these areas give us hope that we can refine these estimates let’s use our hypothetical assumptions and apply them
To our galaxy let’s crunch the numbers and it comes up to at least 20 civilizations and yet somehow the sky remains strangely silent how did this happen some people think that the appearance of life is a rare event others think that the transition from bacteria to highly developed beings is a
Difficult step still others believe that civilizations May either destroy themselves after a short lifespan or may never even invent something with which they could communicate but there is one theory that surpasses all the others in its creepiness the Dark Forest Theory according to it the universe is a vast
Cosmic version of a haunted forest and other kinds of beings are out there somewhere playing hide and seek they are deliberately keeping silent why well for starters every form of life wants to survive if we start with that assumption we can ask the question will other forms
Of life harm you if they have the chance so the safest option is to destroy them before they find the right time to do the same to you Frankly Speaking this is a cosmic version of survival of the fittest in this scenario making contact with others becomes the most dangerous
Game as it could lead to your location being tracked down and you being destroyed the theory was proposed by scientist David Brin as a possible explanation for the lack of radio evidence for the existence of life but how realistic is this Theory only one Advanced race behaving in this way could
Answer that question so far this Theory explains why we are not picking up any Advanced Radio Transmissions despite A Century of listening it is possible that other beings like us are too afraid of being noticed and have deliberately gone silent it is worth considering that there may have been a point at which
Everyone decided to keep quiet was it an aggressive civilization that deliberately wiped out the noisy aliens the question is open for about a century now we have been those very noisy aliens any other civilization ation within a 100 light years of us can receive our signals and know exactly
Where we are and if we have reasons to hide from them as some people such as Steven Hawkings suggest we may already be in trouble so will we ever receive a message from our Cosmic Partners only time will tell but what we do know for sure is that we cannot just brush this
Off we cannot allow Panic to spread across the planet when we receive that alien WhatsApp we need to have a plan and we need to have it ready by the time we are faced with the real situation the US authorities have investigated over a 100 cases of strange phenomena occurring
In the sky no little green men have ever been found more likely drones and similar objects whether our Intergalactic neighbors will send us a message tomorrow or centuries later we need a plan after all this could change everything we know about our universe and our place in
It when a team of astronomers embarked on an ambitious project to craft a comprehensive 3D depiction of our galaxy they anticipated standard findings yet they stumbled upon something completely unexpected Dr anab banaka a distinguished scientist from Harvard detected an unusual interference in the Stellar streams of our galaxy these
Stellar streams are essentially Pathways of stars that Traverse galaxies in unison the specific stream in focus Nam gd1 spans a remarkable distance across our Celestial canvas historically this stream maintained a consistent line molded by the Galaxy’s gravitational pull however Dr bonaka observed an anomaly a gap with an irregular outline
It appeared as though a massive entity had recently burst through gd1 its gravitational prowess pulling Stars along its path intriguingly telescopes couldn’t pinpoint what caused this disruption the burning question then was what could this invisible force possibly be I hope this unknowable Force doesn’t stop you from clicking the Subscribe
Button giving it a like and hitting the Bell your support is very important thank you there’s a hypothesis that an unfamiliar star could be the culprit however Dr bonica believes that the size of this disturbance is much larger than any known star it would need to be a
Staggering million times the mass of our sun but let’s consider another possibility what if a gargantuan black hole akin to the one at our Galaxy’s core caused this disruption in the Milky Way if two such black holes neared each other they might get trapped in their Mutual gravitational pull leading to a
Potential catastrophic Collision then the stronger of the two holes would consume the weaker one and one huge Super Mighty black hole would appear but people have yet to Wi witness a collision of black holes plus scientists can’t predict the consequences of such a merge even though they’ve simulated it on powerful
Computers the only obvious fact is that it would produce incredible amounts of energy huge ripples would travel through the entire universe bound to hit our planet eventually then again two black holes in one Galaxy might refuse to merge imagine this a super massive black hole hundreds of millions of times the
Mass of the Sun is spinning in the center of the Milky Way at a phenomenal speed another spinning black hole approaches hours what do you think will happen right one of the holes most likely the Intruder will get kicked out and sent hurdling away like a frisbee flying
Through space and who can guarantee that it wouldn’t head toward the Earth luckily for us there aren’t any super massive black holes in the vicinity so this Theory fails to explain the Myster serious Bullet Hole phenomenon Dr bonica still doesn’t rule out the possibility that the Intruder is some kind of luminous star-like
Object after tearing a hole in the Milky Way it could be hiding somewhere in the Galaxy but again it seems highly unlikely because of the object’s huge size I mean we’re talking 30 to 65 light years across may I in any case predicting the location of this mysterious Intruder is as challenging as
Guessing where your missing sock disappears to after laundry day speaking of things disappearing don’t let this channel vanish from your feed hit that subscribe button the Intruder could have been blazing fast requiring minimal Mass to cause such a disturbance in the Stell stream or it could have been a slower massive
Behemoth astronomers are still scratching their heads which just goes to show that some Mysteries are harder to unravel than other throughout the years scientists have made some discoveries that seem to hint at the existence of extraterrestrial life but do they really let’s find out in 1976 NASA’s Viking Mars Landers
Detected chemical signatures that could be a sign of extraterrestrial life during one of the experiments Martian soil was mixed with special nutrients and then tested for the production of methane gas and the Test’s result was positive in other words something in the soil was metabolizing these nutrients and producing the gas unfortunately other
Experiments conducted on board the Landers didn’t show any evidence of life it caused NASA to declare the result a false positive and still some scientists keep standing by the finding arguing that the experiments on board were IL equ equipped to look for a key indicator of Life organic
Molecules in 1977 an Ohio State un University radio telescope detected a bizarre pulse of radiation coming from someplace near the Sagittarius constellation it lasted 37 seconds and was so unexpected that the astronomer who was monitoring the data at that moment scribbled wow on the telescope’s print out the thing is that the radio
Frequency of the signal is internationally banned on Earth the signal could be the result of a super massive astronomical event or it could be sent by some kind of int ENT life with immensely powerful transmitters so far this mystery has remained unexplained in 1996 NASA scientists announced that they had found something
That could be microbes in a potato-shaped chunk of Martian Rock the meteorite might have been blasted off the surface of Mars in a collision it had been wandering the solar system for about 15 million years before it fell in Antarctica analyses showed that the meteorite contains some organic
Molecules and tiny particles of the mineral called magnetite it’s sometimes found in bacteria living on our planet NASA researchers used an electron microscope and announced that they had spotted nanobacteria but since that time this evidence has been called into question a few times some experts say that the
Particles of magnetude are not really similar to those found on our planet and Earth’s contaminants are likely to be the source of organic molecules Jupiter’s moon Europa has a bizarre red tinge some of the theories explaining this phenomenon have suggested the reason is frozen bits of bacteria which
Are also responsible for the mysterious infrared signal the moon gives off but this Theory hasn’t been proven yet the existence of life in Venus’s clouds might explain curious anomalies in the composition of the planet’s atmosphere solar radiation and lightning are supposed to generate generate tons of carbon monoxide on Venus but in reality
This gas is rare as if something is removing it another weird thing is the presence of both hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere usually these two readily react together that’s why it’s rare to find them coexisting the only explanation can be that some process keeps churning them out but
Probably the most mysterious is the presence of carbonal sulfide the thing is on Earth Earth it’s only produced by microbes and not by some inorganic process some experts believe that microbes might be living in the atmosphere of Venus the surface of the planet scorching hot and acidic isn’t very suitable for the development
Of life but up in the atmosphere it’s moist and hospitable with a pressure similar to Earth and pleasant temperatures but again we haven’t received any solid proof yet in 2003 scientists discussed the possibility that the tra places of sulfur on Jupiter’s moon Europa could be the waste products of colonies of underground
Bacteria the compounds were first discovered by the Galileo space probe which also found some evidence of a volcanically warmed ocean beneath the icy crust of the Moon the sulfur signatures look similar to the waste products of bacteria living in the surface ice covering lakes in Antarctica on Earth but other scientists rejected
The idea they argued that the sulfur could have come from the neighboring Moon i o there it’s found in Abundance how about I tell you that aliens might exist I know it probably goes against everything you believe in but it’s a new model of the universe that could explain how intelligent life spreads and distributes this model makes lots of predictions for example we should expect to meet another
Civilization at some point it also mentions our chances of starting to get messages from Aliens or even becoming an interplanetary civilization ourselves this model also explains why we haven’t met other space civilizations yet considering the huge number of stars and galaxies in the universe but let’s go into detail the main Assumption of
The model is that at one point a civilization existing in the vastness of the cosmos can become grabby you see there are two types of civilizations quiet aliens don’t actually try to expand neither do they change much and after some time they just disappear that might be the reason
Why we don’t have any data about them and all that is left to do is to make speculations about their existence but there are also loud aliens they supposedly keep spreading really fast until they meet other space civilizations the model also calls these loud aliens grabby that’s because they
Expand from their home planet at a fraction of the speed of light they also make significant and Visible Changes wherever they travel and they last for a really long time too why might we suppose that grabby aliens exist because their existence may be the most plausible explanation for why Humanity
Appeared so early in the history of the universe see for yourself the current date is 13.8 billion years after the big bang small Stars can burn their Cosmic fuel for up to a trillion years and according to the standard model of the origin of advanced life it’s more likely
To appear at the end of the longest planet lifetimes well grabby aliens might be to blame for our early appearance such civilizations could set deadlines for others if such aliens indeed exist they will occupy most of the observable universe really soon and when they succeed no other civilizations will be
Able to appear because all the habitable planets will already be taken a civilization like ours ADV Advanced but not grabby yet could only appear early because later it wouldn’t have a chance to do it there’s another reason why the idea of grabby aliens seems plausible look at life on earth like
Humans aren’t we grabby in many ways too species cultures and companies tend to expand and occupy new niches and territories as fast as they can for example species spreading on new territories get access to new resources and thus increase their population why shouldn’t we expect the same behavior from extraterrestrial
Civilizations the main author of this model Robin Hansen was also the first to introduce the idea of the great filter in 1996 according to the great filter Theory the universe is filled with countless life forms but people haven’t stumbled across any of them yet because somewhere there is a great filter the
Main purpose of this filter is to stop and finish those civilizations that advance to the level of star colonization suppose that this idea is true there are three possible scenarios for our civilization the first one we’re unique because we have passed the great filter other civilizations haven’t managed to make it this
Far the second scenario goes like this we’re among the first potential colonizers before the conditions in space were too harsh for life forms to leave their home planets in the case chances are high that we’ll soon encounter other civilizations and the third scenario is quite worrying we haven’t reached the
Level of technological development that is Advanced enough for the filter to locate us this means that we haven’t passed the filter yet in other words the trial is still ahead and it’s a big question if we manage to pass It the fmy Paradox essentially queries why haven’t we heard from anyone out there and why weren’t we included in the cosmic conversation one of the potential explanations for our Solitude in the vast expanse of space is the concept of the great filter this idea introduced in the 1990s by Robin Hansen postulates a
Significant barrier or challenge that may prevent life from proliferating across the cosmos this great filter is a metaphorical C that civilizations might need to Traverse to achieve the kind of advanced State we often fantasize about in sci-fi Tales you’ve probably seen something like this in the game about Captain Shephard regrettably evidence of
Such Advanced civilizations or even basic extraterrestrial life remains elusive it could be that evolving into higher life forms or mastering Interstellar travel is a Monumental task such an impediment might halt civilizations from progressing either due to Natural cataclysms like asteroid hits and ecological crises or by their own actions leading to
Self-destruction analyzing this Theory we Face two intriguing possibilities the first suggests we’ve already navigated past this daunting filter meaning we’ve weathered the toughest Trials of existence y for us but this would imply that intelligent life is a rare gem in the vastness of space leaving us potentially unique and isolated so our
Dreams of interstellar friendships and Explorations might be just fantasies on the gloomier side the second possibility posits that the most challenging tests lie ahead indicating that while other civilizations might exist they too face challenges they’ve yet to overcome they like us might be striving to survive evolve and hoping to
Signal to the cosmos that they’re here within the discussions of the great filter there’s mention of the rise of artificial intelligence AI with ai’s rapid advancement it’s conceivable that it might turn out to be a double-edged sword for Humanity AI as highlighted by the great filter Theory presents both an opportunity and a
Challenge as this technology surges ahead becoming increasingly integrated into our lives there’s a growing concern about its unforeseen consequences if not handled responsibly AI could end up being one of the hurdle civilizations including ours struggle to surpass the potential for AI to reach shape our society and even pose existential risks underscores the
Importance of cautious advancement yet it’s crucial to remember that the universe is vast and the narrative isn’t solely one of Doom and Gloom there’s a silver lining it’s possible that other civilizations having navigated past their great filters are thriving in distant corners of the cosmos their successes could eventually pave the way
For us to communicate collaborate or even coexist furthermore life in its most rudimentary form might be closer than we think entities not yet sophisticated enough to establish contact might inhabit Realms within our reach our Quest might not always lead us to Advanced civilizations even the discovery of microbial life would be
Groundbreaking amidst all the speculation and theories one thing is certain our thirst for knowledge Remains unquenched the scientific Community remains undeterred in its Mission with every passing day we probe further into space and particularly our solar system hoping to unearth evidence of Life discoveries such as water on mars or
Conditions suitable for life on some of Jupiter’s or Saturn’s moons emphasize that we might not have to venture too far to find hints of life the universe with all its vastness and Mysteries continually beckons we remain eager to uncover its Secrets as we continue our journey through the vast expanse of the UN
Universe and its Mysteries your support and curiosity drive us if you want to stay updated on more such Revelations and insights make sure to subscribe together let’s keep exploring the unknown don’t miss out hit that subscribe button now in the vast abyss of the cosmos amidst the Stellar tapestry lies the
Milky Way not just a river of stars but our very Abode Envision a gargantuan pin wheel spanning eons rotating in the void of space a place born from time’s earliest Whispers around 14 billion years ago a Dominion of Starlight nebuli and Cosmic wonders housing not just celestial
Bodies but stories Yours Mine and even that untidy child from down the lane picture a canvas so wide taking a 100 Millennia for a beam of light to Traverse within it our son a mere Speck takes 250 million years to complete its Cosmic Marathon around the Galaxy’s
Heart and when night Graces our world those Myriad twinkling eyes above most are part of the Milky Way sprawling limbs this River of Starlight was once an enigma to our ancestors a Milky stroke across the heavens hence the Galaxy’s poetic name but hold your breath for a Twist in the tail from the
Heart of this Stellar expanse a curious signal emanates like the dots and dashes of Morse code there exists a mysterious message perhaps a Celestial whisper decades past we spotted gigantic tendrils hanging ominously close to the enigmatic Sagittarius A asterisk our Galaxy’s heart harboring a monstrous black hole recent Revelations have unveiled
New tendrils puzzlingly shorter their orientations odd reminiscent of spokes radiating from a Wheels Hub though the tendrils share common traits their Origins are believed to differ towering vertical ones pierce the cosmos while the horizontal siblings evoke Morse codee’s eloquence the former magnetic while the latter exudes thermal warmth these baffling phenomena though
Celestial in scale may help unveil the secrets of our Galaxy’s Central black hole yet the Mysteries don’t end there from the depths came another signal frequent pulsations unlike any Celestial body we know its origin ambiguous some speculated to be remnants of a collapsed star While others Ponder the existence
Of an entirely unknown celestial object and as if the Galaxy wasn’t enigmatic enough a new conundrum arises our gamma ray telescope unveiled an intense glow from the Milky Ways core for a decade this luminescence baffled Minds is it the catac cmic destruction of elusive dark matter or is it the
Dance of millisecond pulsers neutron stars spinning at unimaginable speeds debates Rage with the pulsers being Prime suspects yet skepticism abounds some postulate it could be due to Cosmic interactions While others question the peculiar spherical Congregation of these pulsars the Galaxy with all its Grandeur remains a Labyrinth of riddles all we
Can do is persist in our Quest diving deeper into the Enigma that is our Celestial home within this vast Cosmic theater every Revelation begets more questions and every answer we unearth draws us further into an intricate dance of Wonder and uncertainty each star each Pulsar every
Tendril is not just a point of light or a phenomenon but a chapter in The Grand tale of our universe we as humble res residents of this Milky Way are constantly driven by an insatiable curiosity with every tool we Forge in every telescope WE peer through we seek
To understand our place in the vastness to decipher the messages encoded in the fabric of space and time these mysteries from the Morse Cod likee tendrils to the inexplicable gamma rays are beckoning calls for Humanity they whisper to us of stories yet to be told of puzzles waiting to be solved and
Of our ever evolving understanding of the cosmos in the face of these Revelations we are reminded of how much there is still to learn and yet with every Discovery we inch closer to understanding the intricate ballet of the universe the very first known Interstellar object or ISO to pay a
Visit to our solar system was a rocky elongated interloper with a slightly reddish Hue it was spotted in in 2017 and was dubbed with the Hawaiian name a mua mua it was almost 10 times as long as it was wide and it was extremely unusual objects in our solar system are
Rarely shaped this way so astronomers hoped it could provide some Clues into how other star systems Form and Function for hundreds of millions of years longer than I’ve been around this bizarre guest has been wandering through our home Milky Way galaxy not bothering to settle down in some star system and then it
Came across the solar system after the space traveler was discovered hundreds and probably even thousands of telescopes all over the world including eso’s very large telescope in Chile sprang into action they started measuring the object’s orbit its color and brightness that’s when it became apparent that the space Rock had an
Unusual orbit some astronomers suggested that alua mua was emitting hydrogen it had picked up during its Journey between Stars this was a simple explanation for the mystery that had evoked lots of outlandish theories when this bizarre guest was first spotted upon entering the solar system scientists were not
Sure what its nature was some claimed it was a comet others disagreed saying it didn’t have the features typical for comets a visible long tail and a coma which is a clot of gases surrounding the nucleus of a comet plus its shape was different from that of other comets
The only thing that made a mua mua more comet-like was the way it accelerated as it went away from the Sun the unusual object started to slow down on its way out but in a strange way as if not only gravity was in play there it seemed like
Something was creating a force to counter this gravity but unfortunately this Theory didn’t quite fit either the problem is that comets usually have large quantities of water ice on their surface and as the sun heats this size it gets ejected as jets of gas those Jets act as many rocket boosters but am
MOA MOA not only had no tail whatsoever but it was also too small to capture enough solar energy to support this kind of activity of course this mysterious space visitor caused some more outlandish theories for example some people started to claim that a mua mua could be a
Spacecraft sent by a civilization living in another star system however scientists found a better explanation a comet that is traveling between Stars gets cooked by Cosmic radiation these rays penetrate thick layers of eyes converting up to 25% of water molecules into molecules of hydrogen and then this trapped hydrogen gets released when some
Star warms the comet the effects of this process are almost invisible this might be the reason why we didn’t see a spectacular tail accompanying omua MUA at the same time the potential Comet was so small that this could produce enough Force to power its acceleration as for
The amount of ice released as a mua mua was coming closer to the Sun it was likely too small for astronomers to spot it now even though amua mua was the first known Interstellar object to enter our solar system it wasn’t the last in August 2019 Comet 2i borof visited us
Becoming the second ISO astronomer managed to spot now no one can argue that there are simply must be more visitors from far away star systems than those two isos are rare but our solar system is pretty old it must have been capturing some Interstellar Travelers over the millions and millions of years
Of its existence even though they never stayed for very long one study has taken a closer look at Interstellar objects and they concluded that these space Travelers might be caught not in solar orbits but in near Earth orbit orbits the astronomers working on this project
Even go as far as to claim that there might be a lot of isos in orbit around Earth now finding tiny objects in the vastness of the cosmos is extremely tricky think about it what images of distant areas of space do we usually get mostly Stars sometimes unclear pictures
Of exoplanets even more rarely it can be discs of debris but fine detail in small space objects almost never so it’s actually lucky for us that other solar systems send their inhabitants to visit us because by studying isos we gain insight into the formation Evolution and functioning of other star
Systems have you ever heard of the orch cloud it’s the most distant region of our solar system and it’s quite unusual you see the orbits of the planets lie mostly in the same flat disc surrounding the Sun but the orc cloud is believed to resemble a spherical shell surrounding
The entire solar system it looks like a gigantic thick walled bubble made up of chunks of ice and other space debris as large as mountains or even bigger astronomers think that the or Cloud contains billions if not trillions of different objects there might also be a connection
Between the or cloud and isos because scientists think that Interstellar objects might outnumber those from the solar system in this region even though no one has observe the or Cloud directly astronomers are sure it does exist they made such a conclusion after observing the distribution of comets in our solar
System the or Cloud could have formed from debris in the early solar system but some experts argue that the largest part of this unusual shell could be Interstellar in origin if travelers from other star systems are as common as some studies suggest lots of the bodies on
The edges of the solar system are likely to have originated in other systems sadly this Theory hasn’t been proven yet now since we’ve been talking about comets not Cupid or da or Blitzen one of them has recently approached the Sun at Breakneck speed it was 96p MCH holse 1
This comet is around 3.7 M wide and astronomers think it might have arrive from outside the solar system the NASA European Space Agency solar and heliospheric Observatory spacecraft has been monitoring the comet so look at this that’s the comet’s tail it’s mostly made up of gas it’s trickling behind
Frozen chunks of ice that are getting heated by the radiation coming from the Sun in some cases a comic can have two tails one made of dust and the other consisting of gas and each of them can reach hundreds and in some extreme situations even millions of miles in
Length in 2008 scientist analyze the material left by 150 comets they found out that the comet we’re talking about was quite low in carbon and didn’t contain a large enough amount of some other typical materials this could only mean one thing the comet was an interloper coming from another star
System it may have been ejected from its original solar system by the gravity of a large planet after that the poor homeless thing probably spent a large amount of time wandering around space until it came across Jupiter the gas giant could have bent the Comas trajectory trapping it in orbit around
The sun there’s one more Theory according to it the comet formed in a poorly studied region of the solar system and it has this weird composition due to its repeated Journeys around the Sun now scientists are watching the comet with anticipation like Christmas since it’s an atypical one both in its
Behavior and composition they don’t know what they will see which makes the whole process even more exciting most comets falling toward the sun are quite small not more than 32 ft across that’s why they burn up as soon as they come close to our star but the sheer size of mol
One which is more than 2/3 the height of Mount Everest seems to protect the comet from evaporating completely you know many different things have nothing in common at first glance the appearance of mysterious clouds over Stonehenge and the migration of wolves in Canada patterns on the wings of a Caribbean butterfly and
Strange footprints on the moon’s surface these are all random facts but people can see Connections in these events let’s see how it can happen and where it can lead to imagine reading some crazy article on one of the unreliable sites forgetting about it and then beginning to notice
Small details in the world that might indicate that the information in this article is true you realize you’ve learned something unusual but for some reason other people don’t see it or don’t want to see it you try to tell them but no one wants to listen to you
And some people even think you’ve gone mad let’s stop for a moment and see what kind of article you’ve read so in 2017 one not so truthful site published a story about a ship from another planet called Black Knight that had been spying on people for 12 12,000 years but not
Long ago Agents from a secret organization managed to destroy it sounds like absolute nonsense or a plot for a cheap sci-fi movie of course you don’t believe it but a few years later you find a story about Nicola Tesla let’s fast forward to 1899 the famous scientist was sitting in his laboratory
In Colorado Springs conducting radio experiments suddenly his receiver caught a strange radio signal then after a while another one the signals came in with the same time interval as if someone wanted to send a message Nicola Tesla realized it could be something from extraterrestrial civilizations that were trying to start a dialogue with
People using the most universal language math he also reported about this event in a magazine at the beginning of the 20th century and added that he hadn’t decipher the message okay now let’s forget about it and see what happened next in 1927 an engineer from Oslo who was
Fond of radio devices was sending signals into open space he was surprised when sometime later the same signals began to return to his receiver it was as if the signals bounced off something big and echoed back or something received these messages and then sent them back to the sender to make an
Acquaintance the man quickly reported his Discovery to Scientific journals and perhaps someone connected this event with Nicola Tesla’s words about stange signals from space all this were just prerequisites for the Black Knight but the most exciting events started decades later in the 60s Tha magazine published
An article that said that the US had discovered a satellite orbiting Earth and using unknown technology a couple of years later project Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper reported that he had seen a strange object during his space flight but the black Knight became really famous only in the late 9s when NASA
Published a series of images of a mysterious object during the first flight to the ISS astronauts noted weirdly shaped something and took several pictures then someone gathered all the facts collected all the information about the black satellite and discovered that it had been flying around our planet for more than 10,000
Years how did they figure it out people managed to calculate the age of those radio signals that Tesla and the engineer had received if this is true the Black Knight appeared much earlier than the samarians in ancient Egypt what if this satellite helped build pyramids and Majestic temples what if it had been
Watching over our development all this time and transmitting this information to another planet what if mysterious images ancient people drew depicted the satellite people began to suspect NASA and other space agencies of hiding information about the black object to vent panic and now after having received all the data about the mysterious satellite
You might begin to suspect that the bizarre article may actually be true this news is so improbable and ridiculous that no one will believe it if you want to hide something hide it in plain sight and so together with other enthusiasts you start hunting for any information about the mysterious ship
You create forums post photos of unknown objects and become obsessed with this topic you really believe in the reality of the Black Knight moreover you don’t want to question its existence and people reading your articles do the same congratulations you have become an ideal candidate for creating fake news in the yellow
Press such myths and urban legends seem attractive the human brain feels pleasure when it finds fake secret information the feeling of mystery adrenaline and shock can cause psychological addiction that’s why the stories about the Black Knight are still alive mysterious facts seem logical and people stop seeing information that
Refutes their theories the case of the Black Knight is no exception the fans of this black object believe that Nicola Tesla received signals from some space civilization but for some reason they don’t attach importance to scientific articles which say that such radio signals could be sent by giant space objects like pulsars
A pulsar is a rotating neutron star emitting powerful electromagnetic radiation such radiation is often found in space these radio waves don’t imply the presence of a mind and a sender the cosmos is full of such signals the technology for detecting such objects were created in the’ 60s or maybe
Tesla’s device caught a signal coming from our planet besides the scientists didn’t say anything about the Black Knight so why did people connect these two events that story with the Norwegian engineer is still unexplained yes his signals returned as an echo but this had nothing to do with the flying object in
Question either you might as well say that the satellite somehow influenced the Titanic there’s no logic in such assumptions strangely no one connected the Black Knight with the yeti or the Kraken now let’s return to that Times article about a strange object flying around Earth it also stated it was a
Fragment of an American reconnaissance satellite but fans of myths and legends apparently didn’t notice this explanation as for astronaut Cooper who was said to spot some object during his mission he actually saw nothing he even showed a transcript with no reports about the black satellite however some Believers in other civilizations keep
Silent about this fact so the main proof of the black Knight’s existence is the photos taken during the first flight to the ISS the astronauts noticed the strange object and took pictures but it wasn’t a surprise for them because some part of the ship broke away during some
Work they did outside it was a piece of thermal coating the astronauts sent the photo to NASA and the space agency assigned it a personal number as it does with all such objects a few days later the Black Knight fell out of orbit and burned up an Earth’s atmosphere almost all the this
Information was recorded in official protocols one of NASA’s Engineers who knew the photographer of the black satellite explained that those famous photos depicted an ordinary piece of the ship there was nothing fantastic about it but the fans of extraterrestrial Rockets must have missed all this information all these myths have long
Been debunked and all the false facts have been refuted but the Black Knight continues to live in many people’s minds and on the p of the yellow press it has become a link between many reports of strange flying objects over the years hundreds of stories have appeared about secret Laboratories with
Extraterrestrial Technologies about NASA hiding secrets and about creatures from other planets and many people connected these myths with the black satellite it has stopped being a real physical object now it’s a cultural phenomenon remember how the main symbol of extraterrestrial civilizations with a flying saucer it’s not trending anymore today the symbol is
A black weirdly shaped Stone don’t be fooled we fly away from Earth to look at it from a distance it glows like a holiday tree big cities look like yellow spots at night and during the day we see strange structures like a palm tree shaped island in the UAE or a dark band
That runs all the way through China the great wall these are traces of human existence now let’s Point our telescope at other planets Mars it’s just an empty endless desert Venus only rocks and volcanos even if we look into distant space all the planets out there are deserted and
Lifeless not a single trace of an extraterrestrial civilization many people are convinced that life on Earth isn’t unique at all here’s our galaxy there are billions of sunlike stars and here is the entire observable universe with billions of such galaxies there’s an almost infinite number of of stars
And near each of them there may be habitable worlds but we may not have found life on other planets because it hides from us under the surface for example there’s Europa a satellite of Jupiter slightly smaller than our moon its structure resembles a soft boiled
Egg its surface is a hard crust of ice but if you take a big enough drill you can get to the liquid yolk an ocean of water Jupiter and its satellites are very far from the Sun so it’s quite cold there about 270° below zero so liquid
Water instantly turns to ice but Jupiter has a strong gravitational force that causes a lot of friction inside Europa and its core heats up the heat melts the ice and we have a watery ocean under the surface water is the foundation of all life so there could be simple bacteria
In that ocean and who knows maybe there are other life forms out there for example weirdly shaped fish because of the weak gravity their bodies are built differently or something like whales feeding on plankton in 2009 scientists found a planet that is completely covered by an ocean GJ 1214 it’s about
40 light years from Earth and about 75% of its mass is water still the temperatures on this planet are so high that water evaporates and takes the form of super liquid water there’s so much steam that it feels as thick as water itself no life could exist in such conditions
Video “Oumuamua back again but not alone | UAP or UFO? The proof is out there” was uploaded on 03/07/2024 to Youtube Channel BRIGHT SIDE Universe

The post “Oumuamua Returns, But It’s Not Alone” by GretAi was published on 03/08/2024 by