Peruvian journalist, Gustavo Gorriti, fights against smear campaign

Peruvian journalist, Gustavo Gorriti, fights against smear campaign

Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti is facing a challenging battle as he is being targeted in a smear campaign by prosecutors in Peru. Known for his investigative work, Gorriti is now being pressured to reveal his sources in a corruption case. The charges against him are being dismissed as an attempt to discredit his work and tarnish his reputation.

Al Jazeera’s Mariana Sanchez reports from Lima, Peru on the ongoing investigation surrounding Gorriti and the allegations of bribery. The case has sparked concerns about press freedom and the ability of journalists to work without fear of retaliation or intimidation.

Gorriti’s situation highlights the challenges faced by journalists in exposing corruption and holding those in power accountable. As the investigation unfolds, it will be crucial to see how the case against Gorriti develops and what implications it may have for media freedom in Peru.

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Video “Gustavo Gorriti case: Peruvian journalist battles smear campaign” was uploaded on 07/02/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English