Petra’s Tourism Authority in Jordan Cracks Down on Bedouin Cave Dwellers: FRANCE 24 English

Petra’s Tourism Authority in Jordan Cracks Down on Bedouin Cave Dwellers: FRANCE 24 English

The ancient city of Petra in Jordan, known as one of the Seven Wonders of the World, has been a popular tourist destination for centuries. However, a recent crackdown by the tourism authority on Bedouin cave dwellers has threatened their way of life.

For generations, Bedouins have inhabited the caves of Petra, making a living through tourism, which is their main source of income. However, in recent years, many families have been forced to leave their caves and relocate to government housing. Those who have chosen to stay face the constant threat of expulsion at any moment.

The crackdown has made it increasingly difficult for the Bedouins to make a living and support their families. With their traditional way of life under threat, they are struggling to adapt to the changes imposed by the tourism authority.

Our Jordan correspondent visited Petra to meet with the Bedouin cave dwellers and hear their stories. The situation sheds light on the challenges faced by marginalized communities in the tourism industry, where economic interests often take precedence over the well-being of local residents.

As Petra continues to attract hundreds of thousands of tourists each year, it is crucial to find a balance between preserving the historical site and ensuring that the local community is not adversely affected. The crackdown on Bedouin cave dwellers highlights the complex issues surrounding tourism and heritage preservation in Jordan.

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Video “Jordan: Petra’s tourism authority cracks down on Bedouin cave dwellers • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 08/29/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English