In Texas, pregnant women and their physicians are facing serious risks due to strict abortion laws that severely restrict access to reproductive health care. With limited exceptions in place, women are struggling to find quality care, leading some doctors to speak out against the dangerously vague state law.
This eye-opening video from “60 Minutes” sheds light on the implications of these restrictive laws on women’s health and the medical professionals tasked with caring for them. The broadcast, known for its hard-hitting investigative reports, delves into the impact of Texas’ abortion laws on the ground level, revealing the challenges and risks faced by pregnant women and their doctors.
As one of the most successful television broadcasts in history, “60 Minutes” continues to provide in-depth coverage of important issues, sparking discussions and raising awareness about critical topics. This video serves as a reminder of the ongoing fight for reproductive rights and the importance of ensuring access to safe and quality healthcare for all individuals.
To stay up to date with the latest episodes and content from “60 Minutes,” be sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow them on social media. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn more about the issues that matter and take action to support women’s health and rights.
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“60 Minutes,” the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen’s Top 10.
Video “Doctors say strict abortion laws in Texas put pregnant women and their physicians at serious risk” was uploaded on 11/04/2024 to Youtube Channel 60 Minutes
And yet the majority of Texas, including women, voted for Trump. I just shake my head in disgust.
You don't need an abortion you need to keep your legs closed to men who are not your husband. One man. Hookup culture women hate this
All doctors should leave Texas.
You expected a response from a corrupt AG Paxton???😂😂😂
I swear, it is so dangerous to be a woman in this country. First it starts with banning abortion, then comes making birth control illegal, then comes statewide period tracking and who knows what else. I know, a bit extreme but let’s be real, never seen a state so so far to JUST NOW allow an exception for a ectopic…don’t forget a Texas lawmaker asked a women ‘how is a ectopic pregnancy not just as important as a regular pregnancy.
This is why men should NOT have a single opinion or input on women’s health.
too late now, people in texas voted for your body, his choice.
As someone raised in Texas, I am so glad to say I now live in New Mexico! I am so proud of New Mexico and the doctors here who are able to help women and give them the care they deserve.
They are not letting the people decide they are deciding for them
These laws also affect women in domestic violence situations 😢
This is the usa and if a woman went to go to another state that is her right and he has known right to be asking questions about any woman.
What happened to Hippa? that doesn’t matter? When does government get their medical degrees? Insanity at the very least
Living in Albany Ga abortion and other sterilizations are very important for everyone. Especially with widespread AIDS, HIV, sex trafficking and child molestation cases.
America d'ed November 7, 2024.
I’d like to share something here I’ve found interesting. Contrary to the dominant American Christian position on abortion, within Judaism, it is unequivocally the life of the mother who must be saved. At all costs, the living life is the priority. Oftentimes a woman is already a mother. A woman can become pregnant again, a child will never have another birth mother. Historically it was the custom that should the mother die, her sister was expected to marry her widower and take on the role of mother to her sister’s children. This way of thinking about the responsibility of brining new life into the world has always made a deep impression on me. Do we value life as an idea? Or do think of each life as a part of something more, a member of a family, who must be loved, nurtured, and raised responsibly, to eventually become an adult member of a community?
This medical doctors should change the language of procedures and what pregnancy terminations are labelled an abortion. Calling a miscarriage a spontaneous abortion is part of the reason the “abortion” ban laws are vague. They claim the abortion bans are there to prevent people from ending a pregnancy as a form of birth control. So if it’s not about stoping necessary medical procedures when pregnancy goes wrong then change what an abortion is defined as medically also label procedure like a d&c called something else when it’s used for preventing sepsis after a miscarriage or still birth and another then it’s used as a form of post fertilisation birth control. At least then the law will be clear because it can prevent the “abortions” prolife advocates claim to care about while allowing women to get the healthcare they need during pregnancy both when it goes right and wrong.
If you say that for every situation abortion is only one of the treatment options you automatically say that it's never actually needed except in emergency
Yeah, these women voters voted against themselves, they're so dumb.
Why aren't more Texans marching in the streets over this
This is what you WW voted for!
Any intelligent person knows a president doesn't have the power to directly reverse a Supreme Court decision or ruling on abortion. This is all a game to make Kamala seem like a martyr and Trump the villain. In other words, Kamala could not have done squat about the abortion ruling. It was lies to get the women's vote. But most American women are smart and don't see the state-to-state issue as a big problem. They see the open border as a real threat to women's safety of all ages, and the economy is hurting everyone. The majority of Americans have spoken very loudly about who they want for president. This propaganda that the legacy media keeps putting out is flat-out lies and is deliberately spun to inject false facts to manipulate the American people, and most of us have gotten wise to it. HAVE YOU?
Deputizing citizens to keep an eye on pregnant women? Vile overreach. Texas is TRASH.
Imagine young women bleeding internally from a pregnancy complication and nobody will treat her. Before she dies blood pours from every orifice. Her eyes, her nose, her mouth. She is very aware of what is happening. She dies. 100% preventable. This is real and happening here in Texas.
They think having a baby is easy, because the body gets pregnant (generally) without doing anything. Pregnancy is a life and death situation. Texas with it's 60% increase in maternal mortality is telling me they do not want women in their state.
If these walls could talk…. amazing movie ….. really shows what happens …. 😢
There is No medical reason whatsoever to justify abortion …I am so sick of doctors who have traded the hippocratic oath
of saving lives for a hypocritical murderous oath of destroying precious Life. to pad their own damn greedy wallets
I won’t even drive through Texas.
If abortion ban is lifted don't you think the new genz teenagers will misuse it
Proud of texas!! Abortion does not make you un-pregnant it makes you the parent of a dead child. Abortion is not healthcare for the baby.
DO NOT TRUST 60 MINUTES: They have proven they are a partisan hack shop. By all means look up the laws as stated by Texas. There are exceptions and statements on what the real allotments and penalties are
'They' have ZERO intrrest in womens health or life. We need to stop allowing them that cop-out! If there were ANY regard to the health of the woman, the TRAINING TO SAVE HER LIFE WOULD BE PART OF THE CURRICULUM! PERIOD.
What they are enforcing is the regression of medical science so that in a few years þhe idea of àbortion, for any reason will only be regarded as "not possible", as if it never was, and mever will be!
And whats next??
When mothers lose their life, in some instances it will also leave their other children without a mum.
There are people in Texas who traveled 1h or less to get proper reproductive care in New Mexico. Even miscarriage care, medical emergency abortion care, etc in New Mexico because the laws are strict and a few of the women didn’t want to have to wait until they were dying for care.
thank you to whoever voted for trump- you have created a disaster for women's reproductive healthcare. SHAME on you.
Gee. What a shock. Old white men who know nothing about women’s bodies or pregnancy pass laws that have unintended consequences.
Nobody is protecting life with these laws. Unwanted pregnancies can end in more foster children, poor single mothers, emotional abuse. Wanted flawed pregnancies can end in death of the mother or the child. Or both. This is about control and subjection of women, as evidenced by the fact there is no support, no PTO, no child care or other societal support for these women. Disgusting.
Maybe we will fight for our freedom, I hope we haven’t become soft consumerist and all we care about is having a 65” tv in every room. We need to fight like the young people in the 60s who fought for their freedom against being sent to Viet Nam to be killed in that unnecessary war that our government got us into. Womens freedom is being attacked by our government. I thought the US fights for freedom for our citizens, what is it they mean by that.
How doesn't this have more views? Every woman and girl need to move out of Texas. This is stupid dangerous
even the Taliban will follow the suggestion of doctors in the same medical situation….
YOUR STATE DETERMINES YOUR ABORTION “RIGHTS” if you’re not happy with them, contact your state representatives!
Roe vs. Wade was reversed while Biden and Harris were in office.
Nice try 60 Minutes, you failed!!!
Very impactful, hearing from all these physicians who oppose this. It’s not about politics, it’s not about labels, it’s just about doing what is right and what makes sense medically and scientifically.
For anyone interested about the abortion law in the us trickery – MDJ mamadoctorjones makes super informing videos about that. She is an obgyn herself that moved to Australia
Too dangerous for pregnancy…but cruelty is the point
Well more lies from the mainstream media
Why don't people in Texas try to initiate a constitution change amendment to protect abortion like many states did in 2024 ?
Oh wait, they can't !
And this is what motivates conservatives from other states to move here ? (Because let's be honest, more people who move here are conservative) ; that's really disgusting, even if it is legal !
But hey it s okay cuz now we ll supposedly have cheaper eggs and milk??! If u voted Trump you voted for this crap!!!
Not revealing that this OBGYN is an extreme abortion advocate who got an award from the Margaret Sanders institute and instead a neutral party is incredibly intellectual ly dishonest, but so is this entire video so I'm not surprised
Texas gynecological and obstetric programs medical programs (like every medical program in the country, including in states with more stricter abortion laws than Texas) require in state miscarriage and spontaneous abortion care
Abortion Advocates are going to get women killed