Tragedy struck in South Korea as a plane crash claimed the lives of 179 people in a fiery accident. The incident, which occurred in a remote area of the country, has sparked a major investigation into the cause of the crash.
Authorities have yet to determine what led to the tragic event, but it was reported that the plane burst into flames upon impact. The crash has left the nation in mourning as families grieve the loss of their loved ones.
Emergency response teams were quick to arrive at the scene of the crash, but unfortunately, there were no survivors. The wreckage of the plane was scattered over a wide area, making the recovery process challenging for rescue workers.
The South Korean government has vowed to fully investigate the crash to determine the cause and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. The nation is devastated by the loss of so many lives in this tragic event, and our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the victims during this difficult time.
Watch the video by NBC News
Video “179 killed in South Korea plane crash” was uploaded on 12/30/2024 to Youtube Channel NBC News
Boeing kills. Whistleblowers and passengers
Typical runways are designed to have dirt surface to slow planes down, apparently Koreans believe a wall slows planes down faster…sadly
Boeing quality caused the crash to happen, the landing gear should’ve worked. The stupidity of designing a wall at end of runway is definitely a kimchi designer
Why was there a wall there but not one on the South(Mex/US) border?

The pilot landed the plane the problem was the wall thats what killed everyone except for the two who stoop at the end of the plane and survived
Those last moments were definitely terrifying for the passengers. That’s sad.
one of the last text messages from a passenger. they messaged their friend that they have to wait longer because of a bird strike and that they should write their last messages.
friend responded with lol(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ), message was left unread
How does this prevent WW3?
It looks like the reverse thrusters were actuated, at least on the starboard side. I have no idea why the gear wasn't down, but I've never heard of a bird strike doing that. It seems like they forgot to lower the landing gear and had the starboard engine with reverse thrusters. I'm gonna call this as not following the checklists for a bird strike, port engine failure, and not using a landing checklist. Also known as "pilot error" or "gross incompetence".
Russia hack
That room full of family members…just waiting to hear the name of their loved one(s)…how utterly heartbreaking….
feels like the pilot tried to fly back in the air rather than going back in land
정부 가 쓸모가 없어요 이 나라는
That is sad. I feel them. Call out name on waiting lists. Reacts. Hurry to get in line for Korean bbq
Was it Boeing ?
Why are there so many plane crashes happening recently
"Rushed to the scene" shows firemen walking.
Please don't tell me it was boeing
What genius thought it was a great idea to put a heavy reinforced wall at the end of the runway?
This was NOT tonight, a little misleading
Pray fully in the name of your God, before setting a foot in any airplane.
stay at home guys. aviation nowadays is scary.
We Pray to God to give the support and courage to all family members whos beloved one passed away in this unfortunates shocking and horrible air crash accident. The question will be raised on belly landing approach, length of runway strip, landing speed and concrete block wall distance from air strip. In just 2 minutes of span, Happy moment of passenger converted sad moment of their family members.
미국인분들! 저희 한국은 역사이래로 가장큰 위기를 겪고 있습니다. 모든언론은 민주공산당 눈치를 보며 외신의 눈귀를 막고 있으며, 누가봐도 공항과 둔벽문제를 항공사측으로 원인을 돌리고 있습니다. 대통령 탄핵이후 북중러 대변하는 깡패집단 민주당이 총 29번의 유래없는 탄핵을 하였고 나라는 무정부 상태입니다. 최고 우방국인 미국의 도움이 절실히 필요합니다.
All $ airlines make can’t come up with a bird blocker to not strike engines you telling me 100 of people died do to a bird come on y’all
Why threr is Wall fence arround the airport
Why are they building the walls at the end of runaways???? Pilot landed the plain and they all died because of the wall!!!!!!
It was obviously Putin's fault.
Guess airport architects can't accurately predict how far a plane needs to do emergency landings.
Boeing has serious problem now,just another same type Boeing737-800 met landing gear problem today and returned to a Korean airport
What a tragic incident!!! Just when you thought you have landed safely!!!
RIP to those who lost their lives & condolences to the bereaved families.
Wth is going on with the aviation industry lately???
Very terrible!
Another Boeing had problems with its chassies yesterday
I'll never get on an airplane ever again. Ever.
Why weren’t the air brakes extended. Flaps and slats are retracted from what we see in the video.