Plant-Based Recipe: The Ultimate Vegan Mint Chocolate Brownies ♥️ – Video

Plant-Based Recipe: The Ultimate Vegan Mint Chocolate Brownies ♥️ – Video

In the ultimate vegan mint chocolate brownies cooking video, Jill guides viewers through the process of creating delicious and guilt-free brownies that are plant-based and gluten-free. Starting with a rich chocolate brownie base made with chickpeas, dates, cocoa powder, peanut butter, and almond butter, the brownies are baked in the oven until perfectly set.

Next, a creamy mint layer is created using cashews, dates, peppermint extract, and matcha powder for color. Assembling the brownies involves spreading the mint cream layer over the brownie base and allowing it to set in the refrigerator. Finally, a silky chocolate frosting made with dates, almond flour, cocoa powder, and vanilla extract tops off the brownies for the perfect finish.

With each layer carefully prepared and assembled, the vegan mint chocolate brownies are the ideal treat for any occasion. Whether enjoying them at a gathering or savoring a quiet moment at home, these brownies offer a delightful blend of rich chocolate and refreshing mint flavors. The recipe is not only delicious but also showcases how easy and satisfying plant-based cooking can be.

Watch the video by The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show

About The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show

The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show is a friendly step-by-step guide to home cooking plant based vegan recipes based on the leading nutritional research of Dr. Joel Fuhrman, T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Michael Klaper, and so many more. We teach you how to cook and eat for maximum health through nutritional density. The focus in on eating Whole Foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, onions, mushrooms, nuts and seeds, and seasoning with herbs and spices. Removing all animal products (meat and diary), all processed and refined “dead” food, and all refined salt, sugar, and oil. Join us as our family undertakes this great health adventure and produces The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show from our kitchen to yours.

This show is produced in our kitchen by our family. We are learning as we go so subscribe today and join us in helping to educate and heal the world through nutritional excellence.

Video “The Ultimate Vegan Mint Chocolate Brownies ♥️ Plant-Based Recipe!” was uploaded on 06/02/2024 to Youtube Channel The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show