Police Officer Rescues 8-Year-Old from Choking on Hard Candy – Video

Police Officer Rescues 8-Year-Old from Choking on Hard Candy – Video

In a heart-stopping moment captured on video, an 8-year-old boy named Ethan Cante found himself choking on a piece of hard candy while playing with friends. Thankfully, Officer Raul Vega of the El Monte Police Department was quick to respond to the emergency call.

Upon arriving at the scene, Officer Vega wasted no time in retrieving a LifeVac device from his patrol car. This innovative device, similar in appearance to a plunger, is designed to effectively clear airways in choking emergencies. With quick thinking and precision, Officer Vega used the LifeVac on Ethan, who was struggling to breathe.

Although Ethan initially began breathing again, he still required further assistance. Officer Vega quickly grabbed a larger LifeVac and used it to successfully dislodge the piece of hard candy that was blocking Ethan’s airway. Thanks to Officer Vega’s swift actions and the advanced technology of the LifeVac, Ethan was able to regain consciousness and breathe normally once more.

This life-saving incident serves as a powerful reminder of the crucial role that first responders play in our communities. Officer Vega’s heroic actions not only saved Ethan’s life but also showcased the effectiveness of the LifeVac device in emergency situations. With over 100 lives saved thanks to stories like this one, the LifeVac continues to be a vital tool in protecting and preserving precious lives.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Cop Saves 8-Year-Old Choking on Piece of Hard Candy” was uploaded on 06/09/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition