Police raid far-right ‘Compact’ magazine properties in Germany

Police raid far-right ‘Compact’ magazine properties in Germany

Germany’s Interior Ministry has taken a decisive step in the fight against right-wing extremism by banning the far-right publication Compact magazine. Following the ban, authorities conducted raids on properties associated with the magazine in four German states, including Brandenburg, Hesse, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt. The goal of these raids was to seize assets and gather evidence related to the publication.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser justified the ban by labeling Compact magazine as a central mouthpiece of the right-wing extremist scene. The magazine has been accused of inciting hatred against Jews, individuals with a migration background, and the country’s parliamentary democracy in a reprehensible manner. Faeser stressed the importance of taking action against those who promote hatred and violence against refugees and migrants, emphasizing that ethnicity should not determine one’s belonging to Germany.

The ban on Compact magazine is further supported by its classification as extremist, nationalist, and anti-minority by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in 2021. The magazine, which has a circulation of 40,000 copies, is operated by Jürgen Elsässer and also runs an online video channel, Compact TV. Additionally, the company operates an online store selling merchandise, including items featuring images of far-right politicians such as Björn Höcke from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Compact magazine’s history of hate speech led to its removal from Meta’s Facebook and Instagram platforms in 2020. The recent ban on the publication and its subsidiary Conspect Film sends a clear message that Germany will not tolerate ideologies that seek to undermine its democratic values and promote division within society. By taking action against intellectual arsonists like Compact magazine, the country is reaffirming its commitment to upholding freedom, tolerance, and inclusivity.

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Video “Police raid far-right ‘Compact’ magazine properties in Germany | DW News” was uploaded on 07/16/2024 to Youtube Channel DW News