“9 BALL: POOL CHAMPIONS” is an action-packed film that follows a young woman who dreams of becoming a 9-ball professional and champion. However, her hustling uncle has different plans for her skills, leading to a conflict of interests.
With a star-studded cast including Jennifer Barretta, Jennifer Butler, and Kurt Hanover, this thrilling movie is directed and written by Anthony Palma. The film is filled with intense pool matches, high-stakes hustling, and tense moments as the protagonist tries to navigate her way to the top of the pool world.
The movie is rated TV-MA, making it suitable for mature audiences who enjoy action-packed films. If you’re a fan of intense sports movies with a hint of drama and suspense, “9 BALL: POOL CHAMPIONS” is definitely a film worth checking out.
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Video “9 BALL: POOL CHAMPIONS 🎬 Exclusive Full Action Movie 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 03/19/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
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