Praise for New Jersey Police Officers for Rescuing Choking Baby – Video

Praise for New Jersey Police Officers for Rescuing Choking Baby – Video

Two Hightstown Police officers are being hailed as heroes after their quick thinking and actions saved the life of a choking baby.

Officers responded to a call for help and arrived on the scene to find a frantic family in distress as their baby was choking. Without hesitation, the officers immediately began performing life-saving measures on the choking infant.

Their training and experience kicked in as they administered first aid and were able to dislodge the obstruction, allowing the baby to breathe again. The baby was then transported to the hospital for further evaluation and care.

The police department issued a statement praising the two officers for their swift and decisive actions in a high-pressure situation. The officers’ bravery and quick response undoubtedly saved the baby’s life, and their heroism is being recognized by the community and beyond.

This heartwarming story serves as a reminder of the selfless dedication of law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line every day to serve and protect their communities. The Hightstown Police officers’ actions are a shining example of the bravery and compassion that police officers demonstrate in the line of duty, and they are deserving of all the praise and recognition they are receiving.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “New Jersey Police Praised After Saving Choking Baby” was uploaded on 09/09/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition