“Red Point” (aka Punto Rojo) is a thrilling action movie that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The film follows Diego, a fan of a local club, who finds himself in a dangerous situation when a dead man suddenly falls onto his windshield while he is in his car in the field. Things escalate quickly when a secret agent appears and demands information about the man in Diego’s trunk.
Directed and written by Nicanor Loreti, the movie stars Mariana Anghileri, Constanza Cardillo, and Edgardo Castro in leading roles. The intense plot of “Red Point” is filled with mystery, crime, and non-stop action that will leave audiences guessing until the very end.
With a TV-MA rating, this film is not for the faint of heart as it delves into dark and suspenseful themes. “Red Point” promises to be a must-watch for fans of action, thriller, and mystery genres. Join the Members Area to be the first to catch the exclusive premiere of this exciting new film.
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Video “RED POINT (aka PUNTO ROJO) 🎬 Exclusive Full Thriller Action Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 12/17/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
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