Preparing for His 2024 Presidential Debate: Inside Biden’s Strategy – Video

Preparing for His 2024 Presidential Debate: Inside Biden’s Strategy – Video

President Biden is gearing up for his 2024 presidential debate with a unique approach to preparation. In a video released on YouTube, it is revealed that Biden is having insults hurled at him as he heads to Camp David for the weekend. This intense preparation is said to mimic the aggressive style of former President Trump.

To help Biden navigate through these mock debates, Attorney Bob Bauer will be standing in for Trump during the practice sessions. The goal is to ensure that Biden is prepared to handle any attacks or aggressive tactics that may come his way during the actual debate.

The upcoming presidential debate will also be different from past debates, as there will be no studio audience and no opening statements. Additionally, the candidates’ microphones will be muted except when it’s their turn to speak, which will likely lead to a more civil and focused debate.

With these unique preparations, President Biden is showing that he is ready to face whatever challenges come his way in the 2024 presidential debate. Watch the video to see how Biden is getting ready for this important event.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “How Biden Is Preparing for His 2024 Presidential Debate” was uploaded on 06/21/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition