In a fiery speech to a joint session of Congress, U.S. President Donald Trump defended his administration’s tariffs and attacked Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies. Trump made it clear that he intended to put an end to what he called woke culture in America. He laid out his reasons for imposing import tariffs on Canada and Mexico, citing issues such as the influx of fentanyl, trade imbalances, and subsidies for both nations.
The atmosphere in Congress was tense and divided, with Congressman Al Green (D-Texas) being removed from the chambers after disrupting the president’s speech. The incident highlighted the contentious nature of the political climate in the United States.
Overall, Trump’s address to Congress showcased his determination to prioritize his administration’s agenda and take bold actions in the face of opposition. The speech was a reflection of the ongoing challenges and conflicts within the political landscape of the country.
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Video “Trump defends tariffs, attacks DEI and “woke” policies in speech to joint session of Congress | FULL” was uploaded on 03/05/2025 to Youtube Channel Global News
Democrats are getting kickbacks from money given. Wouldn't be surprised is some are collecting cheques over 120
The dems won't get it until it happens to them. I won't wish these things on ANYONE.
The president has the absolute right to close our borders at anytime for any reason. Fact
I only wish WE had a President Trump here in Canada instead of the most corrupt , treasonous , so called Canadian government in the history of OUR country !!! Nothing like Liberal tears !!!
how about that list? just not at the top of priorities right? lmaooo
I wish you tube would've put a few more adds to interrupt this 🤦
DJT…, Strength with heart.
Amazing Speech by President Trump So proud to be an American!!
Democrats won't even show respect to the office, let alone the person. Show the world who and what you are.
Love it all but what about the Epstein list?
we make the world we live in, better! Before mars is polluted.
I was disappointed that Trump concentrated on badmouthing Joe Biden and democrats, as if he had to prove something. That kind of behavior divides this country further. I wish he concentrated on his policies and plans for the country and the people.
TARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
Worst president Ever. A liar and a fool. Only rich peple and dumb people can be blinded and love him. SHAME on you.
ARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
ARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
ARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
TARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
I really loved the eggs comment. I love eggs 🥚🥰. Make eggs great again!
Love the speech Mr President, thank you for everything you do for American people!
The Beast Out of the Earth
11And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like unto a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12And he exerciseth all the authority of the first beast in his sight. And he maketh the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose death-stroke was healed. 13And he doeth great signs, that he should even make fire to come down out of heaven upon the earth in the sight of men. 14And he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by reason of the signs which it was given him to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, who hath the stroke of the sword, and lived. 15And it was given unto him to give breath to it, even to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as should not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
The Mark of the Beast
16And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead; 17and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six.
TARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
TARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
TARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
TARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
TARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
TARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
TARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
TARIFFS? YES!! The sooner the better. Resulting in Hyper inflation and high prices. Maybe that could wake up the MAGA- dreamers. This president is a disgrace to the USA !!
Wins! Wins! Wins! The DEMS are finished!
What a speach. We gave peace Nobel to Obama, what about this for Trump now seriously??
Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God” (Matt. 5:9).
"This is not normal" Truth!
Trump is the most hated president around the world . He's getting laughed at by all of Europe, Australia, Canada , Mexico. Americans deserve better. Maga is going to kill your country it's already started.
What a circus. Brutus lost it and went home. Nancy Pelosi seems to be sitting on an anthill, restless.
The USA hates socialists. The USA voted equally with: Russia, China and North Korea. Apparently better to be communists… If Zelenskyj is poorly dressed. What about Elon Musk's clothes in the White House???
👏well said Mr President, I hope people are paying attention.
All of the top too
I'm not crying, you're crying
Where is Mrs. Obama ? 😢
Please look at the INSANE USA Trade Policy Agenda: The United States of America is the most extraordinary nation the world has ever known. From the verybeginning, and even more so as it unfolded across the entire continent, the United States was populatedwith people of immense talent, drive, and grit. In the previous century it saved the entire world, dispatching
three rounds of adversaries by winning two world wars and defeating Communism. It put an American on
the moon.
This man represents America and Americans, he wants to make America first again, he wants to bring America back, he works for America and American people , he wants peace and prosperity, a true patriot a true leader, the mainstream media in the USA the largest ones who represents the radical left democrats trying very hard to show him as a crazy and unfit for this position (president of the US) they did the same opposite with the crooked biden,
If you checkout the international media especially the American-branched networks who use foreign language you will see all of the mocking president Trump, they call him puppet because he wants peace not war , they call him treater because he puts America & Americans first they call him crazy because he calls people on their face.
You have to understand they wanted him out of the White House but Gods plan is the strongest he choose president Trump to lead America and the world for peace and prosperity against the devil worshippers. President Trump forever.
dems can’t even clap for Trump branding these gangs as terrorist
Keep foreign car manufacturing companies out of our country, unless they pay a "Yuge" tax tariff.
Wow ,looks like a north korea . good job Mr. Trump
Geeze with all those people receiving social security that is over 110, the Americans have enough for at least 25 Space Marine legions!
When Joe Biden, got the E~Mail, asking for him to discuss HIS 5 contributions,
He could ONLY Come up with 4 ~ ~~ ~~ .A.W.O.L…
19:55 English wasn’t the official language of America ? & who cares about the name of some dirty river? 😂😂 im for a lot that he’s doing but why is he touting those things?