Protesters squirt water pistols at foreigners in Barcelona in attempt to reclaim their city

Protesters squirt water pistols at foreigners in Barcelona in attempt to reclaim their city

Protesters in Barcelona took to the streets this weekend in a show of frustration against overtourism in the city. Thousands of demonstrators voiced their concerns by squirting water pistols at foreigners, highlighting the strain that the high number of tourists visiting Barcelona has placed on its residents.

As Spain’s most popular tourist destination, Barcelona sees an influx of around 12 million visitors each year. However, protesters argue that this surge in tourism has contributed to a shortage of housing and a steep increase in rent prices for local residents.

Carme Arcarazo, a member of the Barcelona Tenant Union, spoke out against the negative effects of overtourism in the city. The protest serves as a reminder of the ongoing debate surrounding the balance between the economic benefits of tourism and the impact it has on local communities.

The demonstration in Barcelona sheds light on a larger issue facing popular tourist destinations around the world. As cities grapple with the challenges of overtourism, residents are increasingly demanding solutions to protect their quality of life.

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Video “Barcelona: Protesters squirt water pistols at foreigners in attempt to reclaim their city | DW News” was uploaded on 07/09/2024 to Youtube Channel DW News