Protestors rally in support of John O’Keefe and Karen Read outside courthouse

Protestors rally in support of John O’Keefe and Karen Read outside courthouse

Supporters for both John O’Keefe and Karen Read gathered outside the courthouse in Massachusetts on Monday afternoon, as Read was set to argue that the murder charges against her should be dropped.

The case has garnered national attention, with O’Keefe being found dead in his home under suspicious circumstances. Read, who had a tumultuous relationship with O’Keefe, was arrested and charged with his murder.

As supporters from both sides gathered outside the courthouse, tensions ran high. O’Keefe’s supporters held signs calling for justice for him, while Read’s supporters argued that she was being wrongfully accused. The two groups exchanged heated words, but overall remained peaceful.

Inside the courthouse, Read’s defense team argued that the evidence against her was circumstantial and should not be enough to warrant a murder charge. O’Keefe’s family and friends were visibly emotional as they listened to the proceedings, hoping for closure in the case.

The judge ultimately decided to allow the case to proceed to trial, denying Read’s motion to dismiss the charges. Both sets of supporters left the courthouse with mixed emotions, still divided on whether justice will be served for O’Keefe. The case continues to be a point of contention in the community, with many eagerly awaiting the trial to hear the full story of what happened to John O’Keefe.

Watch the video by New York Post

Video “Supporters for both John O’Keefe and Karen Read protest outside courthouse” was uploaded on 07/22/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post