Public anger is reaching a boiling point as protests against billionaire Elon Musk and his company Tesla gain momentum. Musk’s close relationship with the U.S. government and his alleged embrace of far-right ideology have sparked outrage among many Americans. This discontent is reflected in Tesla’s falling shares, which are reacting to the growing threat of a recession and President Trump’s tariff plans.
People are expressing their frustration by targeting Tesla, which serves as a symbol of Musk’s influence and wealth. Musk himself has made controversial statements and admissions, further fueling the backlash against him and his company. President Trump’s vow to support Tesla adds another layer of complexity to the situation, as critics question the ethics of government support for a billionaire’s business.
The protests and criticism surrounding Musk and Tesla highlight broader societal concerns about wealth inequality, corporate influence, and political ideology. As public sentiment continues to grow, it remains to be seen how Musk and Tesla will respond to the mounting pressure and scrutiny. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.
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Video ““Musk sucks”: Protests against billionaire, Tesla gain momentum” was uploaded on 03/12/2025 to Youtube Channel Global News
i actually like elon but i have to agree with that one guy, at what point do things just get too crazy and it becomes better to just avoid tesla to get away from all the noise?
eLon MuSk Is UnElEcTeD! Yet here in Canada we have an unelected PM.. yet media silent… people really are stupid!
Everyone seems to forgot about liberals giving an actual nazi Veteran a standing ovation in house of commons.. liberals aren't nazi tho just elon
It’s not a trade war he literally declared war on us by saying he’s gonna take over our country
What are they protesting? He’s unearthed tens of billions in fraudulent spending.
Part of what is so bizarre about this is Musk has adopted Trump's war on the environment and Trump is trying to ban state law promoting electric vehicles.
You left wing Canadian need to control your emotions otherwise FAFO
Tesla stocks just keep falling 😂
This just shows you how completely crazy the left is😢
There are cheaper EVs and hybrids elsewhere.
omg I heard hes a ww2 badguy so i have no choice but to obey the media and stand outside a tesla store and reeeeeeeee.
O, when Global News do not has arguments they delete my posts, DEFUND Global News coward organization which is scared by great true arguments – FREEDOM conservative revolution NOW
Other companies/people make very, very good electric cars…. lets not support a wannabe Nazi
LOL. Just ridiculous how people can be quickly brainwashed by the media !
Why hasn't Canada placed the 100% tariff on Teslas? Why hasn't Transport Canada come out with the results on the fraud at Tesla dealerships claiming $42M of rebates on a mere weekend in Canada? Why are Canadians so weak, the politician so weak?
Ah, the Swastikar.
I'm no fan of Elon or technocrats in general.
But these people are beyond unhinged… 🤨
Protests against Tesla only proves that any concern about climate change and any support of the green new deal are just phony and politically motivated.
Are you sure the truck fire was arson? Heard those things catch fire when ever they want and drive you off the road.😮
Ferrari is fast, Lamborghini is faster, and Swasticar is fascist.
Yeah, where is the chainsaw now? You were basically teasing people as you make them unemployed. These people have children, mortgages and had jobs to be able to afford to look after their families and you took it away with no justification. You are too lazy to do the work properly to save money.
I would never buy a Tesla .. hell no
The tolerant left😂😂
I don't support Musk, but please don't take it out on Tesla. Before people refer to Teslas as "swasticars" over a controversial salute that Elon made, maybe they should know that Volkswagen was founded by the Hitler government in 1937.
Billionaires are the real enemy of the general people
God love the people. I knew one day they will wake up❤❤❤
God bless musk and trump. Make america great again!!!
All bots here & Liars , what a joke Global = Liberal paid Liars .
Telling me I can pick up a used model 3 on discount? Sign me up
The more protesting and salt, means Elons on the correct path.
This feels like another attempt for the left to steal from the right 😂
I’m glad his business is taking a hit. He needs to get his South African immigrant butt out of our government. We didn’t elect him! I hope Space X starts going down also!
While we may have electricity, the United States controls the refining plants that supply our home heating oil and gas, much of which flows from their borders. The reality is stark: if the U.S. chose to cut us off, we’d be in serious trouble, and quickly. Some liberals seem oblivious to this, overestimating our leverage—like pitting a scrawny kid against Mike Tyson in the ring. Let’s be sensible here. Diplomacy, not bravado, is our only realistic path forward.
RCMP has been caught sharing information with gangs now they got a new kind of poison for the air from there boss from other countries.
Its the best time to be alive seeing elon musk taking over whlie whiners keep crying 😂
Convenient name MUSK SUKS
Its a lie, If everyone drove an electric car the damage to our air would be worse
When chickens come home to roost – Karma
The guy has shown his true colors. A guy who has goes about callously firing people and withholding assistance to those in need, and even seems to get off in it, needs to be stripped of all power as soon as possible. The worst thing for the world would be him having any power….