Protests in Nairobi over Kenya government’s tax hikes

Protests in Nairobi over Kenya government’s tax hikes

Protests erupted in Nairobi, Kenya, as citizens took to the streets to voice their discontent over the government’s proposed tax hikes, including a 16% levy on bread. The demonstrations were met with force as police deployed tear gas to disperse the crowds, but the protesters persevered, marching through the city center and bringing business activities to a halt.

The government has argued that the tax increases are necessary to reduce the country’s dependence on external borrowing. However, many Kenyans feel that these economic measures will only worsen their financial hardships. As Members of Parliament debate the revised bill, tensions are running high as the fate of the proposed tax hikes hangs in the balance.

This video captures the passion and determination of the protestors as they demand accountability from their government. Stay informed by subscribing to BBC News for the latest updates on this developing story. #Kenya #BBCNews.

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Video “Protests in Nairobi over Kenya government’s tax hikes | BBC News” was uploaded on 06/20/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News