Driven by a childhood dream of holding power accountable, a journalist embarks on a perilous journey to countries where the press is not free.
While democracy thrives in the Netherlands, where the rule of law prevails, in other regions, speaking the truth comes at a deadly cost.
Determined to expose corruption and amplify the voices of the oppressed, the journalist faces threats, censorship, and the harsh reality of reporting in hostile environments.
This gripping documentary explores the risks of investigative journalism, the price of truth, and the courage of those who refuse to stay silent.
Original Title : Reporters Against Power – Episode 5 : Russia
Director : Kees Schaap
Production : Anja van Oostrom, Joanne Becker
Watch the video by Best Documentary
Video “Putin’s Hunt on Journalists” was uploaded on 02/19/2025 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
Putin ❤
Qui in Italia siamo molto più bravi e sofisticati nella repressione: se non ti dichiari "Antifascista" (???) non lavori, e questo riguarda chiunque lavori nel mondo dello spettacolo o della comunicazione ad esempio.
Good project
Jednu stranu pokazivanje bez drugu stranu to je laź sfetske razmere .Na sud kada se ide sud sluŝa javno obe strane da bi presudio .ovo je jadno źalosno komiqno .
I'll tell you who Putin really is. There is a strong ruler who needs to rule a large country in which many Journalists (according to well-known sources, funding from Europe and the United States is no secret) corrupt our traditions and culture, tell only lies (I can give examples if necessary) and bad news, often not objectively.
Name me the people in Europe and the United States who, like Navalny, raised mass rallies against the government and talked about the corruption of politicians at the top of all parties. But no, Navalny, as the real opposition, was given a lot of time to do this, he even rented the property of our president. Imagine a drone in the house of Trump, Macron or the Royal House in London — it is unthinkable.
I'm too lazy to prove, although I can, if you wish and request, that Putin is an excellent man who has never really solved problems through violence, but only through expulsion from the country or meager repression (in this case, a person must indicate that he is a foreign agent — that's it!)
The constitution is respected and every year the country is becoming more visible and better: young people are becoming more patriotic and bashing the president, all "liberals" are nasty devils and idiots who have proved this by their own example (they earned millions of dollars talking about the horrors in Russia while living in ISRAEL)
Расскажу, кто такой на самом деле Путин. Сильныц правитель, которому нужно управлять ыелой страной, в которой многи Журналисты (по известным данным финансирование Европой и США, жто даде не секрет) развращают наши традиции и культуру, говорят только неправду (могу привести примеры, если нужно) и плохие новости, часто не объективно.
Назовите мне людей в Европе и США, которые поднимали как Навальный велые миттинги против власти, говорили о коррупции политиков на верху у всех партий. Такиз нет — Навальному как реальной оппозиции давали жто делать огромное время, он даже снимал собственность нашего президента. Представьте дрон в доме Трампа, Макрона или Королевского дома в Лондоне — немыслимо.
Мне лень доказывать, хотя я могу при вашем желании и просьбе, ято Путин — отличный человек, котоый на самомо деле никогда не решал проблемы через насилие, а только выселение из страны или мизерными репрессиями (человек в таком случае должен указывать, что он иноагент — всё!)
У на соблюдается конституция и скаждым годом страна становится заметнее лучше: молодежь все больше патриотична и лбит президента, все "либералы" — гадкие черти и идиоты, доказавште это на собственном примере (зарабатывали миллионы долларов, говоря о ужасах в России, живя в ИЗРАИЛЕ)
Sounds like a ✡️
That aged not well
0:47 funny mistranslation
Sería bueno que haga un reportaje de RT en Europa o una entrevista a Assange.
wrong country idiots. Isn'tRael kills kids and journalists. Also, 2018 study: U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People Since World War II
get your facts straight
Что за бред ..?
Врите да не завирайтесь.
MR.PUTIN IS A REAL LEADER,THE BEST LEADER IN THE WORLD ,unlike your leaders who support and do GENOCI
America is not too far behind the same situation as the people in Russia. Speaking the truth will become dangerous.
Brave people of Russia. The ones who question , investigate, who rosk their very lives ! May ypu , by your efforts, pave a way to a brighter future.
Just another western propaganda machine to blame President Putin. This fact stems from a hatred towards Russia. The mother of all problems could be found in the British history, going back to more than 200 years! Do your own research. This platform is just another mouthpiece for American and British deep states!
Ya gotta fight da Powwa . Fight da Powea ! Courage, all. Keep up the good fight.
The truly inhumane system that is causing unrest and death all over the world is the USA!
Did USAID pay for this film?
Thank you for sharing this very useful information with everyone. Wish you good health, luck and success.
Когда перестали получать деньги из usaid 🔥😆
А чего на НАШЕМ Рутубе делают сомнительные каналы?
Russia will be free
Great movie!
Разве Павел Каныгин живет в рф-ии???
If a civilian says to you Be careful – it really is hollow remark as journalists are in danger zones so much.
Парень немного не в себе вам не кажется
Газета дала стажера для интервью
Журналист всегда живет за деньги провительства:задача:одни должны ненавидеть других😅
Didn’t come here to watch just to fix your title and thumb it down. “Putin’s Hunt on Nazi-Scum" Fixed.