In this easy 30 minute meat-free curry recipe video, we show you how to make a fragrant, tangy, and slightly creamy egg curry. Using 6 eggs for four people, each person gets three halves, but you can add more eggs if you prefer. From boiling the eggs to serving the final dish, this recipe is quick and delicious. Check out the free printable recipe on our website and find this recipe in my book, Quick & Easy for more tasty dishes. #CookingShow #30minuterecipes #quickrecipe.
Watch the video by Kitchen Sanctuary
Recipe Instructions
A fragrant, tangy and slightly creamy curry. I use 6 eggs for four people, so everyone gets three halves each, but you can add more if you like.
It only takes 30 minutes, from start to finish (including boiling the eggs).
Free printable recipe is available on our site:
This recipe is also available in my book, Quick & Easy
#CookingShow #30minuterecipes #quickrecipe
Video “Easy 30 minute meat free curry | Egg Curry” was uploaded on 03/17/2025 to Youtube Channel Kitchen Sanctuary
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