Quick-Thinking Nurses Rescue 83-Year-Old Man Who Fainted at ATM – Video

Quick-Thinking Nurses Rescue 83-Year-Old Man Who Fainted at ATM – Video

The quick actions of a group of nurse practitioners in Melville, New York saved the life of an 83-year-old man who collapsed in full cardiac arrest at an ATM. The dramatic incident was caught on video and showcases the incredible lifesaving skills of these medical professionals.

Daniel Greco had collapsed at the ATM and within seconds, a woman noticed him on the floor and immediately called for help. Luckily, the office where she worked was filled with nurse practitioners who jumped into action and began performing life-saving measures on Greco.

Their quick thinking and swift actions revived Greco before paramedics arrived on the scene. Thanks to the expertise and quick response of these nurses, Greco is now recovering and alive today.

This video is a powerful reminder of the importance of first responders and medical professionals in our communities. Their dedication and skills can truly make a difference in saving lives during emergency situations.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Nurses Save 83-Year-Old Man Who Collapsed at ATM” was uploaded on 06/28/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition