“Raising a Mobility Dog: A Puppy Raiser’s Guide by Berta” – Video

“Raising a Mobility Dog: A Puppy Raiser’s Guide by Berta” – Video

In the video “Raising a Mobilitydog.org by Puppy Raiser Berta,” Berta shares her experience of meeting Jamie Heinrich, founder and executive director of Mobility Service Dogs West Coast project, and being inspired to become a puppy raiser. Jamie’s passion and dedication to her project led Berta to take on the responsibility of teaching Monty, a puppy in the program, basic obedience skills. Through weekly Zoom sessions, Berta receives support from board members, other puppy raisers, handlers, and professional trainers as she works with Monty to prepare him for his future as a mobility service dog. Berta takes Monty everywhere she goes to ensure he becomes comfortable in various social situations, and although she will miss him when he leaves, she is confident in Monty’s ability to become a great service dog.

Berta’s journey as a puppy raiser for Mobility Service Dogs West Coast project showcases her commitment to providing Monty with the necessary skills and socialization to become a successful mobility service dog. Her dedication to teaching Monty basic obedience skills, taking him to different places, and receiving support from the project’s community highlights the importance of the puppy raising process in preparing a dog for their future role. By sharing her experience in this video, Berta aims to inspire others to become puppy raisers and contribute to the mission of providing mobility service dogs to those in need.

Video “Raising a Mobilitydog.org by Puppy Raiser Berta” was uploaded on 06/27/2020 by Mobility Service Dogs- West Coast Project Youtube channel.