Raising Horses for Success: Inside the Business of Winning the Kentucky Derby® – Business Insider

Raising Horses for Success: Inside the Business of Winning the Kentucky Derby® – Business Insider

The Kentucky Derby is not just a horse race, it’s a multimillion-dollar industry that involves meticulous planning and preparation. Business Insider takes us behind the scenes at Churchill Downs to see how horses are raised and trained to compete in America’s most prestigious racing event.

Days before the big race, trainers and groomers work tirelessly to ensure that their horses are in top condition. In the case of Mystik Dan, a contender for the Kentucky Derby, every aspect of his training and care is carefully monitored to give him the best chance of success. From specialized exercise routines to personalized grooming sessions, every detail is crucial in the quest for victory.

But it’s not just the horses that require attention. The racetrack itself undergoes extensive preparation to accommodate the 400,000 fans who will attend the event. Gardeners meticulously manicure the grounds while chefs prepare gourmet meals fit for the occasion. The history of the Kentucky Derby is rich and storied, adding to the prestige and allure of the event.

On the day of the race, tension is high as horses and jockeys prepare to compete for the coveted title. The atmosphere is electric as spectators eagerly await the start of the race. In the end, only one horse will emerge victorious, but the dedication and hard work of everyone involved in the industry is truly commendable.

In conclusion, the Kentucky Derby is not just a race, it’s a showcase of the dedication and skill that goes into raising and training these magnificent animals. The behind-the-scenes look provided by Business Insider offers a glimpse into the world of big business that surrounds this iconic event.

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Video “How Horses Are Raised To Win The Kentucky Derby® | Big Business | Business Insider” was uploaded on 06/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Business Insider