In the thrilling new video from BBC Earth’s series “Deep into the Wild,” naturalist Nick Baker ventures into the heart of Arizona, known for its population of deadly rattlesnakes. In this episode, Baker gets the rare opportunity to witness something even his seasoned guide has never seen before – a rattlesnake swallowing its prey up close.
With the camera rolling, viewers are taken on a heart-pounding journey as they watch the rattlesnake unhinge its jaw and engulf its kill. The video showcases the raw power and precision of nature, as the snake’s predatory instincts are on full display.
“Deep into the Wild” is a riveting series where Nick Baker pushes the limits to get up close and personal with some of the world’s most untamed animals in their natural habitats. This particular episode captures the intensity and danger of the wild, offering a rare glimpse into the inner workings of these fascinating creatures.
BBC Earth is known for its captivating and informative natural history content, and this video is no exception. With over 50 years of experience in showcasing the wonders of the natural world, BBC Earth provides viewers with dramatic, rare, and exclusive footage that will leave them in awe.
If you’re a nature enthusiast or simply curious about the wild side of our planet, this video is a must-watch. Prepare to be amazed by the beauty and brutality of nature as you delve into the world of the rattlesnake in its element.
Watch the video by BBC Earth
Video “Rattlesnake Swallowing Kill Up Close | Deep into the Wild | BBC Earth” was uploaded on 01/02/2025 to Youtube Channel BBC Earth
BBC so awesome
Rango getting eaten by Jake.
So the rattlesnake is just a side kick. Its all about that stupid human!
Mahalo BBC for this great video!
Hmmm hmmm
Somebody clearly misunderstood the concept of 'bite-sized snacks'.
3:21 I had no idea snakes could move their eye balls. I felt their pupils were stationary, and their heads move to the direction they want to look. Super cool
Of course the first thing we see for 2025 is a snake video happy year of the snake xD
1:15 Amazing
God loves you and cares for you so that this message reaches you. God is the one who created this large universe and controls it completely. The greatest loss a person loses in this life is that he lives without knowing God who created him and knowing the Messenger of Muhammad, the last of the messengers, and the Islamic religion, the last of the heavenly religions. Great intelligence, before you believe in something or not, is to read it, study it, and understand it well, and after that you have the choice to believe in it or not to believe in it. I advise you to do this now, before you no longer have time to do so. Life is very short. It is just a test, just a passage to eternal life. Great advice to those who… Understands
I swallowed a entire pumpkin pie once. Not a Turkey.
Almost 60 years ago on a YMCA bus tour of the American West, we stopped by the road in the Arizona desert. About 50 boys were milling around when a sidewinder appeared moving through the scrub bush toward us. I turned and sprinted the other way but I can still visualize the signature movements of this remarkable creature.
that poor salamander, dang pig – everything in one gulp
Too bad about the two human men in this video.
Amazing! The close-up footage of the rattlesnake swallowing its prey is not only realistic but also reveals the haunting beauty of the wild. Thank you, BBC Earth, for delivering such a dramatic and informative video
Ewwwwww disgusting creature!! 🤮
No remorse😂
Have you ever seen a rattlesnake in the wild before?