Recipe for Palm Fruit steamed cake made by a Santali tribe couple

Recipe for Palm Fruit steamed cake made by a Santali tribe couple

Welcome to our kitchen! Today, we are excited to share with you a traditional recipe from our Santali tribe – Palm Fruit steamed cake. Our tribe has been creating delicious dishes with love and care for generations, and this recipe is no exception.

The process of making this steamed cake is a labor of love, as we carefully gather fresh palm fruit and extract the sweet, aromatic pulp. Mixed with flour, sugar, and a hint of spice, the palm fruit pulp creates a unique and mouthwatering batter that is then steamed to perfection.

As the cake steams, your kitchen will be filled with the delightful aroma of palm fruit and spices. The end result is a moist and flavorful cake that will surely leave you craving for more. Whether you enjoy it with a cup of tea or as a dessert after a hearty meal, this Palm Fruit steamed cake is guaranteed to satisfy your sweet tooth.

So, join us in our kitchen as we share this special recipe with you. We hope that it will inspire you to explore the diverse and delicious cuisine of our Santali tribe. Thank you for watching, and we hope you enjoy making this Palm Fruit steamed cake in your own home.

Watch the video by the real village cooking

Video “Palm Fruit steamed cake recipe prepared by our santali tribe couple” was uploaded on 09/28/2024 to Youtube Channel the real village cooking