Justin Trudeau, the once-beloved Canadian Prime Minister known for his “sunny ways” and progressive policies, has faced a tumultuous end to his political career. Trudeau had set out to make history by winning a fourth consecutive election, but ultimately announced his resignation after facing a series of challenges during his time in office.
Throughout his tenure, Trudeau made strides in promoting gender equality within his cabinet, working towards reconciliation with Indigenous communities, and implementing progressive policies such as welcoming Syrian refugees and legalizing cannabis. However, his government’s heavy spending led to significant government debt, an inflation crisis, and a housing crisis exacerbated by aggressive immigration policies.
As Trudeau’s leadership came under scrutiny for ethics violations and a growing list of challenges faced by the Canadian government, his once-positive image began to tarnish. Eric Sorensen takes a closer look at Trudeau’s political legacy, highlighting the highs and lows of his time in office.
Trudeau’s resignation marks the end of an era for Canadian politics, leaving behind a mixed legacy that will be remembered for both its accomplishments and controversies. As Canada prepares for a new chapter in its political landscape, the impact of Trudeau’s time in office will continue to be a topic of discussion and debate.
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Video “From “sunny ways” to turmoil: Looking back at Trudeau's political legacy” was uploaded on 01/07/2025 to Youtube Channel Global News
Worst canadian prime minister in history.
By doing what he has made our country a joke.
No bills to pass the house
No lunches for kids in school
No money to protect our borders
25% tariffs
This liberal party is even being allowed to continue destroying and making us look like fools in the World's eyes
Now defund cbc and ctv
And you all helped cover it all , is justice knocking ?
The only legacy bobblehead created, is how much a person can be despised.
Global seems determined to cast Trudeau's legacy in soft light. None of the credit given to him in this piece is either accurate, or deserved.
For Canadians, this is a very unexpected moment…
Elected a PM because he was photogenic! 😂 now canadian women can eat his photos rather than real food.
People predicted his failure day one
Congrats on those who still haven't figured it out. Youre not bright.
Worst years of my life.
Progressivism/wokeness/leftism is trash
There will be a New governor for the US 51st State 😂😂😂
Sunny ways to Sunni ways.
Point Grey will be his enduring legacy.
Zero mention of unlawfully invoking the emergencies act. Great job, Global.
They need to stay at 3rd party again….this time for at least 25 years…wacko political ideologies will not be forgotten
The Drama teacher, and his drama, has done its demolition job. Having moved from 20 years ago, when Canada was in a surplus to this mad script.
Canada became a joke.
Get out of the world
Shocker………………….CBC internet comments Turned off. NEXT….Defund the CBC!!!!!
*sigh* Why does it feel like things are just getting worse, not better? This is not a victory, it's a shame. What terrors await us next, O' Canada!?
Yes but Trudeau is staying on until they find a new Liberal Leader, who will be Krysta Freeland, and Parliament has been shut down until March 24th, with Trudeau still PM. So really Trudeau just held up the inevitable for a non confidence vote after March 24th. Then a Federal Election will be called.
One of the biggest mistakes Canada has ever made……but the government will change history some more and celibate his legacy like that other prime minister that was famous for his paper bags full of money
He will never be missed.
Not all the women were qualified
There was never "sunny ways"
Back to 3rd place you go now Liberals.
Bye bye Trudeau
Trudeau is still PM and might win the leadership contest!
Google busy censoring comments today! Musk should buy Google and You Tube.
JT is still hanging to the last straw and still milking Canadian till the last drops!
And now free all media in Canada
Almost everything is censored
Weak leader has made Canada weak and that’s we are in this situation
Let me do the recap of trudeau's legacy truthfully since Global wont.
1) Gender equallity – when asked about why he said "its 2015" instead of building up the women and empowering them he bulied and forced out the women who would not toe the trudeau line.
2) Embraced the reconciliation with the first nations. – Promises, Promises and more Promises. Natives are still waiting for that clean drinking water.
3)legalize Marijuana- here in BC it had been essentially legalized since the 2000s The police were never worried about a pot head with a couple plants
4) Do i really need to discuss immigration, the fact that global thinks this is somehow a positive?
5) the paris agreement – The EU using its market power to try and force the haves (countires with natural resources) into have nots. Trust me its got nothing to do with carbon or methane otherwise they would be screamong from the tree tops to get US-Mexico-Canadian oil n gas running at full capacity.
Nice try global but canadians see through your soft ball journalism