The video titled “一个电子榨菜生产员的思考” features Ke Yi Wang, a young electronic pickled vegetable production worker, who shares his thoughts and insights on his work experience. In this TEDxZizhuPark Youth talk, Ke Yi Wang discusses the challenges and opportunities that come with working in the fast-paced and constantly evolving field of electronic pickled vegetable production.
Ke Yi Wang shares about the importance of innovation and adaptation in his industry, as well as the need for continuous learning and skill development to stay ahead in the competitive market. He also talks about the impact of technology on the production process, and how it has changed the way they work and interact with customers.
Overall, Ke Yi Wang’s talk provides a unique perspective on the modern production industry, and offers valuable insights on the importance of embracing change and staying ahead of the curve in order to succeed in the fast-paced world of electronic pickled vegetable production.
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王克亦,也是我们知晓的“圆桌动漫”,一个坐拥全网粉丝千万+的B站原创动画up主,在自己热爱的动画领域中几经波折,逐渐摸索出了自己的道路,用自己的创意、才华和热情,为我们创造出了可以在忙碌生活中得到片刻放松和快乐的“电子榨菜”。他的每一次尝试都在向我们展示,创意没有界限,梦想可以展翅高飞。今天,他与我们分享了他的动漫进化史,讲述如何将一个小小阿宅的兴趣,发展成为了拥有千万粉丝的电子榨菜事业。未来的世界充满了无限可能,希望我们也能够追逐自己的热爱,找到属于自己的那片天地,找到我们各自的精彩。 王克亦,B站原创动画UP主“圆桌动漫”,坐拥全网粉丝千万+。阿宅的小想法逐渐生出大梦想,动画梦在每一小步的尝试中逐渐被激发出来。王克亦对创业也有了自己的独特洞见。出身教育行业,王克亦却对动画从小有着独特的兴趣,是个喜欢看番的典型“二次元宅男”。由此,在自媒体创业之路上,不断深耕动画领域,几经波折,最终慢慢摸索出了属于自己的道路,现今已成立了原创逐帧动画创作团队。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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Video “一个电子榨菜生产员的思考 | 克亦 王 | TEDxZizhuPark Youth” was uploaded on 12/03/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks
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