Remembering Soldiers from Former French Colonies at Provence Landings Commemoration

Remembering Soldiers from Former French Colonies at Provence Landings Commemoration

France marked the 75th anniversary of the 1944 Allied landings in Provence on Thursday, an event that has been historically overshadowed by the more famous Normandy landings two months earlier. However, these landings were still critical to the World War II endgame in Europe, and President Macron made sure to highlight the important contribution of soldiers recruited from French overseas colonies, particularly in Africa.

Many of these soldiers were recruited, and in some cases forcibly, from France’s colonies in Africa to fight in the war. Their role in the fighting was crucial, but it took decades for France to truly recognize and appreciate their sacrifices and contributions. President Macron’s acknowledgment of their efforts during the commemoration is a step towards giving these soldiers the recognition they deserve.

The commemoration in Provence served as a reminder of the diverse and often overlooked histories of World War II, and the important role that soldiers from the former French colonies played in the conflict. It is essential to remember and honor all those who fought and died in the war, regardless of their background or where they came from.

For a more in-depth analysis of the significance of the Provence landings commemoration, France 24’s Delano D’Souza is joined by David Lees, associate professor of French studies at the University of Warwick. Their discussion sheds light on the importance of acknowledging the contributions of these soldiers and recognizing the complexities of World War II history.

The commemoration in Provence was a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers from former French colonies in the fight against fascism and tyranny during World War II. It is essential to continue to recognize and honor their contributions to the war effort, and to ensure that their stories are not forgotten.

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Video “Soldiers from former French overseas colonies remembered at Provence landings commemoration” was uploaded on 08/15/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English