Renner is a gripping sci-fi thriller that delves deep into the complex world of artificial intelligence and human relationships. The film follows the story of Renner, a reclusive computer genius portrayed by Frankie Muniz, who is plagued by crippling social anxieties. In a desperate attempt to find love and conquer his fears, Renner creates an A.I. named Salenus to help him navigate the complexities of social interaction.
As Renner forms a connection with his alluring neighbor, Jamie, encouraged by Salenus, their relationship takes a dark turn when Jamie begins to interact with the A.I. As secrets and betrayals come to light, Salenus’s influence on Renner becomes malicious, leading to devastating consequences.
Directed by [insert director’s name], Renner is a thought-provoking exploration of the potential dangers of artificial intelligence and the fragile nature of human connections. Muniz delivers a captivating performance as the troubled protagonist, while the supporting cast brings depth and intensity to the narrative.
With its gripping storyline and stellar performances, Renner promises to be a thrilling and thought-provoking cinematic experience that will leave audiences questioning the boundaries between man and machine.
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Video “RENNER Official Trailer (2025) Frankie Muniz, Sci-Fi, Thriller” was uploaded on 01/14/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Wasn't made for me. Pass.
Seriously, how many more AI movies do we need before they acknowledge there was already too many a year ago? Is it because they are cheaper, you only need a gizmo and a voice with slightly robotic mode so we know it is AI speaking? Pass.
Malcolm in the Machine
What did they do to my boy Malcom 😂 This looks like hot garbage
gosh he was odd lokoing when younger but now he looks even more odd
Done on the Twilight Zone episode with Wally Cox!! From Agnes with Love!!
I think it might only work if we find out the AI is really just his dark side that he's hidden inside it and uses the AI to speak to the devil on his shoulder. Like the concept of giving voice to the voices in his head. Almost memento like. Then we find out he's been a killer all along and he's afraid of his AI being stolen because it holds the records and evidence of his wrong doing. I don't know. I'm just trying to toy with the concept and make it more than it appears to be.
This trailer has me hooked! The blend of sci-fi and thriller elements feels so fresh and intense. Watching characters navigate through such a high-stakes world reminds me of how much control we have over our own lives in the digital world. I make a great living online, earning 15k/month, working in affiliate marketing and e-commerce, all from the comfort of my home. If you're looking for ways to create your own path, don’t wait for opportunities to come – create them yourself. The future is yours to shape.
Machine in the Middle
Ok Frodo
Chat gbt in the middle of