Report: Post-Pandemic Shifts in Neighborhood Livability Factors

Report: Post-Pandemic Shifts in Neighborhood Livability Factors

The concept of what makes a neighbourhood “liveable” has evolved in the wake of the pandemic, according to a recent report from Re/Max. While walkability and proximity to work were once key factors in determining the appeal of a neighbourhood, the rise of remote and hybrid work models has shifted priorities for Canadians. Now, affordability and safety are at the forefront of people’s minds when considering where to live.

In western Canada, four cities stand out for having some of the most liveable neighbourhoods in the country. Calgary’s downtown west end in particular has claimed the number one spot on the list, showcasing the changing landscape of what makes a neighbourhood desirable post-pandemic.

With more people working from home and reevaluating their lifestyles, it’s no surprise that factors like affordability and safety have become paramount. As Canadians continue to adapt to a new way of living, the definition of a “liveable” neighbourhood is also adjusting to meet the needs of the current times.

Overall, the report sheds light on the evolving preferences of Canadians when it comes to choosing where to live. As we navigate through these unprecedented times, it’s clear that what makes a neighbourhood truly “liveable” has changed, reflecting the shifting priorities and values of our society.

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Video “What makes a neighbourhood “liveable” has changed post-pandemic, report says” was uploaded on 07/11/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News