Retro Review: 1987 Mazda 323 – Video

Retro Review: 1987 Mazda 323 – Video

The 1987 Mazda 323 was ahead of its time when it came to sub-compact cars. With its sporty design and impressive performance, this car was a game-changer in its category. However, the 13″ tires on this model left something to be desired.

The 323 was marketed as a junior version of the larger 626, and it certainly lived up to that reputation. With sleek styling, comfortable interior, and above-average power and braking abilities, the 323 was a standout in the subcompact class.

While there were a few drawbacks, such as the lack of a right-hand mirror, skinny tires, and a cable shifter that needed work, the overall performance and handling of the 323 made up for it. The addition of a five-door station wagon in 1987 added even more utility and versatility to the lineup.

With a starting price of $6,200, the 323 was not the cheapest option in its class. However, the performance and features it offered made it a worthwhile investment for those looking for a sporty and capable subcompact car.

Overall, the 1987 Mazda 323 was a smart and stylish choice for buyers in the market for a subcompact car that delivered on both performance and comfort.

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Video “1987 Mazda 323 | Retro Review” was uploaded on 06/13/2024 to Youtube Channel MotorWeek