Review of the Amatara Resort and Active Program in Thailand for a Wellness Retreat – Video

Review of the Amatara Resort and Active Program in Thailand for a Wellness Retreat – Video

The Amatara Resort in Phuket, Thailand offers an all-inclusive wellness retreat that is perfect for anyone looking for a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation. In this sponsored video, the host gives an honest and independent review of her experience at the resort, where she tried their wellness retreat options and programming. The package includes accommodation, roundtrip airport transfer, full board meals, individual consultations, physical analysis, body composition testing, and a wide variety of activities and classes such as yoga, Muay Thai, and massages.

The resort also offers a customized meal plan based on personal goals, with calorie counts listed on the menu so guests can stay within their recommended intake. The host recommends pacing yourself with the activities and spreading them out over the course of your stay to truly enjoy the relaxation and wellness experience.

In addition to the wellness activities, guests can also enjoy optional classes and activities such as ceramic painting, HIIT classes, and more. The resort also offers plenty of relaxing and leisurely activities for those looking for a more laid-back experience.

Overall, the host had a positive experience at Amatara Resort and highly recommends it for anyone looking for a relaxing wellness trip in Thailand. The full review and details of the wellness package are covered in the video, making it a great resource for anyone considering this type of vacation.

Watch the video by Wander Onwards LLC

Hey guys welcome back to my Channel today I am talking about a wellness experience that I have for you in puket Bangkok it is a all-inclusive experience where you get to Sprinkle in Fitness classes stretching personal training a customized meal plan for your goals and is absolutely fantastic so stick around

To find out [Applause] [Applause] more Hey guys it’s Vanessa welcome back to my Channel today I’m coming to you from the beautiful island of puket in Thailand so I am actually at amatar Resort here blogging about their new Wellness active pack package so I’m going to be showing you what’s included in the active

Package and what you can expect here at the resort and of course a special thank you to amatara for sponsoring this video so today is day one of our active wellness package here at amatara today we will be doing our consultation our our body composition analysis we will

Get be getting some feedback about our goals our workout schedule and how we can achieve better results in 2024 So let’s get into it we are here experiencing the active package which includes massages personal training a diet plan for you and your goals all within the time period that you’re staying so when we first arrived we were given a consultation and this wonderful folder with a bunch of information of

What to expect so some of the activities that you can expect in the active amatara wellness package include accommodation roundtrip airport transfer full board with three healthy Cuisine meals per day an individual Wellness consultation a follow-up consultation and a departure consultation to make sure you’re getting exactly what you

Need from the program a physical analysis which was pretty interesting um a body composition and biological age testing plus additional wellness package treatments for us we are relatively active people in Germany I probably go to the gym at least three times a week doing a mix of CrossFit and Olympic

Weight training I’m also pretty Savvy when it comes to nutrition as I have a nutritionist which is my best friend and Made of Honor Holly priestland I’ll drop her Instagram Link in the description and you can follow her right here something that is special about this Wellness Retreat is the nutrition

Program during the consultation you are given a caloric intake recommendation based on your goals the menu at The Wellness Cafe specifically lists the calories in each dish so you can stay within your calorie deficit so after your consultation you’re going to get your itinerary and this is going to tell you exactly what’s

Happening when while you’re here at the resort my recommendation ation is to spread out all of the activities because it’s quite a lot you have whole body stretching foot reflexology signature relaxation massages um personal training physio deep tissue massage um so to do everything in such a tight agenda is

Super hard pace yourself y’all I would actually recommend the following so first do all the consultations on your first day with at least one massage included this way you can Benchmark everything and have a better understanding of what’s included in your experience here without overdoing it too

Much in your schedule because I mean you’re supposed to be relaxing at the same time right the second day I would book two masses either the reflexology foot massage or the Signature Massage plus a activity of your choosing might I suggest the stretching right after the personal training which is quite good here During the rest of your stay you can mix and match based off of your preference uh we love to do more wellness and relaxation instead of such a intense hit experience so that was our priority during our time here while you’re watching this video hit that subscribe

Button and don’t forget to turn on notifications so you can be notified whenever we post a video it really helped my channel and I really appreciate y’all being here while we were in puket we also got Custom Tailoring done and our seamstress was kind enough to do on-site visits Marcus

Had five suits made and I had a gown made plus four outfits made from 100% linen we got this done at Piccolo Moda Taylor and you can find them on Google Maps now back to the active program while there are several restaurants on site active program participants dine at

The wellness restaurant census for lunch and dinner each dish is relatively low in calories but explosive in flavor and this is intentional to help folks stay in a calorie deficit based on their individual goals so it is day three of having food poisoning in land and

Actually my hotel has F in the morning um so that’s what I’m eating along with these delicious little bananas um life is Bleak but uh you have makeup to cover it up and hopefully I’ll be better tomorrow and fully able to take advantage of the wellness activities

That they have here uh such as yoga Muay Thai and all of the other fun activities that I just can’t do right now We rang in the new year at amatara and there was a party and Buffet available for guests to purchase separately there was definitely no shortage of food and dessert and we definitely were not in the calorie deficit but it was nice to let loose there were cultural and musical performances throughout the

Evening and this helped us stay up well past our bedtime happy new year so we are coming to you from a rather deserted Resort actually um be sure to stay at your Resort after the first of the new year because then you have a whole infinity pool to

Yourself that day I was finally feeling better from my illness so we organized physical treat treatments to help combat our issues with chronic pain and Joint stiffness the prescribed physical treatments were a critical component of our Rehabilitation as it helped loosen our muscles joints and circulation also side note I have been

Suffering from a terrible bout of food poisoning literally on my deathbed when I arrived here so we kind of got off on a weird foot here not because of anything that avatara did but I actually got food poisoning on another Excursion prior to arrival here um unfortunately I

Didn’t get to experience a lot of the like intensive Fitness um classes while I was here mostly because I was dying um there’s actually a nurse on site too so if you need medical support you can access it here and you don’t have to leave the premises you don’t

Have to go to an international hospital they have a lot lot of really capable people on staff ready if you have an emergency um actually my husband had an emergency last night at 1:00 in the morning uh we were coming home from the New Year’s Eve event and he cut his foot

Open and there was like blood everywhere um I have some first aid training um especially traveling by myself so much the front desk person I guess was like a Moonlighting EMT person and was able to wrap up poor Marcus quite well and then give us extra supplies to hold on to uh

For the next day so I could do it myself so if you’re not dying of food poisoning or you’re not bleeding out I would also recommend the wellness activity calendar so this will include optional classes that are either complimentary based off of your package or an additional 500 bot

And you have everything from like an active hit class or a group yoga session to complimentary Wellness talks about lower back pain relief stretching the benefits of detoxing so there’s a little bit of something for everyone um plus there are group creative activities which include ceramic painting natural soy wax candle

Making glycerin soap class um so there’s a lot of different options for People based off of your interest level and your activity Level Thanks for watching if you like that video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel

Video “Wellness Retreat Thailand: Amatara Resort and Active Program Review” was uploaded on 01/24/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by Wander Onwards LLC on Gretopia