Revolutionizing Talent Management Through Skills Tagging: A TEDxDublin Salon by Jason Culloty – Video

Revolutionizing Talent Management Through Skills Tagging: A TEDxDublin Salon by Jason Culloty – Video

In the video “Skills tagging and how it can revolutionise talent management,” Jason Culloty explores the concept of skills tagging and its potential impact on talent management practices. Culloty discusses how traditional recruitment methods often rely heavily on resumes and job titles, which can be limiting in fully capturing an individual’s skill set.

Skills tagging, on the other hand, involves tagging specific skills and competencies to individuals, making it easier for organizations to identify and leverage their employees’ strengths. By implementing skills tagging, Culloty argues that organizations can better match employees to the right roles, improve collaboration and communication within teams, and ultimately enhance overall performance and productivity.

Culloty believes that skills tagging has the potential to revolutionize talent management practices by providing a more comprehensive and accurate view of employees’ capabilities. He encourages organizations to embrace this innovative approach to talent management in order to unlock the full potential of their workforce.

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10 Million open roles in the US and only 6 million unemployed workers, 375 Million people are estimated to need upskilling in the next 2 years, 60 million workers are looking for their next job right now. The OECD predicts that 1.1 Billion jobs will be transformed by Technology in the next 10 years alone.
77% percent of businesses globally are finding it difficult to find skilled talent.

Traditional methods won’t solve the current crisis. Jason Culloty has 20+ years management experience in both the public and private sector. He ran a successful management consultancy company for 2 years from 2016 – 2018. Throughout his career he has seen first hand how HR and L&D can play a critical role in driving business results. He saw a large gap in the market when it came to skills profiling, skills gap analysis and a severe lack of professional agility within the system that was being provided. Four years ago in Ireland we had 480,000 people on Pandemic unemployment payment and we didn’t have a system that showed people how their skills were transferable across different roles and industries. Since then he has created a solution called skillsvista that connects what an organisation needs with what employees want, and does the skills mapping for people, businesses and industries. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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Video “Skills tagging and how it can revolutionise talent management | Jason Culloty | TEDxDublin Salon” was uploaded on 10/14/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks