Rioter Pulls Faces Behind Fauci at House Hearing on Jan. 6 – Video

Rioter Pulls Faces Behind Fauci at House Hearing on Jan. 6 – Video

The video titled “Jan. 6 Rioter Makes Faces Behind Fauci During House Hearing” captures the shocking behavior of 30-year-old Brandon Fellows, who was recently released from federal prison after serving three years for his involvement in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. During a congressional hearing, Fellows made mocking gestures behind Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading infectious disease expert, before being ordered out of the hearing for shouting that Fauci should be in prison.

This disturbing display of disrespect and aggression highlights the ongoing tensions and divisions within American society. It is a stark reminder of the lasting impact of the January 6 riot and the deep-seated animosity towards public figures like Dr. Fauci. As we continue to navigate these turbulent times, it is crucial to condemn such behavior and strive for unity and respect in our public discourse.

Inside Edition’s Megan Alexander delves into the details of this shocking incident, shedding light on the troubling actions of Brandon Fellows and their implications for our society. Watch the video to learn more about this unsettling episode and the broader issues at play.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Jan. 6 Rioter Makes Faces Behind Fauci During House Hearing” was uploaded on 06/05/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition