“Jurassic Attack: Rise of the Dinosaurs” is a thrilling action movie that takes viewers on an adventure into unknown jungles filled with long-hidden dinosaurs. The story follows a group of soldiers who crash land while attempting to rescue a hostage from terrorists, only to discover that they are now surrounded by prehistoric creatures.
Featuring a cast that includes Gary Stretch, Corin Nemec, and Vernon Wells, the movie is directed by Anthony Fankhauser and written by Rafael Jordan. With a TV-MA rating, viewers can expect intense action, suspense, and excitement as the soldiers navigate their way through the dinosaur-infested jungle.
The film provides a perfect blend of action, fantasy, adventure, and thriller elements to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. “Jurassic Attack: Rise of the Dinosaurs” offers a unique and engaging storyline that will captivate audiences from start to finish.
For fans of science fiction and fantasy movies, this film is a must-watch. Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey into a world where dinosaurs reign supreme in “Jurassic Attack: Rise of the Dinosaurs.”
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Video “JURASSIC ATTACK: RISE OF THE DINOSAURS 🎬 Exclusive Full Action Movies Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 01/15/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
The color of dinosaurs is still a mystery, but some studies suggest they might have been quite colorful. How do you imagine their colors?
This is the worst film😢
Talk to anime saved your missels..
It is uh really thking that I'm .. See.. in uh person.. y uh dual your conduck.. the true. In that trully..
Dhinasors.. is uh anime .. y Are you trying too . Upher inquied higher than the middle in your mission…
That is uh missels than .. uh inquiring about the personality attitude..
Y Are you trying to see the true it's.. isn't
L'ultimo dinosauro che ho visto , l'ho visto 66 milioni di anni fa !
Why do these movies always have a heap of men and just one woman? Is that so the men will have something to look at lol. There is no way anyone could have survived that crash. The damn thing blew up and caught on fire. So unrealistic
That was a completly edit 5:53
blase' about dinos
it looked cool, buy why kill the last dino ? no longer a threat; just a predator, we thought was extinct; just vengeful
guess they all cant be great
Before you criticize this one. Watch raptor island.
The helicopter should've had flares
This is the worst Jurassic movie I have EVER seen. Little kids could watch this and sleep peacefully at night. Horrible.
A/T LOW , rocket launcher , firing inside from helicopter ( like Rambo ) , with guided missile ( sci fi weapon ) ? ? ? ( ! ! ! ) .
I wounder if they use Samsung or Apple phone to shoot this movie
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