River Seine Secured by France in Preparation for Summer Games • FRANCE 24 English

River Seine Secured by France in Preparation for Summer Games • FRANCE 24 English

In preparation for the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, France has taken measures to secure the River Seine by deploying three boats from the Paris police river brigade. These boats have been conducting drills to simulate various emergency scenarios that could potentially threaten the safety and security of the event.

The police’s primary responsibility is to monitor the River Seine, along with its surrounding banks, and to swiftly respond in the event of an emergency. This proactive approach to security demonstrates France’s commitment to ensuring the safety of athletes, spectators, and overall participants during the Summer Games.

With the Olympics set to kick off this Friday, the heightened security measures along the River Seine are crucial in safeguarding the prestigious event. By actively patrolling the river and conducting emergency response drills, the Paris police are fully prepared to handle any potential threats that may arise.

As the world eagerly anticipates the start of the 2024 Olympics, France’s dedication to security measures on the River Seine is a testament to their commitment to hosting a safe and successful event. The protection of athletes and attendees is a top priority, and these efforts ensure that the Summer Games will run smoothly and securely.

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Video “France secures River Seine ahead of Summer Games • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 07/23/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English