Throughout the world, some people have managed to have a special relationship with animals.
Monkeys, elephants, eagles, camels… They communicate with these men through gestures, looks or noises, to maintain a strong and unique relationship.
Full documentary.
00:00 The Father of the Camels
25:10 He Dances for His Cormorants
00:50:25 Chami and Ana the Elephant
01:14:51 The Monkey Player
01:40:10 The Tsaatan Ride the Reindeer
02:05:12 Llamero and the Boy with the White Llama
02:28:06 The Sky Gatherers
02:52:14 The Lord of the Eagles
03:17:19 The Mountain Sculptors
03:40:02 The Truffle Pig Breeder
04:03:02 The Pelican of Ramzan the Red
04:28:17 The Legend of the Otter Man
04:53:52 The prince of the Sloughis
Directors: Frédéric Fougea, Jack Malaterre , Jérôme-Cecil Auffret, Gauthier Flauder, Eric Brissaud, Yann Layma, Philippe Molins
Watch the video by Best Documentary
Video “The Lords of the Animals” was uploaded on 09/06/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
love from phil🇵🇭
저렇게 평화롭게 자연과 어울리는 착한 사람들이 살아가는 땅인데..
🇬🇧 🇺🇸 앵글로색슨을 필두로 한 나토 마피아들이 석유 강탈을 위해 지옥으로 만들었군요.
🇺🇸 과 🇪🇺 😈 나치들에게 천벌을!🙏🙏🙏
팔레스타인, 중동, 아프리카에 평화를!
Ana is not the name of elephant. Ana means Elephant. Elephants are usually named after Hindu Gods.
torturing such majestic animals.. what a bunch of garbage humans.
dirty mofos….the monkeys too
Histoire du slougui…!!!! Une conte de mille et une nuit….?!?!?!😢….carrément stupide…😂😂😂😂
Que les cornacs qui sont cruels avec leur éléphant, qu'ils soient aplatis par leur éléphant , voilà !!