Senator, who aligned with Biden on 96% of votes, refuses to appear with him following debate mishap.

Senator, who aligned with Biden on 96% of votes, refuses to appear with him following debate mishap.

Senator Tammy Baldwin, a staunch ally of President Biden, is distancing herself from the commander in chief following his lackluster performance in last week’s presidential debate. Despite voting with Biden 96% of the time, Baldwin has chosen not to appear with him during his campaign event in her hometown of Madison.

Baldwin’s decision to skip the event and instead focus on campaigning in the northern part of Wisconsin highlights her commitment to running her own race for the people of Wisconsin. This move comes as a surprise to many, considering her close alignment with Biden on most issues.

The debate debacle seems to have had a significant impact on Baldwin’s decision, as she chooses to prioritize her own campaign rather than be associated with Biden’s recent performance. This move reflects the complexity of political dynamics and the strategic decisions that politicians must make in order to navigate the ever-changing landscape of American politics.

As the election season continues to unfold, it will be interesting to see how other politicians navigate their relationships with President Biden and how their decisions impact the political landscape moving forward.

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Video “Senator who voted with Biden 96% of the time won’t appear with him after debate debacle” was uploaded on 07/03/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post