In this captivating and eye-opening documentary, traveler Drew Binsky takes viewers on a journey through Ukraine during a time of war. Spending 7 days in the country, Drew and his wife Deanna explore cities like Lviv, Kyiv, and Kharkiv, providing a firsthand look at the human impact of Russia’s ongoing conflict.
Throughout the documentary, Drew and his team make a conscious effort to connect with local people and share their stories. From the bustling streets of the cities to the tense atmosphere on the frontlines, viewers are exposed to the realities faced by Ukrainians during this challenging time.
In addition to shining a light on the struggles faced by the people of Ukraine, Drew also provides viewers with ways to support those in need. By highlighting trusted sources for donations, such as the funds launched by President Volodymyr Zelensky and organizations like Come Back Alive and SAVED Foundation, viewers are encouraged to make a difference in the lives of those affected by the war.
Drew’s dedication to showcasing the resilience and strength of the Ukrainian people is both inspiring and informative. Through his documentary, viewers are given a deeper understanding of the impact of the conflict, as well as the ways in which they can help support those in need.
Watch the video by Drew Binsky
Video “I Spent 7 Days in Ukraine in the Middle of a War” was uploaded on 01/25/2025. Watch all the latest Videos by Drew Binsky on Gretopia
prayers for ukraine
It would be nice to see Russia just across the border as well to show that side of it. .
Thank you for this. 💕
DREW'S BINSKY have safe trips all my prayers for you and everyone there courage
Stay safe
🇺🇦 💚🕊
Hi from Russia Drew, it’s cool that u liked Ukraine, hope u gon come to Moscow sum day 🇷🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸
Just spending one minute in the illegally occupied territories of Palestine is enough to traumatize a person for life
Shes soo beautiful 10:45
Your so amazing drew. Thank you for a inside look
"we dont have plan for year ahead bcs you dont know what will happen" ahh how sad these words
Thank you 🇨🇦❤️🇺🇦
I live in Lviv. Originally I'm from Donbas region. But 10 years ago Russia stole my home. Thank you, Drew, for this vlog!
Wow, incredible video man. I'm honestly lacking words to express my appreciation for this documentary and deep look inside how people have to live during this brutal war. I love your content in general, but this is by far the most outstanding video you ever created.
Thank you very much and keep on going like this 🙌🏽❤️
Fine job as always.. keep it up
Drew pls make one documentary on Palestine pls 🇵🇸
Been waiting for this doc drew 🔥
Its so sad seeing normal civilians in mental and physical pain over a war that did not start because of them. Ukrainians or Russians my respect to all civilians out there.
7:10 it was the local ukranians who killed the Jews, not Germans. Western ukranians are not good people, they have a very dark history
Kids are 10 years old dont KNOW UKRAINE without war THATS A CRAZY SAD SHOCKING STATEMENT poor Ukrainian kids
why are you trying to do make money from war …….. poor video you should give all of the money you make from this back to them or ill never watch anymore vids from you!
I love Ukrainian trains. We had same in Latvia in 1990s. Reminds me of childhood cross country rides. Every train room had TV playing old action movies with Stalone van Damme or Sharzenegger
Man I just want peace in the world. I hope this year 2025 will bring peace in Ukraine, Palestine and other war torn countries.
GOD SPEED UKRAINE slava ukraini
Einseitige Berichterstattung
Russia to win. Ukraine fuked up 😢😢😮😮xx
26:05 😂 just realized Drew actually looks like brother of Eminem.
Can you do Gaza next to find out about the cease-fire situation there?
Caramba 👏👏👏👏👏 que video meus amigos ! Assustador😮
Peace ☮ for everyone from Russia 🇷🇺
I don’t support Putin’s totalitarian regime, but I think Crimea can decide about their future.
Amazing documentary, Drew! SLAVA UKRAINI!!
Just watched this, so sad. Ukrainians are the strongest people I know. Definitely will visit once this horror show is over.
How do the Palestinians feel when they have been occupied for 80 years? Every day is a non-stop war. 15,000 children were killed and more than 100,000 children are without legs because to bombing in one year
I cried a lot watching this. “War has no winners. Humanity loses” 😭😭😭
Not a day goes by where I don’t think about my amazing trip to Ukraine and all of the incredible people I met. Their strength, resilience, and kindness left a lasting impression on me. This video shares a glimpse of their stories and the realities of life in Ukraine during this war. I encourage you to watch with an open heart and, if you can, find ways to support this beautiful country. I’ve linked a few trusted sources in the description above 🇺🇦💛💙