In a touching tribute to the late actress Shannen Doherty, Entertainment Tonight (ET) recently released a flashback video of her first sit-down interview from 1982. At just 11 years old, Doherty was already making a name for herself in Hollywood while filming the popular show ‘Little House on the Prairie,’ where she played the character Jenny Wilder.
The video showcases a young Doherty’s undeniable talent and charm as she discusses her experience on the beloved TV series. It is clear from the interview that even at a young age, Doherty had a bright future ahead of her in the entertainment industry.
Fast forward to present day, and Shannen Doherty is best known for her iconic roles on ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’ and ‘Charmed.’ Her talent and charisma continued to shine throughout her career, making her a beloved figure in the world of television.
Sadly, on Saturday, Doherty lost her battle with breast cancer at the age of 53. Her passing has left a void in the hearts of fans and colleagues alike, who remember her not only for her impressive acting abilities but also for her strength and resilience in facing her health challenges.
As we remember Shannen Doherty’s incredible legacy, this flashback video serves as a poignant reminder of her early days in Hollywood and the promising career that lay ahead. Though she may no longer be with us, her spirit lives on through her memorable performances and the impact she had on audiences around the world. Rest in peace, Shannen Doherty.
Watch the video by Entertainment Tonight
Video “Remembering Shannen Doherty: Watch Late Actress’ First ET Interview (Flashback)” was uploaded on 07/15/2024 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
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