Sheryl Crow Reveals Why She Doesn’t View ‘Evolution’ as an Album | Billboard News #Shorts – Video

Sheryl Crow Reveals Why She Doesn’t View ‘Evolution’ as an Album | Billboard News #Shorts – Video

Sheryl Crow Explains Why She Doesn’t Consider ‘Evolution’ An Album | Billboard News #Shorts

In a recent video on Billboard News #Shorts, Sheryl Crow opened up about her latest musical project, ‘Evolution,’ and why she doesn’t consider it an album in the traditional sense. For Crow, an album is typically a curated artistic statement with a beginning, middle, and end, where certain songs don’t make the cut. However, with the rise of playlists, Crow found her music intermingling with artists like Shakira and Brandy, blurring the lines between traditional album formats.

‘Evolution’ began as a collection of songs that Crow wrote while grappling with the concept of artificial intelligence and its impact on both artists and children in the future. After sending her demos to music producer Mike Elizondo, Crow decided to relinquish control and let him take the lead in producing the songs. The result was a series of musical “movies” that seamlessly flowed together, each song adding to the overall narrative.

For Crow, ‘Evolution’ is not just an album, but a reflection of the ever-changing landscape of music consumption and production. It’s a testament to her artistic growth and willingness to embrace new technologies and collaborative opportunities in her music.

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Video “Sheryl Crow Explains Why She Doesn’t Consider ‘Evolution’ An Album | Billboard News #Shorts” was uploaded on 04/13/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard