SHOKED: 16 Worst Hollywood Monsters Exposed!
Lives of Hollywood stars are not only glamorous on the silver screen but also contain countless dramatic private stories. It’s hard to believe, but some male actors, with just the reputation of a singer, have recorded love “achievements” of up to 5,000 women. Behind the stage’s aura, legends like Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, and Woody Allen all possessed private lives full of passions, temptations, and hidden corners. Let’s explore the secrets of 16 stars who have turned the field of love into an unforgettable “love history.”
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Video “SHOKED: 16 Worst Hollywood Monsters Exposed!” was uploaded on 02/10/2025 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest
Mr Bill! wots "" biological children"'… like, maybe theres robot// artificial children??
Allen is a slimy CREEP who should be in jail
Theres a good chance Monroe was murdered: story goes she was flapping her mouff about stuff she should not have (( UFO s, as crayzee as that sounds); && shortly after..she was dead
DiscoveryQuest I don't know where you get your info, but Peter O'Toole was gay, and he only slept with men. At the time, the Studios did everything to hide his sexuality and would often portray him as a womanizer, having him appear with numerous beautiful women, however, within the Hollywood elite he was known as being homosexual, just like James Dean, Montgomery Clift and Rock Hudson.
Here is the thing with these big celebrities, you can't 100% call these people bad, however, you can't 100% call these people good. All because, there's a lot of pros and cons, that you have to consider. Also, is there a lot of big pictures, that we're not seeing, or don't want to see.
Hollywood has always had a glamorous image. I once read about Clark Gable’s scandals, but some of these other names really surprised me!
give me, witch actor, was not long and a serious man
CHARLIE is a nut.