Shocking Discovery Made After Police Pull Over

Shocking Discovery Made After Police Pull Over

In the latest episode of Missing Files, viewers were taken on a wild ride through various law enforcement encounters, starting with a routine traffic stop in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. On January 24th, 2022, officers pulled over a car driven by 20-year-old Mariah Davis, suspected of shoplifting a Lego set from a local Walmart. What they discovered in the back seat shocked everyone – a bomb that Mariah claimed her boyfriend, 19-year-old Zane Bennett, had made. The bomb squad was called in to assess the situation, and Zane admitted to building the device, resulting in charges for both Mariah and Zane.

The second case featured a high-speed chase in New Mexico on February 9th, 2023. A vehicle speeding over 125 mph caught the attention of a patrol officer, leading to a dramatic chase and crash. The suspects fled the scene, but one was caught by a bystander. When apprehended, the suspects were found in possession of over 230,000 pills, leading to charges for the individuals involved.

Moving on to Columbus, Ohio, the story turned to a man leaving a known drug house under police surveillance. During a car stop, the driver, J.D. McBride, was found to have a felony record and was uncooperative with law enforcement. The situation escalated when K9s were called in, prompting a violent response from J.D. McBride, resulting in felony drug possession charges.

In Chamblee, Georgia, officers conducted a stop on two vehicles making an illegal turn at a red light. The driver of a Dodge Charger claimed he had just purchased the Tahoe they were traveling in from a dealership. However, a search of the vehicles revealed multiple identification and bank cards, as well as a pistol. The driver was charged with financial crimes and possession of a firearm.

Finally, in La Crosse County, Wisconsin, a routine traffic stop revealed over 2,000 grams of marijuana in the possession of Christopher Baldwin. He was also found to have a significant amount of cash and drug paraphernalia, leading to charges of drug possession with intent to deliver and possession of cocaine and methamphetamine.

Each case in Missing Files showcased the challenges faced by law enforcement in dealing with individuals engaged in criminal behavior. From bomb-making to drug trafficking, the show highlighted the dedication and risks taken by officers in their pursuit of justice. Viewers were left on the edge of their seats, wondering what shocking discoveries might come next in future episodes of the captivating series.

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Video “Police Pull Over And Make A Shocking Discovery” was uploaded on 06/11/2024 to Youtube Channel Missing Files