“Song Without End” is a captivating film that tells the story of renowned pianist Franz Liszt, beautifully portrayed by Dirk Bogarde, who finds himself torn between his music career and a spiritual calling. Trapped in an unhappy marriage to Countess Marie D’Agoult, played by Genevieve Page, Liszt’s life takes a dramatic turn when he meets Princess Carolyne, portrayed by Capucine, the enigmatic wife of Russian Prince Nicholas, played by Ivan Desny.
Captivated by Carolyne, Liszt embarks on a passionate journey across Europe, leaving his wife behind in hopes of building a future with the princess. However, their love faces a formidable obstacle when Prince Nicholas refuses to let Carolyne go. The film explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of one’s true passion.
The performances in “Song Without End” are truly mesmerizing, with Bogarde, Page, Capucine, and Desny delivering nuanced and compelling portrayals of their characters. The direction by (Director), and writing by (Writer) expertly bring this captivating story to life on the screen.
“Song Without End” is a must-watch for any cinephile looking for a poignant and beautifully executed tale of love and music. Do not miss the opportunity to see this captivating film unfold before your eyes.
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Video “Song Without End | FREE MOVIE (Genevieve Page, Dirk Bogarde)” was uploaded on 12/15/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
I love the movie ….the music was great. Thank you for the share
A far, far better movie than the movie on Richard Wagner, I am sorry but I found Richard Wagner too carnal, love, which is heartfelt and a beautiful emotion was shown in a very licentious way, while in song without end love was expressed emotionally and restrained, Richard Wagner was shown too shameless.
TOTAL !!!.
Magnificent. , the music.
Can you play a musical instrument?
It is an time where i imagiene the liszts surcle Just my surrunding is not suitable.The actors costumes find l lovely and regiseur excellent.thamks
Magnífica película. Aborda una e"poca memorable del gran Lizt.
Beautiful , beautiful film! Thanks!
Magnifico per l,interpretazione,musica e costumi grazie ❤❤
Capucine, she is gorgeous in "The Seventh Dawn" (1963). Unfortunately she became a famous and reclusive cat lady at the end of her life.
Dirk Bogard could play beautiful villains
Dirk very versatile actor
Doctors nazis composers
Criminals victims and military men!
A pleasant film but everyone is miscast.
A great musical score, but then Franz Liszt was a great composer. Thank you.
The conflict between Liszt and Nicholas I is complete fake. It was made by the jounalist when Liszt was quite old. There was not any recording about the confilct during the period Liszt visited Russia. On the contrary, Liszt visited Russia for three times. He was popular and respected among Russian court circle until his affair with Princess Caroline, who was Russian aristocract then.
A great composer and a wonderful film!
Russians have always been Orthodox!!! It's wrong to change the truth so as to adapt it to western models.
Also, they present Russians as barbarians. Russia has a great history and civilisation in culture, art, music, literature.
Russians were are eastern orthodox not catholic.
Franzie doesn't look like himself. L. iszt was tall, thin and BLONDE, long straight blonde hair w/ blue eyes. This three off everything we know about him.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 The researchers didn't do their "research" …😛🙄🙄🙄🙄😖😖😖😖😡
In colour