“Sour Party” is a comedic film that follows the journey of Gwen and James, two struggling individuals in their 30s who are determined to scrape together enough money to buy a proper gift for Gwen’s sister’s baby shower. The duo embarks on a mission to hustle funds from a motley crew of failed artists and lowlifes, leading to a series of hilarious misadventures.
Starring Corey Feldman, this film promises to be a wild ride filled with quirky characters and unexpected twists. As Gwen and James navigate their way through the seedy underbelly of the city, they must confront their own shortcomings and insecurities while striving to make it to the baby shower in one piece.
Directed by an up-and-coming talent and written with wit and charm, “Sour Party” is sure to entertain audiences with its blend of humor and heart. Join Gwen and James on their madcap journey as they discover the true meaning of friendship and generosity in the most unlikely of places.
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Video “SOUR PARTY Official Trailer (2025) Corey Feldman” was uploaded on 01/29/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Corey FELDMAN? In a MOVIE? Just when you thought the world couldn't possibly get any dumber, here it is!
Oh, it's one of Liberal white women movie 🤢🤮
Those leftist buzzwords ain't buzzin no more.
This trailer is so unbelievably bad I can't finish it. It is hard to imagine how must worse the movie will be and I can't fathom why anyone would watch it…..
1:13 looks like dorthye dell
Did they just show a preview of preview, before the preview?
That voiceover sounds like a parody. So cringe.
Rob is… A 🥕
The cast and the guys at rotten tomatoes will be the only ones watch this pile of helping s-it💩
The rest of the comments are way too negative. I wouldn't pay specifically to watch it, but I'd put it on if it showed up in the Tubi recommendations some night my wife goes to bed early. Apparently, exploiting that sweet spot between ennui and exhaustion is a viable economic strategy, so good for the Drextons for staying off the pole.
Even the guy narrating is like:" FK this piece of ####"
I can feel it in his voice….the cringe & disgust 👈 that's the title of this movie by the way.