In the heartwarming new film “Standing Up,” audiences are introduced to Max, a stand-up comedian who is navigating the complexities of life, love, and family. Played by the legendary Robert De Niro, Max must balance his relationship with his quirky father and the co-parenting responsibilities he shares with his ex-wife for their spirited, autistic son Ezra.
As tough choices about Ezra’s future loom on the horizon, Max and his son embark on a cross-country adventure that is filled with laughter, surprises, and touching moments. Along the way, they not only bond with each other but also discover more about themselves, showcasing the messy yet beautiful nature of family.
Director [Director Name] leads an all-star cast that includes the talented Vera Farmiga, who brings depth and emotion to her role as Max’s ex-wife. With a script that is both funny and heartwarming, “Standing Up” is a film that reminds viewers that family, despite its ups and downs, is always worth fighting for.
With its mix of love, humor, and heart, “Standing Up” promises to be a must-watch movie that will leave audiences laughing, crying, and ultimately feeling uplifted. Don’t miss out on this touching tale of family and self-discovery when it hits theaters in [Release Year].
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Video “STANDING UP Official Trailer (2025) Robert De Niro, Vera Farmiga Movie HD” was uploaded on 12/16/2024 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Good Lord, this looks horrible.
I am just so glad that Robert de Niro is still making movies. This is the last of real acting. I'm going to miss this time.
Woke de niro. No thanks pass
Not diverse enough. Pass.
wtf is this garbage
I'll never pay to see Deniro do anything.
They renamed Ezra? 😂😂😂
Not watching with Robert in it!
I could NOT watch anything with DiNiro ever again. He is a shameless shill for socialism
State of it
This big doofus hasn’t moved to Canada yet?
i already now how this movie is going to end.. Deniro is going to put on a dress and twerk for diddy while jimmy kimmel is in the corner crying
Everything wrong with cinema today in one movie ….Amazon your consistently producing woke nonsense for no one to consume
What exactly is this supposed to be about?
로버트 드니로. 보니. 좋아요 😊👍😁
Wow a bunch of woke leftist in one movie what a surprise
Remember: When actors are past their peak, you can get De Niro to star on your shitty comedy
De Niro still hasn't emigrated?
De Niro was cool … 20 years ago
How about another joke, Murray?
"Because he's perfectly"… social justice makes people say so many dumb things.
Trump!! 😊
Too bad DeNiro's in it, I might have watched it.
It was called Ezra earlier
No way De Niro ruined his reputation when disrupting Trumps trail this summer He’s cooked
Good Lord Almighty DeNiro, Whoopie and Kimmel? Was being a Trump hater a prerequisite to star in this? This smells like San Francisco on a hot summer day.
DeNero is Great in Everything! Let’s hope this follows suit….
Is being an earth disturber a prerequisite to not watch this movie? Is being unhappy & miserable a reason to make everyone else unhappy & miserable? Is just wanting to live your life in peace & tranquility; & yeah maybe I don’t agree with what that person is doing over there or what’s happening over here, but I’m happy I still have a choice, woke?? Is wanting to bully & berate ppl who did nothing to you but try to live…I didn’t ask to be on this world, I had NO CHOICE over the color of my skin, & due to my ancestors being forced to this country against their will, I’m here. So I deserve the vitriol (watch some evil entity say yes) the quantity of demonic demons with human skin on walking among us is staggering. Evil, pure unfiltered evil & hate.