Starry Serenade: Observing the Night Sky in Morocco

Starry Serenade: Observing the Night Sky in Morocco

The breathtaking night skies above Oukaimeden, a remote village in the mountains of Morocco, provide a mesmerizing backdrop for stargazing enthusiasts. In a new video titled Serenade of the Skies: Stargazing in Morocco, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the celestial wonders that grace the heavens above this enchanting location.

The video follows Rania Abdelmoutalib, a dedicated PhD student and member of Stargazers of Marrakesh, as she volunteers at the Oukaimeden Observatory. Here, she uses giant telescopes to track the stars that adorn the ancient mountains, each one carrying its own unique story and history. Rania’s passion for studying and celebrating the heavens is infectious, as she shares her knowledge with villagers who visit the observatory, drawing parallels between earthly events and the cosmic wonders above.

Joining Rania in this exploration of the night skies is Adnane Baraka, a Moroccan independent filmmaker and musician based in Marrakesh. His feature documentary – Fragments from Heaven – has garnered critical acclaim and awards at various international film festivals, offering a poetic and mesmerizing look at the beauty and mysteries of the universe.

Through the lens of Serenade of the Skies: Stargazing in Morocco, viewers are transported to a world where the stars shine brightly, illuminating the vast expanse of the night sky and inspiring awe and wonder in all who gaze upon them. This captivating video captures the magic of stargazing in Morocco, inviting viewers to join Rania and Adnane on a journey through the cosmos, as they uncover the secrets and beauty of the celestial world above.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “Serenade of the Skies: Stargazing in Morocco” was uploaded on 07/10/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English