Streets Of Ghost Town is a classic western film that follows the story of Steve, Smiley, and the Sheriff as they venture into a desolate ghost town in search of missing gold. As they explore the abandoned town, Steve recounts the tale of Bill Donner, a man who betrayed his partners in order to keep the gold for himself. Despite now being blind and imprisoned, Donner refuses to reveal the location of the treasure, keeping its secrets close to his chest.
The film features a talented cast including Charles Starrett as Steve, Smiley Burnette as Smiley, and Stanley Andrews as the Sheriff. Directed by an unnamed Director and written by an unnamed Writer, Streets Of Ghost Town is a thrilling adventure filled with mystery, suspense, and a touch of redemption.
With its atmospheric setting, compelling storyline, and memorable characters, Streets Of Ghost Town is a must-watch for fans of classic western films. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and enjoy this free movie that will transport you to a world where ghosts of the past still haunt the present.
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Video “Streets Of Ghost Town | FREE MOVIE (Smiley Burnette, Charles Starret)” was uploaded on 12/26/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
The Durango Kid has always been my favorite cowboy starring Charles Starrett.
Thanks for the effort 👌 ❤good movie 🎬
Love these old movies.