Survival at All Costs: The Deadliest Journeys of East Timor – Video

Survival at All Costs: The Deadliest Journeys of East Timor – Video

It is very difficult to locate East Timor on a world map. Stuck between Bali and Australia, this small island is trying to break its isolation but the resources are almost non-existent. Only agriculture and fishing allow the inhabitants to earn a few dollars a month. Timor is struggling to recover from the terrible war that brought the country to its knees after the Indonesian invasion between 1976 and 1999. A terrible toll, between 100,000 and 200,000 dead. Today, the island is still cut in two with an Indonesian part and the other, independent Timor Leste since 2002. In the most remote villages, the inhabitants live cut off from everything. Only solution, a rocky track often flooded during the rainy season and where the slightest error can be fatal. But survival is at this price and the peasants embark on a long odyssey to sell some vegetables on the market of the capital Dili. After 10 hours of travel, the reward is not always there and there are many disappointments.

Director: Guillaume Lhotellier

Watch the video by Best Documentary

Video “East Timor, Survival at All Costs | Deadliest Journeys” was uploaded on 08/02/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary