Taiwan High Speed Rail Full Journey: From Taipei to Kaohsiung – Video

Taiwan High Speed Rail Full Journey: From Taipei to Kaohsiung – Video

Join me on a full trip through Taiwan on the High Speed Rail, starting from Taipei and heading all the way down to Kaohsiung. In this video, I guide you on how to navigate from Taipei Main Station to Zuoying Station, including tips on using ticket vending machines and reserving your seat. Discover how tourists can get a 3 Day Unlimited High Speed Rail Pass for just 2200NT (around $70 USD as of February 2024). Follow along on my journey recorded on February 5, 2024, and don’t forget to support me through various channels listed in the description. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Watch the video by ActionKid

About ActionKid

Video creator focused on point-of-view experiences and inspiring positivity around the world.

Video “Full Trip Taiwan High Speed Rail | Taipei to Kaohsiung” was uploaded on 02/11/2024 to Youtube Channel ActionKid